Modules 26 – Learning: classical conditioning (found in Unit 6) Name______
- Your text defines learning as the process of acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behaviors. Why would a behavior or information have to endure in order to be considered learned?
- List two behaviors you have learned since middle school. (Remember: enduring behavior = learned). The text states that we learn by association or linking two sequential events. Detail the process of how you associated events leading to each.
- Behavior #1
- Behavior #2
- List and include a brief explanation of each of the three types of learning described in your textbook (p216-217).
- Complete the table below with the term, definition, and example from Pavlov’s classic experiment. One has been filled in for you.
Component / Full term / Definition / Pavlovian example
UCR / Unconditioned response / An unlearned, naturally occurring response to a conditioned stimulus / Salivation
- Give an example of how higher-order conditioning might have been applied to the Pavlov experiment.
- Explain how generalization took place with John Watson’s Little Albert experiment.
- Explain how discrimination might have taken place with Little Albert.
- How is operant conditioning different from classical conditioning?
- Explain Thorndike’s Law of Effect.
- What is a Skinner box and what is its purpose?
- List specific behaviors you have learned (remember: enduring = learned) and the type of reinforcement (negative or positive) you received for each of them in the following situations:
- As a student:
- As a friend or family member:
- How does the process of shaping work? Describe how one of your behaviors has been shaped.
- Describe how positive reinforcement differs from negative reinforcement.
- Give an example of negative reinforcement.
- How does negative reinforcement differ from punishment?
- How do primary and conditioned (secondary) reinforcers differ?
- Complete the chart below:
Reinforcement schedule / Definition / Example from text / Your own example
- Summarize and explain the importance of John Garcia’ work with taste aversion in rats.
- What is the evolutionary psychology explanation of taste aversion in rats and humans?
- Summarize Edward Tolman’s work with rats in a maze. What does this research teach us about learning?
- How does insight learning differ from latent learning?
- How does intrinsic motivation differ from extrinsic motivation? Give an example of each.
- Summarize and discuss the importance of Martin Seligman’s work with harnessed dogs. How does the issue of control impact the behavior of the dogs?
- How can humans learn helplessness?
- How does an internal locus of control differ from an external locus of control? How do each of these impact stress and health levels?
- Summarize and explain the implications of Albert Bandura’s work with the Bobo doll and the modeling of aggression.
- What are mirror neurons and how do the work?
- How does the work with mirror neurons explain children’s theory of mind?
- What is an example of prosocial modeling? Of antisocial modeling?