Modules Available For Advanced Coding, Billing & Reimbursement Series
Modules For:
‘Advanced Coding, Billing & Reimbursement’ Series
1. Assuring Charge Master Compliance à Objective: To carefully review various Charge Master compliance issues as a part of the overall coding, billing and reimbursement process.
i. Current Update Information
ii. Charge Master Compliance Issues
a. Review Of Compliance Issues
b. Supply Categorization
c. Establishing Charges For The Charge Master
d. Charge Master To Billing System Interface
e. Provider Staff To Charge Master Interface
2. Observation Services à Objective: To provide a comprehensive review of observation services, proper coding and billing along with compliance concerns.
i. Current Update Information
ii. Observation Services – Defined
iii. Coding & Billing For Observation
iv. Documenting Observation Status
v. Care Paths For Observation
vi. Compliance Concerns
3. APC Update for CY2005à Objective: To provide a comprehensive update for 2005 update for APCs, CPT and HCPCS coding including changes that are needed for the Charge Master.
i. Current Update Information
ii. APC Update – Rules & Regulations
iii. CPT Coding Update
iv. HCPCS Coding Update
v. Charge Master Changes
vi. Billing/Claims Filing Changes
4. Optimizing APC Reimbursement à Objective: To review coding, billing and reimbursement strategies for generating proper APC reimbursement.
i. Current Update Information
ii. APC Impact Analysis
iii. Cost Outliers
iv. Transitional Pass-Through Items
v. Correct Coding
vi. Charge Master Strategies for APCs
5. ED Coding, Billing & Reimbursement à Objective: To review the coding, billing and reimbursement process for the ED for both the technical and professional components.
i. Current Update Information
ii. ED Coding, Billing & Reimbursement
a. Professional Billing & Coding
b. RBRVS & Modifier Considerations
c. Technical Billing & Coding
d. APC Impact
6. Provider Based Status Rulesà Objective: To provide a comprehensive review of the provider-based status rules along with necessary changes to meet the October 1, 2002 deadline.
i. Current Update Information
ii. Provider-Based Status
a. Review Rules & Regulations
b. Review Project Planning Process
c. Assess Hospital Readiness – Checklist
d. Update On Rule Changes
7. HIPAA for Coding, Billing & Reimbursement à Objective: To review the HIPAA Transaction Standards and Standard Data Set implementation process and its impact on coding, billing and reimbursement.
i. Current Update Information
ii. HIPAA For Coding, Billing & Reimbursement
a. Transaction Standards
b. Standard Data Sets
c. Changes To The Charge Master
d. Claims Filing Changes
e. Update On Security and Privacy
8. Assuring APC Compliance à Objective: To review a comprehensive list of compliance concerns for APCs.
i. Current Update Information
ii. Charge Master Issues
iii. Coding Compliance
iv. Billing Compliance
v. Proper Use Of Modifiers
vi. CMS’s Correct Coding Initiative
9. Establishing Provider-Based Clinics à Objective: To review the process for setting up provider-based clinics and appropriately coding and billing for clinics.
i. Current Update Information
ii. Provider-Based Clinics
iii. Freestanding Clinics
iv. Advantages Of Being Provider-Based
v. Utilization Of Non-Physician Providers
vi. “Incident-To” Rules
10. Conducting Coding, Billing & Reimbursement Audits à Objective: To provide a systematic process for conducting coding, billing and reimbursement audits including checklists of areas to review.
i. Current Update Information
ii. Conducting A CBR Audit
a. Establishing Audit Objectives
b. Probe Audits
c. Determining Sample Size
d. Process Of Sample Selection
e. Understanding The OIG’s RAT-STAT Program
f. Audit Process and Report Generation
11. ED and EMTALA Compliance à Objective: To review the EMTALA rules and their interface to the coding, billing and reimbursement process.
i. Current Update Information
a. Basic EMTALA Requirements
b. EMTALA Interface To Coding/Billing
c. Provider-Based Interface
d. EMTALA Outside The ED
12. DME – Coding, Billing & Reimbursement à Objective: To review the proper way to code, bill and set up the Charge Master for Durable Medical Equipment and related items.
i. Current Update Information
ii. DME – What Is It?
iii. DMERCs – What Is Covered?
iv. The CMS Form 855S
v. Hospital Billing Of DME
vi. Physician/Clinic Billing Of DME
13. Coding & Billing for Non-Physician Providers (NPPs) à Objective: A comprehensive review of all types of NPPs (e.g., PAs, NPs, CNSs, RTs, CENTs, RTs, CRNAs, etc.), the way in which they can be utilized and proper billing techniques for both hospital and freestanding clinics.
i. Types of NPPs
ii. “Incident-To” Services
iii. PINs and Form 855s
iv. Technical Component Billing
v. Professional Component Billing
14. Effective Modifier Utilization à Objective: To review the proper use and utilization of modifiers for hospital, technical component billing.
i. Types of Modifiers – Payment vs. Non-Payment
ii. CMS’s Correct Coding Initiative
iii. “-59” Modifier Utilization – Examples
iv. “-25” Modifier Utilization – Examples
v. Other Modifiers
vi. Documentation and Compliance Issues
15. Interventional Radiology, Cath Lab à Objective: To review coding and billing for surgical interventional radiology, catheterization laboratory and vascular laboratory in connection with APCs.
i. Component Coding Concept
ii. Charge Master Charge Explosion Process
iii. Surgical To Radiology Code Correlation
iv. Cath Lab Coding and Billing
v. Peripheral Vascular Lab Coding and Billing
16. Blood/Blood Bank Coding & Billing à Objective: To review the coding and billing for blood, blood products and blood bank activities with particular attention to the APC payment system.
i. Component Approach
ii. Review of Blood Product Codes/Payments
iii. Medicare Rules & Regulations
iv. Proper Revenue Center Code to CPT/HCPCS
v. Blood Bank Activities
vi. Coding/Billing Compliance Concerns
17. Non-Medicare Coding, Billing & Reimbursement à Objective: To review the difference in the coding, billing and reimbursement process for non-Medicare third-party payers and the differences in billing and claims submissions.
i. Managed Care Contracting
ii. Different Payment System Concepts
iii. Different Claims Format Requirements
iv. Conflicts between Medicare Requirements and Non-Medicare Requirements
v. Necessary Charge Master Adjustments
vi. Compliance Concerns
18. Radiation Oncology, Brachytherapy and Nuclear Medicine à Objective: To review the proper coding and billing requirements for these special areas, including proper billing for various expensive supply items.
i. Radiation Oncology Treatment Planning Coding/Billing
ii. Radiation Treatment Delivery and Management
iii. Brachytherapy
iv. Expensive Supply Items
v. Nuclear Medicine
19. ABNs: Effective Utilization and Compliance à Objective: To review the ABN forms, proper use of ABNs, and the compliance issues raised in their use.
i. Advance Beneficiary Notices (ABNs) – What are they?
ii. Relationship to NONCs (Notices of Non-Coverage)
iii. Service Areas In Which ABNs Should Be Used
iv. Compliance Issues Surrounding Use Of ABNs
v. Proper Use of ABNs
20. Conducting Charge Capture Studies à Objective: To review the process of conducting charge capture studies through a systematic process of analyzing service and documentation flow for given service areas.
i. Charge Capture, Charge Entry Process
ii. Identifying Service Area Procedures & Processes
iii. Charge Master Interface
iv. Encounter Forms, Charge Sheets, Order Entry
v. The Billable and Codeable Concept
vi. Payment System Variances
21. Hospital Compliance Update à Objective: To review the current status of OIG compliance issues in connection with hospital services and associated payment systems.
i. Review the FY2005 OIG Work Plan
ii. Inpatient Issues and Necessary Audits
iii. Outpatient Issues and Necessary Audits
iv. Physician Issues and Necessary Audits
v. Other Payment Related Compliance Concerns
vi. HIPAA Compliance and Status
vii. Tax, Environmental and Organizational Issues
22. Interventional Radiology Coding, Billing & Reimbursement: Surgical and Coronary Catheterization Laboratory à
a. Objective: To review and discuss the coding, billing and development of correct claims for surgical interventional radiology and the procedures in the coronary catheterization laboratory both diagnostic and therapeutic. Coding and billing idiosyncrasies will be reviewed along with the charge master interface.
b. Brief Outline:
i. Component Coding/Billing Approach
ii. Surgical Case Studies
iii. Coronary Catheterization Laboratory Case Studies
iv. Charge Master Set Up and Coding Interface
v. Charge Master Set Up and Charge Capture
vi. Special Supply Considerations
vii. Documentation Systems and Correlation With Coding/Billing
viii. Auditing Claims for Correctness
ix. Case Studies – Coding and Billing
23. Interventional Cardiovascular Coding and Billing à
a. Objective: To discuss and review the complexities of coding and billing in the vascular (non-coronary catheterization) area. The charge master set up, coding and billing idiosyncrasies, the CCI edits and compliance concerns will all be addressed.
b. Brief Outline:
i. Component Coding for the Vascular Laboratory
ii. Catheter Placement Coding/Billing
iii. Radiological Coding/Billing
iv. Modifier Utilization
v. Establishing the Charge Master
vi. Charge Capture Concerns
vii. Special Supply Considerations
viii. Therapeutic Interventions
ix. Drug-Eluting Stents
x. Case Studies – Coding and Billing
24. Stents, Drug-Eluting Stents and Transcatheter Stent Placement à
a. Objective: To review the coding, billing and charge master setup for coronary and non-coronary stent placements including a discussion of Medicare’s approach to drug eluting stents.
b. Brief Outline:
i. Review Stents and Drug Eluting Stents
ii. Coding/Billing – Intracoronary Stents – Examples
iii. Coding/Billing – Non-Coronary Stents – Examples
iv. APC Approach To Drug Eluting Stents
v. DRG Approach To Drug Eluting Stents
vi. Reimbursement Difficulties for Stent Placements
© 2000-2005 Abbey & Abbey, Consultants, Inc. January 2005
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