Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 19 April 2017 at 7pm,
, Clackmannan Town Hall
Those present: Kathryn Clark (KC} Treasurer; Garry McPhee (GM); Jacqueline Harvey (JH); Jean Gilbert (JG); Alasdair Adam (AA); Doreen Gallagher (DG); Brenda Roy (BR); Carol Smith (CS)
In attendance:PC Ryles
Apologies:Carol Fairley (CF); Kathleen Martin KM: PC Ryles; Irene Hamilton
1 Welcome
CS opened the meeting by thanking everyone for coming along,
2 Conflict of Interest.
No conflict of interest
3 Minutes of previous meeting –.minutes were agreed by JG & seconded by JH.
4 Matters arising –JG had a chance meeting with 2 council officers, at the Garage site behind Mar Terrace, who advised they were exploring options for raising the garages, they commemted and agreed about the previously reported poor state of the area, however advised owner occupiers do not have a right of access using this shared and only access to their properties, despite gargages have been erected on their own property with council consent. They said they could not offer any help with the poor state of the access to the garage area other than it would be expensive to repair to an acceptable standard, they could not offer any alternate potential solution to the issue. One offered to speak with Councilor Martin – CS will raise this with CC. Also seeking clarification from KM if residents were advised of the decision about the hedges following last months meeting.
5 Police Report was distributed and discussed. KC raised an incident at Backwood Court on 5th March – was she safe police will look into this issue. Issue of fire raising at Clackmannan Tower PC Ryles will look into this for next meeting. PC Ryles left the meeting.
6 Coucillors reports – No report form Councillor Hamilton this month. Councillor Martin’s report was discussed briefly
7 Gardening – DG’s report was emailed to group prior to meeting. JG been in contact with Crysalis – It will take time for the group to feel comfortable and confident so may take a few weeks for them to be fully involve. JG will liaise every few weeks.
8 Heritage Trail – BR advised of the latest meeting this PM. Map being finalised and will be in CC noticeboard for Mercat Fayre..
9 Fundraising and flowers – fundraising to reamin on agenda. It was agreed to go ahead with the purchase of the self watering baskets KC will deal with this on Monday KC will also arrange the flowers. DG confirmed the other tubs will be maintanined by gardening group. Donations of plants for end of May. JH adv of grant via Asda and sahe will deal with this, GM advised Tesco have similar via the bags scheme and he will bring details to next meeting.
10 Election of co-opted members KC and CF coopted until election can be arranged.
11 Mercat Fayre everyone to attend 03.06.2017 to assist with set up and stalls, dress up optional but preferred. Our stall bottle/tombola/ plants hanging baskets/crafts/ bags sweets
12 Freecycle/Foodbank – much discussion about this and agreed excellent opportunity for joint community working between Church, School CDT & THT.
13 Treasurers Report : Kathryns talked us through this months porition and it was agreed to sponsor act/event at Mercat Fayre AA & KC will raise at next MF meeting.
14 Any Other Business:
CS to write to other groups asking for a joint meeting in May to discuss joint working on freecycle/.foodbank project also suggest quartlery joint meetings.
Spare piece of land at alloa road –Carol will look into this.
Issues re one way system –concern about work starting before trial complete and been evaluated – CS to contact CC.
Alloa road repairs are extremely poor standard and concerns re this, also concerns all money being spent in a very small area of the village.
Concerns about closure of Lochies Road by local residents.
Pavements in Ladywood are broken up and have been reported.
KC advised Bicentenary group are erecting a sign on approach to Clackmannan.
Local resident Mrs Black has made a much appreciated donation to the floral displays.
Garage @ Mar Terrace – There has been no response from Gordon McNeil re this – Carol will chase this up.
15 Date of Next Meeting : 17th May 2017 @ 7pm