Mon.D.O. Monferrato (Demand and Supply)
Casale Monferrato, June 2015
Mon.D.O. (Monferrato Domanda Offerta) - Consortium of promotion turistic
Via XX Settembre 7 Casale Monferrato (AL)
"Notes of hospitality" for every need
The Monferrato and the nearby plain of the Po are growing. There are many new facilities open, the accommodation facilities for example, (B&B, farm ..) are increased from 445% to 473%, an increase of opportunities evenly distributed throughout the country.
If, however, on a provincial basis the economic analysis of the two data brings at the decrease , so it is not for Casale and surroundings (province +7.20% in the number of arrivals and + 5.20% in the number of departures).
The view of the offer is extremely wide for cost and quality and proposals are diversified.
More and more are: bed and breakfast, luxury hotels, hostels (from 28,607 % to 35,969%) of which it’s reported:+ 23.20% of Italians, 34% of Europeans and + 4.39% from outside Europe.
Although the rates vary. The advice is always to set the price at time of booking.
The words "Member of Mon.D.O." highlights the structures working together in the Consortium.
"Monferrato, a great food and wine" Il Monferrato, a great wine vocation, offers a wide and important quality of wines, Barbera, Grignolino, Freisa, Malvasia, the white Chardonnay, etc., while the kitchen offers Monferrato typical dishes, agnolotti, fried fish and boiled with trio of Bagnet and, as far as the plain, sliced, marinated fish, rice and beans, frogs, snails. In season, mushrooms and truffles. Among the desserts, krumiri, bunet, panna cotta, tarts.
“Monferrato, tradition and innovation” The vitality of an area is also measured by the opportunities for meetings, leisure and aggregation that know how to achieve this and in this sense our Monferrato offers extraordinary vivacity. It is a very rich schedule of events, which can be viewed on the site By car, on foot or by bicycle, on horseback or with the easy river rafting, the Casale Monferrato area and the plain of the Po await you with the warmest welcome.
Azienda vitivinicola Crealto, strada Crealto 6 cell. 345 5686278, 4 rooms, seats 11. Cascinale completely renovated with swimming pool, large variety of vini.40 / 70 single room 50/90 double room.
Tenuta Castello di Razzano, Frazione Casarello, stradaSan Carlo 2, tel. 0141 922124, 0141 922426, fax 0141 922503, mob. 335 8373770 . Made wines. Rooms: 8 suites, 1 bedrooms, sleeps 22, swimming pool .60 / 100 single room. 100/250 double room.
Casale Osvalda, strada delle Are 1, tel. 335 5723623,; 4 bedrooms, sleeps 8. Open all year with the possibility of activities sportive.65 single room, 90 double room.
I Mandorli, frazione Cardona, via Troglio 1, tel. 0141 922521, fax 0141 922521, . 3 rooms with beds 6. We are open from April to October. Ancient house colonica.75 double room. .
I sapori del Monferrato, frazione Sanico, via Crivelli 15, tel. / Fax 0141 922574, . 2 rooms with 5 beds. Opening period from 1 May to 31 October. roomsfurnished with antiques 30 single room, 50 double room.
Cascina Vicentini, frazione Sanico, Via San Pietro 23, tel. 0141 922110, mob. 335 6880594, 3 beds 6 rooms, renovated farmhouse with large garden and orchard (typical sale).50 single room 60 double room.
La casa degli artisti, frazione Cardona, via Asti 8, tel. 0141 922455, Rooms 4 beds 8, house completely rino.52 / 55 single room 60/66 double room.
Da Nonna Carla, frazione Sanico, via Vittorio Emanuele 11, tel. 320 3895675, . Rooms 6 beds 12. Farmhouse and cellar for wine tasting. 50 single single 60 double room.
Casa Rovelli, frazione Sanico, Via San Pietro 15, tel. 0141 922287, mob. 335 8259534, . 2 bedrooms sleeps 4. Attached outbuilding with piscina.100 single room 120 double room.
Doc, Via Cavour 4, tel. 0142 926179. Seats: 40. Closed on Wednesdays. Local still retains the charm of old piole Piedmont. Monday and Tuesday by appointment only.
Casa Mortarino, strada Vittorio Emanuele 6/8, cell. 347 7899741, 327 2462950, . Number of rooms: 6. Ideal for long walks, jogging and mountain tour bike. 25 / 30 single room , 50/60 double room.
Margherita, strada Torino 4, tel. \ Fax 0142 60431, . Rooms: 1 apartment, three. Open from 15 March to 15 July and from 15 August to 30 November. Located in the Park of the Po. 20 single room 40 double room.
La corte delle rose, vicolo della Chiesetta n.12, mob. 338 1767481; . 3 bedrooms, sleeps 5. Ability to pet - terapy. Dinners and tastings of typical products of Monferrato.30 single room , 60 double room.
La corte di Valentino, vicolodella Chiesetta 12, mob. 339 3111394. 3 Rooms, 6 beds, giardino. 25 / 30 single room, 50/60 double room.
Ristorante le Braci strada Carlo Noè n. 34, tel. 0142 60587, cell. 333 8122567, Open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday or by appointment. Specialities: homemade past and meat.
Cà d'la Tonilla, strada Mezzalunan.12, mob. 348 9101305, . Magnificent location with indoor pool and gym, bicycles available for hire, large parco. 40 single room, 80 double room.
Da Mafalda, stradaPo 24, tel. 0384 77053. From June to October based menu of "sweet" red onion of Breme Deco, open only at lunchtime, in the evening by reservation only.
The vecchiaLocanda, piazza G. Marconi 12, mob. 349 4111605, from June to October menu with the "sweet" red onion of Breme Deco Bremese and pizza made with onion. Open for lunch and from Friday to Sunday. Also in the evening.
Ca 'Magna, strada Sub Orti, 19, mob. 335 1762357, Guests have two rooms with panoramic views furnished with care and respect of the family tradition. 40/45 single room, 65/70 double room.
La Rocca di Camagna, strada Matteotti 27, tel. / Fax. 0142 925138 Covered 80 internal + 70 external. Closed Mondays. Specialities of food and wine. Tours to infernot.
Ca 'San Sebastiano, CastleS. Pietro, strada Ombra 12, tel. 0142 945900, . Swimming pool and spa. Maximum 40 seats, based on local cuisine. Even bedrooms, sleeps 15.50 / 80 single room 60/120 double room .
Agriturismo Gatti,Camino, strada Mombello 2Bis, tel. 0142 469179. Only catering, covered 40. Variety of products grown and sold at the company.
Le birbantelle, Castel S. Pietro, strada Ombra 1, tel. 0142 469015, A bed and breakfast, sleeps 6, 3 bedrooms. 75/90 double room .
Casa Novecento, fraction Castel San Pietro, stradaCasalino 41, tel. 0142 469310, fax 0142 469310, . 3 rooms for 6 beds. Surrounded by nature Monferrato. 40/45 single room 60/70 double room .
Villa Maria, Camino, strada Castello 2, tel. 0142 46962, . Three rooms with bathroom, air-conditioning .65 / 105 single room 80/120 double room.
Canonica dei Templari, Piazzano, strada Montesion 63, tel. 329 5695355, . Sleeps 6, 3 bedrooms. Rooms equipped with all comfort.100 double - 50 single use.
Tenuta Marchesi Scarampi, Ancient guesthouse of Camino Castle Via Castello 26, mob. 342 5993886, fax 0161 1701033, . Closing period: from 1/11 to 31/3. And possible to spend a pleasant and relaxing, excellent choice of wines. 80/90 single room 120/160 double room.
Ristorante Del Peso, piazza Marconi, tel. 0142 469122, info @ Covered 200. Closing Monday. Piedmontese cuisine. It has a smaller room and a lounge.
Trattoria del Centro, Castel San Pietro, strada Del Centro 13, tel. 0142 469113. Seats 100. Closed from Monday to Wednesday. Local cuisine, specialties: fried mixed.
Ristorante Billy Bau , Rocca delle Donne, strada Rocca 75, tel. 0142 46 9014info, Covered130.ClosingTuesday. Monferratotypical dishesandcombinationsuniqueandeye-catching
RestaurantMonti, Isolengo, street Monti15, tel. 0142 469439, .
Hotel Candiani, strada Candiani d'Olivola 36 (****), tel. 0142 418729, . Its Art Nouveau style is especally noticeable in the decorations of the central part of the mansion.80 / 85 single 110/120 double.
Hotel Principe, Via Cavour 55 (***), tel. 0142 452019, . A hotel of a centuries-old tradition in the heart of the city. 40/65 single room 55/90 double room.
Hotel Business, Strada Valenza 4 / g (***), tel. 0142 456400, . It located a few meters from the exit of Casale Monferrato Sud. 55/115 single 40/150 double room.
Hotel Leon D'Oro, strada Roma 62 (**), tel. 0142 76361, . In central location, also it features a large rooftop terrace. 30/40 single room 50/60 double room.
Villa Mery Guest House, Corso Indipendenza 65, mob. 320 4877845, Rooms: 3. Ancient structure of '600 restored, located in the city center.45 single room,65 double room.
Il Cortiletto, Via Salandri 3 cell. 349 5642470, . Located in the city center, it offers comfortable junior suites with all the amenities.50 single room, 75 double room.
Le Ninfee , Frazione S. Germano, road Alessandria 233, tel. / Fax. 0142 50748, mob. 335 7875228/339 8466803, . Rooms: 3 Languages spoken: Italian, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. 35 single, room, 50/70 double room.
Il Portico, Strada Valenza 2, tel. 0142 449919, . Specialties: fish, but also local cuisine. Studios and apartments with all amenities. 50/100 studio flat , 60/100 apartment on the day
Eco Residence, strada San Giovannino 20, mob. 366 3607675, . Respect for the environment and low power consumption, possibility of rent from one day up to three months. From 50 to 100 per day.
Cascina Trapella, Frazione Roncaglia, road San Martino 40, mob. 331 1113439, . Rooms: 4, seats: 7. Typical and sale of organic products according to stagione.25 / 35 single room, 50/65 double room.
Azienda Agricola Bottazza, StradaPozzo S. Evasio 7, tel. 0142 449404, . Cooking.50/250. Free rooms flat.
Azienda Agricola dal Barbalando, frazioneTorcello, region Regina 135, tel. 0142 408241, . Appointment with the pleasures and traditions cuisine of Monferrato.
Società Agricola Faletta, Region Mandoletta 81, Fraz. San Germano, tel. 0142 670068, . 6 rooms with bath furnished with antique furniture, a studio and an apartment. Kitchen tradizionale.50 / 105 single room 60/120 double room.
Alen Bar Restaurant, Corso Indipendenza 57 / b, tel. 0142 456370. specialty: fish.
Cantine di Giano, strada Piccaroli 7, tel. 0142 590388. Details combinations with ethnic dishes, specialty meat.
Cicinbarlichin, Via Mameli 34, tel. 0142 590669. Located in the historic city center. Cuisine, local refined but cozy.
Fuori Porta, strada Vialarda 54-Region Torcello, tel.0142 408129. Excellent local cuisine with a modern twist and original. A wide selection of wines.
Hostaria Il Galletto, strada XX Settembre 117, tel. 0142 435159, mob. 389 9241127, . Local historic house that is close to the atmosphere of the old taverns.
Il Portico, Strada Valenza 2, tel. 0142 449919, e fresh every day, Piedmont meat, seasonal fruits and vegetables of the highest quality. Even residence.
La baia del Re, strada Vecchia Vercelli 21, tel. 0142 230768. cuisine. Specialties: meat.
La Brasserie, Via Guala 4, tel. 0142 75957, fax 0142 417070, . Located in the center, the restaurant offers a wide variety of meat from around the world.
La cucina come una volta, stradaAlessandria 6 / b, tel. 0142 454185, mob. 334 6793185, . Simple cuisine and homemade specialties, grilled meats.
Le terre del Grignolino, strada Massaia 53, tel. 0142 418841. Local informally with local cuisine.
Locanda Rossignoli 1913, strada Lanza 10, tel. 0142 455253, . Typical restaurant located in the city center, Monferrato cuisine with a modern twist.
Nuova osteria di Vialarda, stradaTorcello Vialarda St. 54, tel. 0142 928223. cuisine, also excellent fish.
Osteria Amarotto, strada Cavour 53 / a, tel. 0142 781281, Fax. 0142 422471, . Typical Piedmontese and, in particular, of the Monferrato. Extensive wine list.
Restaurant La Torre, strada Candiani d'Olivola 36, tel. 0142 70295, two rooms, all elegantly furnished. The large covered.
Oscar's restaurant, CorsoValentino 169 / b, tel. 0142 73857. Local cuisine.
Restaurant Sciapa Pum, frazione Roncaglia, Str. S. Martino 97 / b, tel. 0142 403195. Family run, local cuisine. Specialties: fried fish and agnolotti.
Taverna Paradiso, piazzaSanto Stefano 7 cell. 338 3072975. Located in the city center, the restaurant offers traditional cuisine enlivened by events and theme nights.
Tazzine e Ramine, strada Roma 89, tel. 0142 76715. Specialities: fish. Excellent aperitifs.
Azienda Agricola Agrituristica Giorgio Cantamessa and Moncucchetto Cascina, Cascina Moncucchetto 50, tel. 0141 929139, fax 0141 929139, . Monferrato typical cuisine. Farmhouse with large panoramic windows over the hills.
Azienda Agricola BilettaDario e Agriturismo Bispeder, Cascina Moncucchetto 48, tel./Fax 0141 929238, , Kitchen typical of the Monferrato, covered 60/70, open only by appointment.
La sergiunga del Monferrato,Location Prato Casale 37, . Rooms: a double and an apartment. Local charme.100 / 110 double.
Castello del Gufo, Regione Montei 55, tel. 0141 925157, fax 0141 925243, . They have two double rooms equipped with all comfort.100/150 per person.
La Rugiada, Via XX Settembre 27 / A, cell. 347 9108452, roberto. . 2 bedrooms, sleeps 6/7. Vacation home perfect for families, close to the city and suitable for tastings of local specialties. 80/160 double room.
Residence Ca 'Sangiors, stradaB.V. delle Grazie 8, tel. 0141 929325, . Placed at the top of Casorzo, the property features 4 well-appointed apartments. 50/120 double room.
Al Bator, strada Giuseppe Mazzini 96, tel. 0141 929109, . Closed on Mondays, covered: 90 max, regional cuisine, the presence of sommeliers, outdoor area.
La Gemma, via Godio 11, tel. 0141 918329, fax 178 6010489;, . Rooms 1 to 3 beds. Close from 15 December to 15 March. In an old manor house, surrounded by beautiful nature. 30 single 50 double.Club La Collina di Gioia, Via Godio, 6 tel. 342.0664685, . 3 bedrooms, sleeps 4. cuisine and music evenings. 60 single room, 70 double room.
Cascina Sole Verde, strada Case Sparse in Guazzolo, tel. 0141 922170, mob. 347 4884883, . Traditional Piedmontese cuisine, rooms for overnight stays, horse farm. 50/70 double.
Cascina Favorita, strada Case Sparse 7, tel. 0141 922207 cell. 335 1281346, . 4 bedrooms, 12 beds. Possibility of sports activities for the bambini.50 single room 70 double room..
Giardino dei chirubini, strada valle 16, mob. 339 1434117, . A bedroom, 3 beds. Located in a small valley incontaminata.30 single room, 50 double room.
Azienda Agricola La Ca 'Nova, viale Cipriano Cei 18 / b, cell. 333 9544699, . Local wines and tasting possible.
Ca 'Varocara, Regione Varocara 3, tel. 0142 488449, 0142 488416 cell. 338 5601134, Wines. Covered 30/40; the kitchen uses products locali. half board 25/35.
Villa Perona, Perona strada 1, tel. 0142, 488280, . They organize tourist itineraries, food and wine in the fall looking for tartufi. 45 / 75 single room , 65/95 double room.
Dalla Nonna, strada Dante 66 Barbano cell. 333 9752774, 333 9776892, . 3 bedrooms, 6 beds. Comfortable rooms can offer relaxation. 30 double room.
Benvenuti Altrove, strada Giangiacomo France 7, tel. 0142 489957, mob. 347 9259708,, sfera quiet and relax. 30 single room , 60 double room.
Bar Restaurant il Carpino, Viale Cipriano Cei, Sardinia Region, tel. 0142 488828, . Close Monday.
Società semplice Monrabbioso, Monrabbioso 5, tel. 0141 916170, . Renovated apartments in style "poor art". 70/100 to accommodation per night.
Monferrato Resort, Cascina Palau 25, tel. 0142 940127, Fax. 0142 940482, Seats 200, room 10. Equipped with all the exclusive comforts, is the ideal location for ceremonies and events. 80 single 100 double.
Monvillone, street Station 32, tel. 0142 940251, fax 0142 940928, web: email: . Rooms covered 60. 3 room. Closed Monday. The house is surrounded by a large orchard of 180 trees and a large vegetable garden. 65/80 single room, 80/110 double room.
Adagio Con Brio, strada San Tommaso 12, mob. 333 3781353, . Rooms: 1 suite, 1 double with garden. Welcome and hospitality in the heart of the hills.70 / 120 single, 120/160 double room.
Dal Castello,strada Cistilliano 43, tel. and fax 0142 940182, Covered 400. Closing: Tuesday. The kitchen offers handmade agnolotti, Piedmontese mixed fry, veal with tuna sauce, mushroom risotto.
Azienda Agricola Iuli, strada Central 27, cell.3382566139, fax 0142 943894, farm @ Manufacturer of wine, overnight accommodation and first breakfast. Double 80
Casa Giordano, strada Colombaio 9 tel. 333 9776214, 328 3919874, . 2 rooms, 4/5 places, run famigliare.Doppia use single 35, 60 double room
Italia, Valle, strada Nazionale 78, tel. 0142 94113, Covered 150. Closed: Wednesday; Sunday open by appointment. Dishes: appetizers Monferrato, agnolotti, fritto misto. Monferrato wines.
Tenuta San Rocco, strada Lanza 45, tel. 0142 341117, mob. 339 1944795, . 3 rooms for 6 beds. Always open by appointment. It produces Barbera and Freisa.50 / 70 single room 70/100 double room.
Asther, strada Mezzavilla 52, tel. 366 5355250,, . Rooms 3. Possibility of activity at the property, temporary art exhibitions and design. 35 single room ,50 double room.
Le Terre Rosse, the S. Maurizio, piazza Banda Lenti 8, tel. 0142 925285, fax 0142 925285; . Covered80. Closing: Wednesday. Family’s restaurant, cozy and with a small garden.
Uva Blu Vineria, strada Odo 1, tel. 0142 925395; . Covered 70. From Monday to Sunday evening opening. Local restaurant in an old house in the historic center.
Vineria del Pozzo,strada Odo 2, tel. 0142 925656. Seats 50. Closed Monday.
Ristorante La cantina in collina, via Marconi 9, tel. 0131 771111. Places 60. On the low hills of Monferrato, in a panoramic position. Piedmont cuisine.
Ristorante Vineria Porrati, strada Alessandria 6, tel. 0131 771954, mob. 338 4970849, . Feature: ideal location for ceremonies. The rooms are large and comfortable: The Inn of the Elves, , 6 bedrooms with 3 and / or 4 places letto.40 single room, 60 double room.
Locanda dell’Orso, corso27 M. Montano (*), tel. / Fax 0161 840218. Seats 100. 7 Rooms, 14 beds. Closed Mondays. The cuisine is Piedmontese raw meat, veal with tuna sauce, agnolotti. 50 double room.
B&B Barbaricu, corso Dante 4, tel. 0161 1744126, cell. 340 8335324, . rooms 3. In peaceful and quiet place, furnished rooms . 29 single 49 double.
La Bucunà, strada Giovan Battista Viotti 26, tel. 0161 840328, fax 0161 840380. Closed on Monday night and Tuesday. The traditional cuisine of Piedmont and the Aosta Valley.
Castle Frassinello, strada Garibaldi 1, tel.331 6538771, cell. 338 3081389, Rooms 4. Particularly suitable for ceremonies and events, spacious, stylish rooms. 55 single room 79 double room.
I tre Gatti, strada Carlo Alberto 1, tel. 0142 928351, . 3. The rooms are rooms with television, air conditioning. Frescoed room, roof terrace, infernot. 25/30 single room, 40/60 double room.
Didi’s Restaurant, Cascina Serra 27, tel. 340 1162988. Local ciusine
Locanda Ca 'Novelli, Via Balbo 14 tel. 0142 482363; . 3. Rooms The rooms offer all the amenities.40 single room, 60 double room.
Restaurant The Poplars, Piazza Vittorio Veneto 3, tel. 0142 482102, Covered 80. Closed: Tuesday evening. Piedmontese cuisine.
Tinkerbell, Piazza Vittorio Veneto 36, tel. 0142 482947. Closed on Monday evening.
Agriturismo Cascine Nani, Località Region 3, cell. 338 9574227. Rooms 9 (3 apartment 6 studio). Grown fruit trees. 100/200 studio 200/300 apartment a week.