Moggill Historical Society Inc.
6th General Meeting – 7pm, 21 January 2014
Meeting opened at 7:14pm
Attendance: 5 Members and 7 visitors - Helen McMonagle, Judy Nissen, Bev D'Aquino, Joan Westaway, Mark Todd, Lloyd Logan, Mary Logan, Bill Sugars, Connie Sugars, Joy Stacy, Brian Becconsall and Neville Marsh.
Welcome by President
1. Apologies: Margaret de Witt
2. Conflicts of Interest: None Recorded
3. Minutes from previous meeting were not available and therefore would be ratified at next months meeting.
4. Financial Report presented by Bevley D’Aquino. Income of $45, expenses of $30, resulting in Balance of bank account at 20-1-14 of $275.00. Upcoming expenses, Guide hut rent of $30 and reimbursement of Domain Name registration of $15.98.
5. General Business
o The Application for funding from the Lord Mayor's Suburban Initiative Fund has been successful with funding of $1000 approved, but still awaiting payment.
o Street Name history project by members is still in progress with findings due the February Meeting.
o Oral Histories project will be next up.
o A Field Trip to The Queensland State Archives was held yesterday (20 Jan)
o Next field trip being considered is to the Brisbane City Council Archives at Moorooka. There is a possibility that this trip can be held in the evening. Members will be contacted to register their interest and timing preference.
o Joy Stacy, representing the Brookfield District Museum spoke about their plans for a display commemorating 100 years since World War 1, and invited our society to join forces. They anticipate having two displays over the next four years and have about four metres of wall space including cabinet space. Funding will be applied for from both State and Federal sources to assist with professional mounting and with archiving and/or digitally storing the exhibits. Our Society expressed its interest and moral support and proposed to discuss it at further meetings.
6. Tea/Coffee Break
7. Presentation from Neville Marsh
Neville Marsh, author of the book "Island in the Flood" gave a presentation about the 2011 Flood event, the community response and his motivation for writing the book.
8. Next Meetings: Tuesday 18 February at 7pm. The meeting will include a report back on the Street Name Project.
9. Meeting Closed.