Module Implementation Plan
Module: Business 101 (Written Business Communication)
Lecturer: Bennett Molyneaux Session: Fall (weeks 1-3)
Activity Types: e.g. lecture, presentation, exam, tutorial review and guidance, homework
Tutorial Attendance and Participation: 15%
Homework: 45%
Final Exam (emphasis on written Comm.): 40
Business 101
Scheduled Contact Hours(not including tutorial) / Week / Activity Type / Core Reading + Additional Reading / Learning Outcomes
2 / 1 / Communication strategy and course preview Lecture / Guide to Managerial Communication by
Mary Munter Chapter 1
Business and Administrative Communication (6th ed.) Kitty O. Locker pages 1-27 / -understand course aims
-know what potential impediments to think of before comm. and how to cope
-maintaining credibility (信用度)
2 / 1 / Principles of Effective Communication and Introduction to Research and Referencing Techniques 1 / Munter Appendix(附录) A and B and review of Chapter 1
Pages 9,32-50,56-77
Excellence in Business Communication
John V. Thill and Courtland L. Bovee
325-344 / Understand communication principles:
planning, acquiring and organizing information,
orientation of information (know your audience)
2 / 1 / Principles of Effective Communication and Introduction to Research and Referencing Techniques 2 / Reading Appendix C and D and English Bibliography (目录索因) page 345-348 / -being Clear (how and why)
-referencing (how and why)
-recognize examples that do not fit the above principles
2 / 1 / Principles of effective writing: engagement, clarity, and substance (not nonsense but facts or appeals to principles held by audience). / Munter
Chapter 2 / -understand the need for engagement, clarity and substance
-be able to differentiate between essential and unneeded information
-understand how to engage audience
--be able to create paragraphs that adhere to above needs
2 / 2 / Writing Organization: Creating a complete document with a centralized focus. / Munter
Chapter 3 / -be able to apply principles across the whole document
-understand importance of all the parts of a written document
2 / 2 / How to make writing easier to read and help maintain credibility. Also, introduction to collaborative writing. / Munter
Chapter 4
Auxiliary reading:
Business and Administrative Communication (6th ed.) Kitty O. Locker pages 84-109,313-334 / -understand need for transitions, variety of sentence length
-understand suitable uses of passive/active voice
-understand need for basic word choice over “pathological professionalism”
2 / 2 / Discussion of how to craft logical, convincing written arguments and discussion of the elements of a proposal. / Locker pages 331-335,352-360, 628-635 / -understand need for evidence, strong logic, and negation of potential counterpoints in argument
-be able to gather and site evidence
-apply what has been learned
2 / 2 / Discussions of specific areas of writing in Munter reading that have not been discussed. / Munter
Chapters 1-4 / understand: -uniqueness and use of email
-document appearance and readability
-understand limitations of writing as opposed to speech, using appropriate language
-formality vs. informality in business writing
2 / 3 / Discussion of writing problem areas based on homework submitted / In progress… / -strengthen weak points held commonly throughout the class
2 / 3 / Writing Reports.
Introduction to Writing Resumes. / Munter
Chapters 1-4
Pages 357-352
Excellence in Business Communication
John V. Thill and Courtland L. Bovee
Pages 310-333, 354-365
Pages 476-518 / -understand how to mine a large body of information to create a concise report
-understand the importance of knowing and working with audience and purpose
-be able to use a variety of English language websites for gathering useful business information
--be able to create an appealing resume
2 / 3 / Writing “Bad-News” Messages and Writing Across Cultures / Thill and Bovee page 230-266
Intercultural Business Communication
Chaney and Martin
129-142 / -understand linguistic differences from normal messages and the reasons behind these differences
-be able to write these sorts of letters
-understand need for politeness in business
2 / 3 / Review of Written Bus. Comm. (lectures). / Munter chapters read so far as well as Munter Appendices and Bibliography / Be able to apply all the key principles learned.
Week 1 / Tutorial:In groups of 3-4 discuss 5 potential barriers to communication and how to overcome them.
Individually, write a letter (400+words) to company executives in America on your companies progress and challenges in China
Week 1 / Tutorial: In groups exchange your report with another student. Discuss how to improve the report.
Homework (10% grade): Improve and rewrite the report, so it can be given to tutorial instructor
Week 2 / Tutorial: Work in groups of 2 to 3 to plan a 5 paragraph letter to persuade a customer that your communications company is the right choice to provide some service. Take notes.
Homework (15%):
Write the letter by yourself. Show what you have learned.
Week 2 / Tutorial:
Turn in letter.
Tutorial/HW (10 %):
Work in groups of four to five to write a 3-5 page business proposal based on topics given. Proposal must be divided into different parts with each person working on at least one part.
Week 3 / Tutorial:
In groups of 4-5 explain proposals to one another in terms of reasoning, evidence etc.
Hand in completed business proposal to instructor.
Homework (10%): Working alone, analyze chapters 1-4 of Munter and write a two-three page business style report on the most important points and your reaction to them.
Week 3 / Tutorial: Turn in Report. Review key points of lectures and readings and discuss areas that the students need to improve in.