MOMS Physical Education Expectations

1) RESPECT!!!! Please respect your classmates, your teachers, the

equipment, and the facilities. When a teacher or a classmate is talking, you should give them your full attention.

2) BE ON TIME!!!! You must be in the locker room prior to the bell. You must be seated on your squad spot five minutes after the bell has rung. If you are not on your spot when your teacher is taking attendance, you will be considered late. Penalties for violations include:

1st offense : warning

2nd offense : Disciplinary write-up

3) WHISTLE = SIT & BE QUIET!!!! When you hear a whistle,

immediately sit where you are, be quiet, and look for a PE teacher for

further instruction.


having appropriate attire. You should bring a positive attitude to class as

well. Participate to the best of your ability. The more willing you are to

learn and try new things, the greater the experience will be. You will get

from this class what you put into it. Strive to be an active participant

throughout the school year.

Appropriate attire includes the following:

 Loose fitting tee shirt, loose fitting athletics shorts (no shorter than mid-thigh), and sweat pants.

 Sneakers with the laces tied securely so that your foot does not move while running. No high heeled sneakers, sandals, work boots, & shoes with rubber soles.

 No jeans, khaki shorts, cargo shorts, spandex or compression shorts, or oversized clothing. Clothes that do not fit your body properly could pose a safety risk. Your shorts & pants must stay up on your waist.

 No tank or spaghetti straps tops. Using a rubber band to make your shirt shorter is also unacceptable.

  • You must change for class every day. The clothes that you wear during PE must be different than the clothes you wear to school. We will be going outside if the temperate is above 40 degrees, so please dress accordingly.

 No gum, watches, loose chains or necklaces, rings, bracelets, & loose earrings.

 MOMS student athletes are not allowed to wear uniforms during PE class. A student athlete that is not prepared for activity is not allowed to practice or participate in competition that day. Coaches will be notified.

DO NOT BRING VALUABLE ITEMS TO THE LOCKER ROOM such as wallets, expensive jewelry, IPODs, cell phones, and watches! Keep these items in your school lockers. The teachers are not responsible for the security of these items. It is highly recommended to bring a lock to secure your clothes and books.




This is expected both in the locker room and during class. Respect the belongings of others. Inappropriate behavior (throwing locks or clothes, running in the locker room, using inappropriate language) will not be tolerated.


As soon as you are dressed for class, you should go to your assigned roll

spot in the gym. Do not wait for your friends in the locker room. When you enter the gym, go immediately to your roll spot. Do not start playing with the equipment in the gym. You may talk to your classmates sitting near you until a teacher blows the whistle.


The locker room will be supervised for the first and last five minutes of class. During class, the locker room doors will be locked. We do highly recommend that you lock your clothes as well to ensure the security of your belongings. All students must take all of their clothes and lock after the class period. There are not enough lockers for students to leave their clothes in a locker overnight. You must bring your clothes to and from class every day.


The use of aerosol deodorant and/or cologne sprays (ie., TAG, AXE) is prohibited. It is encouraged for students to bring roll-on or stick antiperspirant deodorant. Those in violation of this rule will receive a warning. Subsequent violations will result in the product being confiscated. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Grading Criteria

  • 40% Participation
  • 20% Preparation
  • 20% Cooperation/Behavior
  • 20% Assessments (Physical/Written)

All students start with full credit, and lose points accordingly. Points MAY NOT be made up at the end of the marking period. Please plan ahead!

Let’s all have a great and rewarding year!