Minutes of PTFA

Mon 31st March 2014 7.30pm at White Hart, Yetminster

Present: Maryann P, Rachel J, Carol A, Jade L, Vanessa S, Hannah W, Julia J, Emma F, Kirsty & Ali S

Apologies: There were none.

previous minutes were agreed and signed by Maryann.

Fun Run – Maryann said that Sharon M requires more marshall's for adults & children's races. Gazebos also required for stalls. Swimming pool heating is going to be turned soon. Sharon M is going to get a working bee organised for after Easter to get the pool cleaned etc. Maryann to speak to Hamish (hamish pork) to see if he would sponsor meat.

Bingo - 4th April. Posters have been put up, a flyer has been sent out in book bags asking for bingo prizes, easter eggs and draw donations. Tea & coffee with an Easter biscuit will be sold at half time.Fish and chip van will be in school car park from 5pm.

Leigh Food Fair- 19th July – Maryann said she has been approached by Elizabeth Turnball asking if we would like to do face painting etc.

Quiz – The evening went well and was well attended. Maryann thanked Ali S for doing the food & Anna & Jess for being the Quiz masters.

Ball - Maryann said so far 88 tickets have been sold so far, everything has been sponsored apart from the heating and toilets. Hannah to speak to Bookers to see what food they will sponsor. Starters and main course sorted. Puddings – Lin Potters friend has donated a cake, Puddings & Pies supplying 1 pudding. Kirsty to ask Pete's Buns if he would donate something. Maryann to ask Oxfords if they would donate cheese biscuits.

Waiters – Look at local groups to see if they would help, Vanessa to look into finding some waitress for the evening. Hannah said they have to be over 14 yrs.

Maryann said no one is using the Stockbridge Barn on the Fri 25th. So we can set up then toilets, gas & heaters are being delivered Friday evening. Vanessa said that Partylights are sponsoring the tealights. Tablecloths, table runners and decorations we have. Tables will seat 8/10 people. Cutlery will be borrowed from Hermitage & Hilfield YFC which is stored at Leigh Village Hall. Will need platters for starters & puddings.

Western Gazette wanted £300 for ¼ of a page. Carol said she has seen it in the BMV. Jade said she will ask Judy Nash to come and do a write up about the ball.

Maryann said we have had no reply from Harry Redknapp, RFU or jockey club.

Shelley's Cakes have given a £60 voucher,

Sharon M has donated 2 boat rides (morning & afternoon.)

Ali S, Emma F & Sharon M have offered their services for an evening, they will what ever is required sous chef, chef, wine waiters anything they want they will go to their house and cook.

Jade will give an evenings babysitting in the Yetminster area.

Carol A – donated a load of logs.

Suggestions of people to ask were:

Malcolm W re free MOT

Martin Newman re free service

Boyles Cafe approach re lunch / meal.

Georgies hairdressers

Rural Foods – Rach to ask Simon Speight

Kess Fletcher – Three Wishes

New inn – Cerne Abbas

Vanessa to ask Eric re a wine tasting evening.

Justgym – free gym session.

It was decided that we would have 5 big prizes to auction off and the smaller prizes as a silent auction. Ali S to sort this out. It was decided there wouldn't be time for another meeting before the ball so Rach / Maryann will send out an email to PTFA saying where we are and what help needed.

Treasurer's Report – Julia said the Ball has so far raised £3000 we need to pay £185 for the toilets & £170 for the heaters. Maryann said John Burton signs is making a banner this will have all who have sponsored the event on.

Anita Neal is leaving after 25 years and it was felt we should get her something it was decided on £60 Castle Gardens voucher & flowers. Ali S to sort out.

Outside area – Maryann said we had a quote for £8,500k. It was felt this was too much. She said the Scouts have been in and done some of the area . It was felt they should have a donation from the PTFA for doing this especially as it hasn't cost as much as we thought Hannah asked how much we thought we should donate to Scouts and it was decided that £500. Maryann said the outside tables will be ordered on Weds and paid for by PTFA.

It was suggested that as the outside area hasn't cost as much perhaps we could raise funds to revamp KS1 & KS2 areas.

Ali S to speak to Mr Miller asking if he had a blank cheque what would he like done. Maryann said that she has had an email from Mrs Lane enclosing a survey of what the children wanted. She will look at this. It was suggested we could do a questionnaire to all staff and they answer annoyomusly to ask what they would like / want.

Hot school meals that the government is bringing in for all KS1 children is not all funded so the PTFA may have to fund between £1,000 - £2,000.

Year 6 - £500 will be given by the PTFA to them each year to do / spend as they see fit. Instead of giving out dictionaries what about scientific calculators, Vanessa said they can get these from Gryphon. It was decided that as Bella has enough dictionaries for this Year 6 they will be given out as already paid for and extras will go into classrooms and then there will be no more dictionaries or pictures will be given out.

Maryann said Mrs Lane has booked a drama teacher – do to with explores topic for £200 and she would like PTFA to pay for it. Julia has asked if they could please give notice / ask before booking it.

Any Other Business – It was suggested that we move meetings to mornings & evenings as after school doesn't work.

Summer Fair – Hannah said no sub committee has been set up as it wasn't felt necessary as Yetminster Fair Assoc are fully backing the event. It is going to be on Sat 7th June at School there will pit stop challenge, 50 club, Scouts & Guides, historic society. Anna M is sorting out the 'Its A Knockout'. Next meeting for this is 28th April 8pm at school. Hannah said it is pretty much sorting itself out.

Date of next meeting – Thurs 1st May, 9am in the staff room.

Rachel Jones

PTFA Secretary