League Details
The Wessex Cross Country League is an inter-club league supported by Team Dorset whose aim is to provide competition between its member clubs and to promote Cross Country running in general.
The League will consist of four fixtures held between September and December each winter season. League membership is open to all clubs who are affiliated to UK Athletics, plus individuals registered for competition purposes with UK Athletics. UK Athletics Rules of Competition will apply, except as indicated.
The League is open to all First and Second Claim members of the member clubs. All Second Claim runners must be declared as such prior to their first appearance in the league in each season.
Participation in the League is conditional on the acceptance of these rules and guidelines.
League Dates
The League will normally consist of four fixtures held between September and December each winter season. For the 2013 season these will be on the following dates:
Date Venue
Sunday 29 September Poole - Canford Heath Middle School, Canford Heath
Sunday 27 October Hudsons Field, Salisbury
Sunday 24 November Ham Hill, Yeovil
Sunday 15 December Canford School, Canford Magna,
Host Clubs
The League relies on the good will and cooperation of a number of host clubs. Host clubs will be responsible for the organizing and running of their allocated fixture. All fixtures must be covered by an SEAA cross country race permit, application forms for which are available from the offices of the SEAA. The host clubs are responsible for obtaining the race permit, carrying out appropriate risk assessments, course layout and management, and the provision of finishing line officials, and paperwork together with any appropriate first aid cover that has been identified. Copies of the Race Permit must be lodged with the League Organizer prior to the day of the event, though they should be delivered in good time to be included with the race information included on the League website. Advice on these matters may be sought from the League Organizer.
The league will be pay for the reasonable hire costs incurred by the host clubs, the provision and costs of the First Aid provision will also be paid for by the League.
Courses / Health and Safety
Cross Country involves running over mixed terrain. The Wessex League traditionally includes all types of course, including flat, undulating and hilly; grass, sandy trails, stony paths and mud; open ground and wooded trails. While there are potential risks involved with any course, host clubs should aim to mitigate these as far as is reasonably possible. All competitors should be briefed immediately prior to the start about specific hazards that may be present on the course.
While all competitors should familiarize themselves with the course and its potential hazards, the results of the Risk Assessment performed by the host club should be made available for inspection. If a competitor has concerns about the course they should be directed to the League Referee, Host Club, or League Organizer. If the concern cannot be mitigated, or if the competitor is then still unhappy they should, in line with UKA recommendations, be advised not to contest their race.
Race Distances
The League will hold races for 9 age-groups at each fixture. Race distances should conform to the following guidelines:
Category League Distance UKA Maximum
U11 1500 - 2000
U13G 2500 – 3000 3500
U13B 2500 – 3000 3500
U15G 3000 – 3500 5000
U15B 3000 – 3500 5000
U17W 4000 – 5000 6500
U17M 4000 – 5000 6500
SW 5000 – 7000 none
SM 8000 – 10000 none
Athletes should be encouraged to compete in their correct age group. However, athletes may compete one age group up, provided that the race distances do not contravene the rules on maximum race distances contained in the current UKA Competition Rulebook (reproduced above). The recommended League race distances are set with this in mind.
Race Timetable
For the 2013/2014 season each meeting will commence with the races for Senior athletes. Where courses and athlete numbers permit, age-categories may be combined to increase competition. It is envisaged that the most appropriate combinations may be SM+SW+U17M+U17W, U15B+U15G, U13B+U13G. The suggested order and approximate race timetable of races is as follows.
12:00 SM, including U20M, M40, M45, M50, M60
SW, including U20W, W40, W45, W50
U17M + U17W
12:50 U11G + U11B
13:00 U13G + U13B
13:15 U15G + U15B
Host clubs may suggest an alternate timetable, provided that the updated timetable is available prior to the preceding fixture so that all clubs can be informed in good time. In particular the timetable for the final fixture of the season is likely to be re-ordered to expedite an earlier awards presentation.
Age Groups
Age groups are as per the UKA Competition Rulebook (Rule 507), i.e. ages as per 31st August / 1st September prior to the start of the season for all age-groups up to under 20, with the addition of an Under 11 category. Athletes in school year six may opt to compete either as an U11 or as an U13.
For the purposes of the league, masters ages will be taken as per calendar year, i.e. an athlete who turns 45 on December 31st will be counted as an M45 for the season, while one whose birthday falls on January 1st will remain as an M40 for the duration of the season. Clubs are requested to ensure that Team Declaration Sheets reflect this definition.
Teams etc.
In line with many local leagues, the Wessex Cross Country League allows participation from both First Claim and under certain circumstances some Second Claim runners. All clubs should note the requirements of the UKA Competition Rulebook as regards bona-fide club members. Second Claim members will be allowed to compete for a club team provided that their First Claim club lies outside of the Wessex League catchment area, or there is a genuine reason why their First Claim club cannot enter the league. Athletes who do not meet these stipulations, or are serving a suspension following a change of clubs under the UKA Rules, may still compete but will not be eligible to score for their new club’s teams. All such runners must be declared prior to any fixture in which they participate.
Runners entering as individuals cannot count for any team.
The following awards will be made, following completion of the final fixture.
Awards to 1st 3 Individuals in the following categories:
U11G, U11B, U13G, U13B, U15G, U15B, U17W, U17M, U20W, U20M, SW, SM,
Award to 1st Individual in the following categories:
W40, W45, W50, W60, M40, M45, M50, M60
Awards to 1st 3 Teams (4 Awards will be provided for each team – additional Awards can be purchased at at cost)
U11G, U11B, U13G, U13B, U15G, U15B, U17W, U17M, SW, SM, Female Masters, Male Masters
Each runner will be allocated a running number for the entire season, the runner is to reuse the number in each race. If the number is lost or becomes unusable the athlete is responsible for ensuring that a replacement number is displayed clearly. Please ensure runners have pins at each race to attach numbers.
Timekeepers and recorders will be on the finish line. Each club will be required to send their initial list of runners to the League Organizer one week prior to the first fixture of the season. Thereafter amendments can be made to the sheets at each fixture.
Individuals will score in their best 3 results from the series. In the event of a tie, the number of first places will decide the winner. If the number of wins is tied, the number of second places will be used etc., etc.
Teams will score their best 3 results from the series. In the event of a tie, the number of first places will decide the winner. If the number of wins is tied, the number of second places will be used etc., etc. Teams will consist of the lead 3 runners from each club, with the exception of the under 17 age groups where teams will consist of the lead 2 runners.
If a club fields an incomplete team in any category it can still register a team score, but no team of two can outscore a team of three, and no single athlete can outscore a team of two in any given fixture, regardless of finishing positions.
Masters teams will be made up from only those athletes who are eligible to compete in the league as Masters.
Team scores will be calculated from the sum of the positions of all scoring runners. In the event of a tie, the team whose last scoring runner finishes first will be the winner.
All league scoring will be made after all guest runners have been removed from the results.
Web Site
The results will be available on the Team Dorset website www.teamdorsetathletics.co.uk
Results will normally be available by the Sunday following each fixture, though may be available sooner, and will be submitted to “Athletics Weekly” for publication. All clubs are requested to e-mail corrections within one week of posting onto the website. Clubs may copy portions the results in part for their own uses, but should refrain from copying complete sets of results in order to ensure that only a single copy of the “official” result is in existence in the event of corrections becoming necessary. It is preferred that links are made onto the League website.
League Fees
League Fees will now be based on both a Club Subscription and a per-runner fee. For the 2013/2014 season these will be set as follows:
Club Subs £55
Runner’s Fees have been abolished for 2013/2014 season on a trial basis
Club Fees are due prior to the start of the season and by 22nd September. Club officials are responsible for the payment of these fees. Any cheques should be made payable to Team Dorset Athletics Network.
This winter individual runners will be allowed to join the league. A fixed fee of £15 for U20 and Seniors and £10 for younger athletes will allow access to all fixtures, and will allow the runner to win INDIVIDUAL league awards.
Guest runners may be allowed to compete at the discretion of the League Organizer, provided details are given prior to the start of the relevant fixture. A fee of £2 per runner (£4 per U20 or senior) will be payable, prior to the start of the race, for all guest runners. Guest runners are not eligible to win any awards.
Under no circumstances will the organizer be liable for any loss or injury, however caused, to any competitor, official or spectator as part of their participation in the league. Liability insurance is the responsibility of the host clubs and is provided by UK Athletics through the Race Permit system.
Organizers Details
Someone must be ultimately in charge of the conduct of the league. Therefore the final say in any League matters will rest with the League Organizer.
The League Organizer can be reached via the following:
Team Dorset Athletics Network
c/o Ian Kennedy
7 Wicket Road
BH10 5LT
Lindsay’s Tel: 07887782005
Ian Kennedy’s Tel: 01202 577081
Lindsay’s E-mail:
Ian Kennedy’s Email:
Club: Fees Due: £ 55
County Affiliation:
Contact Name:
Postal Address:
Telephone: (mob)
e-mail Address:
club web-site:
Please accept this application for membership of the Wessex Cross Country League for the 2013/14 season. I acknowledge acceptance of the League Rules and Guidelines.
I enclose a cheque (made payable to “Team Dorset Athletics Network”) for the sum of £55: (Please tick)
Name (if different from the above)
Position in Club:
This form should be printed, signed, and posted to:
Team Dorset Athletics Network.
c/o Ian Kennedy
7 Wicket Road
BH10 5LT
An initial set of runners should be sent electronically one week prior to the start of the season to:
Name: 2013 Fees Due: £15 / £10
Date of Birth:
Age Category:
County Affiliation:
Postal Address:
Telephone: (mob)
e-mail Address:
Please accept this application for membership of the Wessex Cross Country League for the 2013/14 season. I acknowledge acceptance of the League Rules and Guidelines.
DECLARATION: I declare that I am an amateur as defined by the UKA rules and that I will abide by the laws and rules of the competition. I understand that the League Organiser, or any club, person or body involved in the organisation of the Wessex League events will not be held liable for any injury or illness, however occasioned, resulting from the events and I will not participate unless I am fit to do so. I accept the decision of the League Referee and League Organiser in any matters relating to the events as final.
I enclose a cheque (made payable to “Team Dorset Athletics Network”) for the sum of £10 (U17’s) or £15 (U20 and Seniors)
Signed Parent/Guardian if under 16
Name (if different from the above)
This form should be printed, signed, and posted to:
Team Dorset Athletics Network.
c/o Ian Kennedy
7 Wicket Road
BH10 5LT
An initial set of runners should be sent electronically one week prior to the start of the season:
Race Venue: Date: