Monash Special Developmental School prides itself in establishing a safe environment for all students. Our school community recognises the importance of, and a responsibility for ensuring our school is safe, supportive and an enriching environment which respects and fosters dignity and self-esteem of all children and young people regardless of gender, ethnic, socio-economic background, ability, age or geographical location.
The School embraces diversity, providing a supportive environment free from discrimination and harassment. It provides equal access to an inclusive curriculum and resources.
The school considers that a positive approach to behaviour is desirable in order to foster a school climate in which personal responsibility and self-discipline are developed, to enhance each student’s learning potential. This will be achieved through the use of success orientated; age appropriate activities that encourage each student’s ability to monitor his/her own behaviour plus further emphasize the acquisition of increased educational skills. This supports the notion that the school curriculum can manage the student rather that the student managing the curriculum. The Positive Behaviour Support Program is an integral part of developing positive student conduct. (Refer to Positive Behaviour Support Policy)
In order to provide a safe and secure environment, the staff is committed to the following strategies:
- Give constant positive reinforcement
- Encourage positive peer relationships
- Improve self-concept
- Enhance and encourage teacher/parent/carer partnerships.
- Be pro-active to avoid behavioural problem (PBS Policy)
- Promote student communication skills.
Breaches of school rules may incur some action. Actions may include developing positive behaviour support strategies, safety plan or functional behaviour assessment. The staff is committed to working closely with parents and carers to achieve positive outcomes and consistent management strategies, thereby enhancing the student’s learning and quality of life.
Student, staff and visitors have the right to feel safe and secure.
Rights and Responsibilities of Students:
Students have the right to:
- A friendly, safe and purposeful environment.
- Work and play without interference or gender discrimination.
- Be treated respectfully.
- Be given ongoing opportunities to maximize their potential.
Each child has the responsibility within their capabilities to:
- Care for him/herself, other students, his/her teaching and paramedical staff plus the school.
- Treat others and their property with respect.
Your responsibility:
Is to behave with care and tolerance of others to ensure that:
- the School is free of the following undesirablebehaviours:
- Bullying in all forms, including deliberate and / or ongoing alienation, and refusal to
work with a particular person because of their background, gender or sexual
- Discriminatory behaviour based on gender, religion, race, socio-economic status,
class, age, cultural background or sexual orientation.
- All forms of aggressive behaviour whether verbal or physical.
- Verbal abuse including derogatory or offensive language, comments or jokes that unfairly label or stereotype characteristics of a particular group, imitating the accent or
pronunciation of another person and name calling.
- Physical violence including fighting, purposefully brushing up against another's body
and unwelcomed pinching, patting, touching and embracing.
- Sex-based harassment in all forms including: sexually provocative remarks;
offensive staring and leering; suggestive questions or comments about another's
sexual morality, physical appearance or sexual orientation; repeated requests to go
out with somebody and prior refusal; or requests for sexual favours.
- Displays of sexually graphic material, wearing clothing, which is offensive or graffiti,
which denigrates an individual or group.
- Behaviour that endangers others.
- The School has developed a Drug Education Policy.
In accordance with this and for reasons of personal health students are not to use, carry,
accept, or provide others with cigarettes, alcohol, or other drugs of addiction. This prohibition
applies to the Campus, all off-campus school organised activities, between students’ homes
and the School, and in the vicinity of the School.
Students have a right to feel their property will be safe at all times.
- Students have a responsibility to respect all property belonging to the school,
other individuals and to school neighbours.
- Students have a responsibility to the School Community to report any theft,
damage, defacement of the property of the school or others to their Sub-
Community law and expectation are reflected in school rules.
The following are prohibited:
- Theft;
- Damage, defacing or tampering with school property, or the property of others;
- Damage, defacing or tampering with the property and rights of school neighbours.
- Mobile phones must be switched off during class times, assemblies, performances
and/or any other official school meetings.
- Use of the camera function, whether video or still photography, is not permitted to be
used at any time at school, nor in the immediate vicinity of the campus, either coming to
or departing from school.
- Should there be breaches of the policy, the phone will be held at the Sub-School and
parents notified.
- Students have a right to an uninterrupted learning environment.
- Students must attend punctually all timetabled classes.
- It is expected that school students arrive at school by 8.45 /9.00am.
- All computer hardware is to be used for school work only.
- Students must not disclose passwords to other students.
- Students are not to tamper with the systems set-up or to add or remove software.
- No food or drinks are to be consumed or brought into the computer area.
- Non-educational games should not be used on school computers
- There should be no defacing or damage to the computer hardware or associated furniture.
- The Internet is to be used for school work only. Students must be able to demonstrate that
the use is a valid component of research and class work.
- They must be polite when communicating with other people. This will include not
swearing, using vulgarities or inappropriate language.
- Students must respect the individual’s right relating to privacy and confidentiality. They
must not give other people any information about themselves other than their name, e-mail
address and their school. Similarly they should not provide any information about any
other member of the school community.
- Students are not to deliberately access, display, download or send unacceptable or illegal
material (racist, sexist, violent, anti-social, obscene or pornographic).
- Students are not to access chat sites or download games or music files.
- If a student chances upon unacceptable material, they must inform the teacher
- Passwords are to be strictly confidential.
- Copyright laws apply to certain Web Sites - students must abide by copyright rules.
Corporal Punishment is prohibited in all Victorian Schools. Corporal punishment must NOT be used at this school under any circumstances.
When considering suspension or expulsion, schools are required to follow the procedures listed in the DET guidelines “Student Engagement and Inclusion Guidance”.
Date Implemented / 2016Author / Marisa Marasco & Sally Hunter
Approved By / School Council
Approval Authority (Signature & Date) / Nov 2016
Date Reviewed / Nov 2015
Responsible for Review / Assistant Principal
Review Date / 2017