Module title / PSHEE and Citizenship in Learning and Development Contexts
Module code / KV613
Credit value / 20
Level / Level 4 / Level 5 / Level 6 / X / Level 7 / Level 8
Level 0 (for modules at foundation level)
Entry criteria for registration on this module
Pre-requisites / None
Co-requisite modules / None
Module delivery
Mode of delivery / Taught / X / Distance / X / Placement / X / Online / X
Pattern of delivery / Weekly / X / Block / Other
When module is delivered / Semester 1 / X / Semester 2 / Throughout year
Brief description of module content and/ or aims / In this module you will explore pedagogy within PSHEE and citizenship in different learning and development contexts, with a particular focus on learner-centred and participative approaches to learning.
Module author / Tim Coxon
School / Education
Site where delivered / Falmer, Guernsey
Course(s) for which module is appropriate and status on that course
Course / Status
BA (Hons) Supporting Learning 5-11 Years (F) / Compulsory
BA (Hons) Supporting Learning 11-19 Years (F) / Compulsory
BA (Hons) Professional Studies in Learning and Development (F) / Optional
BA (Hons) Professional Studies in Learning and Development (G) / Compulsory
BA (Hons) Working with Children and Young People (F) / Optional


Aims / You will explore pedagogy within PSHEE and Citizenship in different learning and development contexts, with a particular focus on learner-centred and participative approaches to learning.
Learning outcomes / By the end of the module you should be able to:
1.  demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of effective PSHEE and Citizenship;
2.  provide a critical overview of an aspect of PSHEE and Citizenship in your setting;
3.  identify key issues and ways forward, with reference to an aspect of PSHEE and Citizenship, within the setting’s approach to learning and development.
Content / Indicative content to include a consideration of the following:
·  national and localised guidance;
·  the role of PSHEE and citizenship in wider personal development;
·  specific subject areas e.g. sex and relationships; the environment; healthy lifestyles; bullying; behaviour; global dimension;
·  pedagogy, use of resources, assessment;
·  whole school approaches – National Healthy Schools Standard.
Learning support / Books:
Blake, S., Bird, J. Gerlach, L. (2007) Promoting Emotional and Social Development in Schools: a Practical Guide, London: Paul Chapman
Balke, S. & Muttock, S. (2012) Assessment, Evaluation and Sex & Relationships Education (2nd edition) London: NCB/Sex Education Forum
Brown, K. Fairbrass, S. (2009) The Citizenship Teacher’s Handbook, London: Continuum
Boyd, D B. H. (2012) The Developing Child, London: Pearson
Harries, J. (2006) Promoting Personal Safety in PSHE, London: Paul Chapman
Hicks, D. Holden, C. (eds) (2007) Teaching the Global Dimension: Key principles and effective practice, Abingdon: Routledge
White, M. (2009) Magic Circles: Self-esteem for everyone in circle time, London: Sage
Children and Young People Now
Web sites: (all accessed July 2014)
Association for Citizenship Education URL:
Department for Education URL:
Institute for Citizenship URL:
Ofsted PSHE URL:
PSHE Association URL:
Teaching and learning activities
Details of teaching and learning activities / In contact time you will participate in taught sessions which will include a mixture of direct instruction, discussion, small group work, presentations, case study analysis.
In non-contact time you will undertake:
·  studentcentral online learning;
·  reading recommended texts and preparation of presentation.
Allocation of study hours (indicative)
Where 10 credits = 100 learning hours / Study hours
SCHEDULED / Lectures, seminars, practical activities / 20
GUIDED INDEPENDENT STUDY / Directed and non-directed reading, collection and review of information, completion of tasks arising from practical sessions, preparation for assessment / 100
PLACEMENT / Undertaking work-based activities / 80
Assessment tasks
Details of assessment on this module / Task
You will provide a critical review of an aspect of PSHEE and Citizenship within your setting/professional context that addresses the learning outcomes of the module. The specific title will be agreed with your tutor. (3000 words)
The task will be marked on a percentage basis.
Referral task: Rework original task.
Types of assessment task[1]
Indicative list of summative assessment tasks which lead to the award of credit or which are required for progression. / % weighting
(or indicate if component is pass/fail)
WRITTEN / Written exam
COURSEWORK / Written assignment/ essay, report, dissertation, portfolio, project output, set exercise / 100%
PRACTICAL / Oral assessment and presentation, practical skills assessment, set exercise


Area examination board / Combined Area Examination Board (Education Studies ELD: Compulsory Education)
External examiner
Name / Position and institution / Date appointed / Date tenure ends
Pinaki Chakrabarti / Senior Lecturer in Education, University Cumbria / 01/10/2015 / 30/09/2019


Date of first approval / June 2014
Date of last revision / N/a
Date of approval for this version / June 2014
Date this version first taught (implementation) / January 2015
Version number / 1
Modules replaced / KV328
Available as free-standing module? / Yes / x / No

[1] Set exercises, which assess the application of knowledge or analytical, problem-solving or evaluative skills, are included under the type of assessment most appropriate to the particular task.