Mon 6th Feria (31st week in Ordinary Time)
We pray for Members of the Deanery Synod
Tue 7th St Willibrord (Bishop)
We pray for our Bible Study Group
08.30Morning Prayer
09.00Governor Activity Day
(St Mary’s School)
14.00Funeral Bernard Ryan RIP
(Bentley Crematorium, Brentwood)
19.00Bell ringing practise
20.00Bible Study Group (at The Vicarage)
Wed 8th Feria
We pray for our School Governors
08.30Morning Prayer
Thur 9th Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
We pray for Christian Unity
10.00Drop in for Coffeeuntil 12pm
12.15 Mass
19.30Deanery Synod (St Giles, Langford)
Fri 10th St Leo the Great (Pope & Doctor)
We pray for Theologians and Preachers
Sat 11th St Martin of Tours
We pray for Stephen, our Bishop
10.00Church Cleaning
Sun 12th 3rdSunday before Advent
We pray for our Parish
09.00Morning Prayer
10.00Service of Remembrance
(Baptist Church)
10.50Act of Remembrance
(at the War Memorial)
17.00Sung Mass
Readings for Sunday 12thNovember:
First Reading: Amos 5:18-24
Psalm: Psalm 70
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Gospel: Matthew 25:1-13
Details for the following week’s pew sheet to be sent to FatherMark by Thursday
Welcome to our Celebration Today
TheWalsingham room is available as a crèche room for young people who need a break during the service. TheSidespersons have bags of toys foryounger visitors to use during the service. Atthe end of Mass please stay and join us for coffee and refreshments. Thegreen books have the Order of Service in them, while the hymns are found in the bigger green book. The numbers are as follows:
Music at the Sung Mass NEH
Entrance For all the saints197
OffertoryAlleluya, sing to Jesus271
Comm.How sweet the name of Jesus sounds 374
Process. Who are these, like stars appearing231
Mass Setting A
Coffee Morning
The next set of invitations needs to be distributed tothose who live inQueens Road, Ramblers Way, Regents Court and Remembrance Avenue. Please take the appropriate bundle if you can help with the distribution.
Great Burnham Bonfire!
Thank you to all those who helped and supported the Bonfire last night!
Bible Study
Meets again onTuesday, as we continue to study the Wisdom of Ben Sirach.
Church Cleaning
The next scheduled cleaning session takes place on Saturday at 10am.
Remembrance Sunday
Takes place next Sunday, the Service of Remembrance will begin at the Burnham Baptist Church at 10am andconclude at the town’s War Memorial. As a result, our Sung Mass next week will be at 5pm and will include an act of remembrance and the placing of poppy wreaths before the War Memorials in Church.
Christmas Bazaar
Takes place in the Church on Saturday 25th November. As in previous years, we will be looking to have a number of stalls to help us with our fundraising.Ifyouare available to help, please add your name to the list at the back of Church. Donations of items for the gift stall, toy stall, cake stall etc., would be appreciated. Nonperishable items can be dropped off as soon as possible.
Women’s World Day of Prayer 2018
The morning Service should be held in St Mary’s Church on 2nd March next year. Ideally, we need to appoint a representative to join the Steering Group toliaise over the arrangements. If you are interested, please speak to Fr Mark.
Parish Contacts
Vicar: Fr Mark North SSC 01621 782071
Churchwarden: Beth Greaves 01621 786296
Tony Young 01621 929309
Parish Website: