July 20th-August 3rd, 2012held at *Santa Barbara Mission Renewal Center

Monastery of The Risen Christ P.O. Box 3931San Luis Obispo, CA93403-3931

805-546-8286 or 805-544-7808 or Dr. Marie at

As a result of the charismatic renewal in the Church, there has been an increasing need to provide proper spiritual direction for those many whose lives have been touched by the Spirit. It has become apparent that, if people are to grow and mature in the Spirit, they will need proper spiritual direction from those who understand and are sensitive to the workings of God's Spirit. It was in response to this need that Abbot David decided to establish a CharismaticSchool for Spiritual Directors. This School began in the Pecos Benedictine Monastery in Pecos, New Mexico and has been expanded to the Monastery of the Risen Christ in San Luis Obispo, California.

The School is a year long program that includes 2-two week sessions of prayer, reflection in conjunction with teachings that attempt to integrate Christianity and Depth Psychology. These two-week sessions are held at the Santa Barbara Mission Renewal Center in Santa Barbara, CA. The 2010program will begin on Friday July 20th- August 3rd, 2012with registration at 3:00 p.m. on July 20th. Dinner begins promptly at 6:00 p.m. We will pray evening prayers, Vespers together at 7:00 p.m. followed by our opening session. We will have a welcome social with snacks following our introductions to set-up meeting times between director/directees.We complete our two weeks on Friday August 5th, by 1:30 p.m.It takes ½ hour to get to the Santa Barbara airport from the Mission Renewal Center.Please make travel arrangements accordingly

Between the yearly sessions, participants are to submit two book reports prior to their arrival andto give a brief review of their process upon the opening session of their second year. Throughout the year, participants are asked to continue in on-going spiritual direction, journal keeping prayer and reflection. Each participant will receive a certificate upon their completing the School program and requirements. Acceptance for the first year 2-week session implies acceptance for the second year 2-week session and participants are expected to complete the full year- long program. Full participation in these days together is expected.

During their stay at the Santa BarbaraMissionRenewalCenter, participants share in the Benedictine Community Life with The Monastery of the Risen Christ Community Members and Oblates through the Eucharist and Morning Praise, shared meals, vespers and evening prayers, reconciliation service, prayer ministry, small sharing groups and times of recreation. Teachings are given at least three times each day, five times a week. Teachings include the basic principles of spiritual life, prayer, lectio divina, scripture study, discernment, healing, dreams, depth psychology, journaling, poetry, healing the family tree Eucharist, creative movement, holistic living, the Enneagram, and the MBTI to name a just a few. Full participation is expected throughout the first two-week sessions and the second years’ two week program.

The teachings are given by Abbot David Geraets, 0.S.B., Doctor of Missiology, founder of the Pecos Community and School for Spiritual Directors and current superior of the Monastery of the Risen Christ,

Fr. Ray Roh, O.S.B.,MA Ed., MA ReL. Ed., Marie DiSciullo-Naples, O.S.B. Oblate, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology & MA in Religious Studies & BA in Theology, and the School Coordinator.Fr. Daniel Manger, Novice Master at the New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur, Fr. Steve Coffey, MA in Spirituality & TheologyTeresa Dominquez, OSB Obl and MRC School Graduate, with other guest lectures and Oblate support staff. The opportunity to walk and pray the Labyrinth at Trinity Episcopal in Santa Barbarawill be provided. Each school participant is assigned a spiritual director from community or staff and meets with the spiritual director twice each week. The suggested donation is $2060.00 (Private) and $1870.00 (Shared). This includes room, board, tuition, spiritual direction sessions (4), handouts and other course materials. The school is open to all persons who are able to attend two-week sessions consecutively and receives appropriate recommendations.To request an application write the address above or call leavingyour address information for application to be sent immediately. For other specific questions regarding the school write Dr. Marie at .or call her at 207-364-7288. We look forward to hearing from you soon!