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Brian Killgore – 510-657-2350 x12594

Families Reminded of Policy Revision Concerning Reassignment of Students Following Extended Absences

(Fremont, CA, August 10th, 2015) – Families with students attending the Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) are reminded of a revision to the District’s policy regarding reassignment of students following an unexcused absence on the first day of school.

The revised policy states students must be in class the first day of school (August 26, 2015) or risk losing their space at their assigned school. If the student is not in class the first day of school, the student may be transferred to another site on the second day of school if classrooms at the original school are full. This change will not apply to students who are ill if the child’s parent/guardian informs the school. Previous Board Policy allowed for three days of absences before students risked losing space at their assigned school.

The revision in policy will allow FUSD to respond to issues of overcrowding more efficiently and minimize cases of students being forced to switch schools during the first week of the school year. The change will also assist school staff in avoiding unnecessary time and phone calls tracking down students and families who may no longer be living in the District.

Notice to parents about the revision and procedures relating to reassignment of students will be

sent in writing to parents at the beginning of the school year. Parents/Guardians of new

students to FUSD will receive a copy of the notice at the time of enrollment. Notice of the policy will also be included in school newsletters at the beginning and end of every school year. Contact FUSD Student Support Services at 510-657-2350 for more information.

About FUSD: The Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) is made up of 42 schools serving over 34,000 students in grades K-12. With 15 National Merit Scholars and eight California ‘Distinguished Schools’ in 2014, FUSD’s mission is to provide equitable opportunities to Educate, Challenge and Inspire students of all ages, talents and ability levels, while striving to prepare each with the skills required to adapt and succeed in an ever-changing world. FUSD is located in the City of Fremont, California, a thriving international community. Residents come from countries across the globe to call Fremont home. FUSD takes pride in its diversity, its community, and in its schools. Visit the District’s website at www.fremont.k12.ca.us, Facebook, or Twitter pages for more information.


Fremont Unified School District




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Fremont Unified School District