Molly Maher – SpanishClass Rules and Expectations
Welcome to Spanish class! Bienvenidos a la clase de español!
BEHAVIORAL and ACADEMIC expectations are aligned with the CLAY WAY and the student handbook.
- Respect the opinions, feelings, personal possessions and physical space of the other students, and of any adult who might be in the class. This includes playing with or taking anything that does not belong to you. Keep your hands to yourself!
- For safety reasons, students are to enter the room and go to their seats. Running and horsing around before, during or after class are not appropriate activities and may be subject to disciplinary action. Keep your hands and your feet to yourselfwith feet under the desk, not in the aisles.
- No food, gum, candy, drinks or other items are allowed during class or in the room without permission. Only cough drops (or other items for health reasons) are allowed. You need to ask/tell me ahead of time!
- Arrive to class on time with the necessary materials. (see #6)
- Clean up your immediate area before you leave the room each day and push in your chair. Check to make certain thatyou have all your belongings and that no papers, tissues, etc. have been dropped during class.
- You should have:
A pen or pencil (ONLY #2 pencil or black or dark blue ink pen – no red, green, brights, etc.)
Lined paper (No “fringe” torn from spiral notebooks will be accepted!!)
The Clay Connections planner for recording assignments and receiving hall passes.
A 2-pocket folder just for Spanish class to keep handouts, returned homework and quizzes.
Your textbook when needed and your assignments when due.
All materials must be stored on top of or under the student’s desk….nothing in the aisles.
Continued breaking of rules will lead to disciplinary actions.
Grades are based on assessments (tests & quizzes) and homework assignments.Homework will consist mostly of vocabulary and grammar assignments,and will be assigned so that students may practice and learn the material/concepts before a quiz is given. Homework assignments are usually worth 10to 20points and are posted on the website and in the room after being explained verbally. Late assignments will be accepted for less credit. In 7th grade, homework counts for 20% of the student’s grade 1st semester and 15% 2nd semester.
I prefer to assess students more often over smaller amounts of material. For that reason I administer more “quizzes” than “tests.” Those quizzes are usually worth 10to 30 points. Students should regularly review and practice their Spanish, not just for the test / quiz grade, but to learn and remember the material. Tests and quizzes make up 80% of the student’s grade 1st semester and 85 % 2nd semester.
“No Zero” Policy (new this academic year)
We will be adhering to Clay’s “No Zero” policy which states that “all students are expected to 1) do their best work and 2) complete (and turn in) all assignments.” Students who do not turn in assignments may be required to stay after school to complete the work. A pattern of incomplete or missing work will result in scheduling a parent/teacher conference with the student present.
Any work that is turned in for a grade must be legible and written in dark blue or black ink or #2 pencil. Work that is turned in in any other manner might not be graded, but rather returned to the student to redo.
Progressive Discipline
Students who do not follow the CLAY WAY and/or classroom rules will be subject to progressive discipline.
- Warning
- Personal one-on-one counseling with the student
- Phone call home
- Lunch and/or After School Detention (may be served in Front Office)
- Referral to the Office
Hall Passes
Students are allowed 3 hall passes per quarter / 9 weeks and will be recorded in the student’s Clay Connections planner. No Clay Connections – no leaving the room (unless an emergency)!
Students are expected to be on time for class unless they are entering with a pass. The first tardy will result in a verbal warning, the second tardy will mean a detention (during lunch or after school), and the third will result in a referral to the office.
If students choose (for 10 extra points to start the semester), they may contribute 1 box of tissues, 1 white board marker (any color) to be used for class activities, or one ream of lined paper.The “profesora” would appreciate it “mucho.”
I anticipate a year filled with tons of fun activities, LOTS of Spanish and tremendous success of my students. Please don’t hesitate to contact me by e-mail or to speak with me directly if there are any questions or concerns about your student.
Molly A. Mahere-mail:
Spanish Teacher – Room 701Phone: 571-4450 Voice Mail ext. 6771
Retake Policy (revised this academic year) Students who do not achieve at least 70% on any assessment (other than the end-of-the-quarter exam) may do a retake. We will be following the new Re-take Policy for Clay which states that the students will prepare a plan for learning the material (sample form will be posted on my web site), get it signed by a parent/guardian and return it to me. Re-takes can be taken in the After-School Study Hall on Wednesday or at another time when special arrangements are made with the teacher.