Module Outline: COMP3303Elements of Computer Science 2016-17
Contents / PageThings you need to know at the beginning / 1
Assessment Items / 3
Assessment grading matrix / 5
If you have problems with assessments / 6
Module Content / 7
Things you need to know at the beginning
Occurrence A / Thursday 09:15 – 12:15 / Room: CH1001Teaching team / Dr. Colin Price, , Room CHLG020, Phone 542024 / MA in Natural Sciences (Cambridge), PhD Electronic Engineering (University of Leuven – Belgium), Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, National Teaching Fellow. Over 60 research publications.
How this module fits into your course / This module builds on your experiences on the course so far. It revisits and develops some themes: you will be introduced to structured programming, investigate the Arduino microcontroller with a range of sensors, you will learn Pentium Assembler and program robots using a multitasking real time operating system.
How this module engages with the external environment / No trips or visits are planned for this module; engagement will be through a working with real differential-drive robots.
How this module will enhance your employability / This module will enable you to develop and enhance the following and evidence them on your CV:
- Application of relevant knowledge. This module will provide a grounding into various elements of Computer Science useful to our future graduates.
- Critical Analysis. Students will develop skills of logical thinking and abstract thinking and will have an opportunity to develop their mathematical skills.
- Numeracy. There is a clear mathematical component to this module which will develop students’ “numeracy” skills
- Research and Problem Solving. Through learning how to craft structured computer programs, students will enhance their problem-solving skills.
What you need to know before you start this module / Learning will be centred around set tasks where students carry out a number of activities, following input from the Tutor. Tasks will involve the use of simulation and professional software. Tutor input will consist of working together with the class to explore concepts; there will be no powerpoint presentations, but notes made during the sessions and voice recordings of the sessions will be placed on the module web pages.
Feedback from the previous year shows that students enjoyed the topics presented, the quality of teaching and the use of the viva voce as a method of assessment. Students noted that this module challenged them to develop their thinking and was relevant to the course as a whole.
Higher education requires a lot of reading; this means you need to get used to using the library resources (available from the Library website and add the link ( in particular the Talis Aspire Resource List ( which is a list of all the things you need to read for each module.
If you have further questions please contact Stephanie Allen the Academic Liaison Librarian for the Business School or go toBusiness LibGuide or ComputingLibGuide
Your responsibility / You must do all the required reading – or you will struggle with the classes and ultimately the assessments.
You must attend all sessions and undertake any and all of the required pre-reading, since failure to do so will affect your performance. If you cannot attend for any reason you must notify the module leader as soon as possible.
It is your responsibility to actively engage positively with sessions for example contributing to group discussions, asking questions and taking responsibility for your learning. This way you’ll get the most out of the lessons.
If there is anything which is unclear or you do not understand you must ask a member of the module team.
What help is there if you have a disability or a particular learning need? / The University of Worcester is committed to ensuring diversity and equality within its teaching practice. If you have a registered disability or particular learning need and you wish this to be taken into account please speak to your Personal Academic Tutor or let the module leader know. You will find additional useful information on the Disability and Dyslexia webpages at
Assessment(s) / The assessment for this module is based a single assignment, a viva voce where you will have a 1-2-1 conversation with the module tutor who will ask you questions based on a portfolio of work which you will build up during the module sessions.During the viva you will be asked four questions on your individual portfolio, there will be one question for each learning outcome, therefore it is essential that you include material which refers to each learning outcome.
Assignment 1 – Viva voce examination
Word Limit or equivalent (e.g. time) / You may achieve the maximum grade for a portfolio of 3000words, however there is no word limit.
Weighting / 100%
Learning Outcomes Assessed /
- Assess critically the use of Boolean algebra in constructing digital electronic circuits.
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of CPU architecture, including the fetch-execute cycle and associated assembler code.
- Reflect critically on the nature of abstraction, as applied to algorithms leading to the development of structured code.
- Critically analyse the development of computer programs in one or more languages.
Submission date / w/c15 May 2017 Individual times will be arranged.
Feedback date / During the viva
Module Leader / Colin Price
Verified by / Pete Moody
If anything about this assignment is not clear to you, please contact the module leader.
You are expected to plan your time and work to manage your overall assessment workload.
What you need to do / During the module sessions, you will assemble a portfolio of work to address all four learning outcomes. The learning outcome(s) addressed during each session will be identified on the session worksheet. You must also include “original material” not seen in the sessions but informed by your own independent; guidance will be provided on the appropriate session worksheets.Your portfolio will be assessed by a one-to-one viva voce with the module tutor. This is a conversation between you and the tutor, where the tutor will ask you questions about your work as presented in your portfolio. There will be one question for each of the learning outcomes listed above, though the module tutor may decide to ask additional questions.There will also be questions on your “original material”.
The viva will last about 30 minutes and will take place in City Campus during the week commencing 15th May 2017. The exact timing of your viva will be agreed between you and your tutor well in advance. A voice recording of the viva will be made, to allow moderation of marking on this module, and this recording will also be made available to the external examiners. You will also receive a copy of this recording as feedback via SOLE.
To prepare for your viva you will need to submit your portfolio to your module tutor during the session on Thursday 4th May 2017. Your tutor will read this portfolio and create four questions based on your individual work for your viva. It is essential therefore that you complete and submit your portfolio on time.
You will be allowed to bring a copy of your portfolio to the viva and you may add additional notes to this copy.
How you should present your work / You are free to assemble your portfolio as you choose to. However you must indicate which parts you are claiming for each Learning Outcome. An effective way to assemble your portfolio is to use the Learning Outcomes as section headers.
How we’ll give you guidance
/ To prepare you for the viva you will be given a mock viva at about half way through the module. This will be a short 10-minute viva and will be conducted in class. You will also be able to look at portfolios from previous students during the initial module session(s).How and when to hand the assessment in / Following the viva you will be issued with a page confirming that you have attended. You must immediately scan this and submit this electronically to SOLE. The latest time to do this is Monday 22nd May by 15:00. If you do not then SOLE will assign a “non-submission”.
How the assessment will be marked
/ Specific criteria is in the Grading Matrix for this assignment, which can be found on page 5.How you will get feedback / Feedback will be provided to you during the viva and will be part of the voice recording. This will be uploaded to you through SOLE following the completion of all vivas.
Grading Matrix
Student Number: / Academic Year and Semester: 2016-17 S2 / Module Code:COMP3303 / Assignment 1 / Occurrence: A
Learning Outcomes:
1. Assess critically the use of Boolean algebra in constructing digital electronic circuits.
2. Demonstrate a critical understanding of CPU architecture, including the fetch-execute cycle and associated assembler code.
3. Reflect critically on the nature of abstraction, as applied to algorithms leading to the development of structured code.
4. Critically analyse the development of computer programs in one or more languages. / Module Title:
Elements of Computer Science / Assignment Weighting:
100% / Assignment Description:
Viva voce exam
Assessment Criteria
GRADE / Criteria
A / 1. You demonstrate a high level of critical thinking evidenced by your answers to all four questions.
2. You have shown a high degree of originality in your work, e.g., through discussing results of material not seen in the sessions or discussing material from journal articles.
B / 1. You demonstrate a high level of critical thinking evidenced by your answers to three questions; your answer to one question may be weaker.
2. You have shown originality in your work, e.g., through discussing results of material not seen in the sessions or discussing material from journal articles.
C / 1. You demonstrate an acceptable level of critical thinking evidenced by your answers to two questions; your answers to two questions may be weaker.
2. You have shown originality in your work, though this may not be evident for each question, e.g., through discussing results of material not seen in the sessions or discussing material from journal articles.
D / 1. You have attempted to show critical thinking evidenced by your answers to at least two questions, though your answers may not be thoroughly explained.
2. You have attempted to show originality at some places during the discussion.
Fail (E-G) / 1. There is little or no evidence of critical thinking about the material. You may not have included enough material or you may not have taken time to understand what you have presented.
2. There is little or no attempt to include original material, or you have not been able to discuss this to an acceptable level.
Assignment Grade: / Marker: Colin Price / Moderator:Pete Moody
If you have problems submitting work or submitting work on time: / Firstly, contact someone, your Module Leader or personal Academic Tutor.It is essential that you submit your work, in order to be able to pass the module. Work which is submitted late will be subject to grade penalties as below.
- Students who submit course work late but within 5 days of the due date will have work marked, but the grade will be capped at the minimum pass grade unless an application for mitigating circumstances is accepted.
- Students who submit work later than 5 days but within 14 days of the due date will not have work marked unless they have submitted a valid claim of mitigating circumstances.
If you are ill or have personal problems / The University has a system for applying for mitigating circumstances where things happen, beyond your control, which affect your assessments. Don’t suffer in silence. Speak to your Module Leader, your Personal Academic Tutor or a Programme Advisor.
Full details of Procedures for Dealing with Exceptional Mitigating Circumstances are available at
If you engage in academic misconduct (cheating)
/ Do not use material from sources without acknowledging them using a recognised referencing system. Do not copy another student’s work. If you do you will be referred to the School’s Academic Integrity Tutor and may face further penalties. Details in your Course Handbook accessible via SOLE and atIf you don’t pass at the first attempt / DON’T PANIC. In the event you are required to take reassessment you will receive formal notification of this via a letter from Registry Services posted on the SOLE page after the meeting of the Board of Examiners. The letter will normally include a copy of the reassessment task(s). Deadlines for re-assessment can be found in the University Calendar at
Indicative Module Content
W/C date / Teaching week / Pre-class reading. / Topic / Assessment Link30 Jan / 13 / None / Structured Programming 1 / ILO 3,4
6 Feb / 14 / See webpages / Structured Programming 2 / ILO 3,4
13 Feb / 15 / See webpages / Introduction to the Arduino / ILO 2,4
20 Feb / 16 / See webpages / Experimental Sensors / ILO 2,4
27 Feb / 17 / See webpages / Investigation of Sophisticated Sensors / ILO 2,4
6 Mar / 18 / See webpages / Fetch-Execute Cycle Simulation / ILO 2
13 Mar / 19 / See webpages / Assembler ProgrammingMock vivas in class. / ILO 2,4
20 Mar / 20 / See webpages / Boolean Algebra 1 / ILO 1
27 Mar / 21 / See webpages / Boolean Algebra 2 / ILO 1
3 Apr / 22 / See webpages / Differential-Drive Robot Architectures / ILO 3,4
10 Apr / Easter Vacation
17 Apr / Easter Vacation
24 Apr / 23 / See webpages / Robot Real-Time Operating Systems 1 / ILO 3,4
1 May / 24 / None / Robot Real-Time Operating Systems 2 / ILO 3,4
8 May / Assessment Week
15 May / Assessment Week