Module 6 - Sustainability in Youth Ministry

Reflection Questions: In your experience

  • How long do people tend to stay involved in youth ministry?
  • What are the reasons people stop being involved in youth ministry?
  • Do you think these are good reasons or not?
  • Do you think youth leaders need to be young?
  • Or maybe having some older leaders can help bring wisdom and insight as well.

Reflection Questions:

  • Do you ever feel the need to retreat from the crowds [of youth] in order to simply ‘be’ with God? Do you find this easy to do or not?
  • What does your Sabbath look like?
  • If you currently are not making time and space to relax and recover, how will you plan to develop this time?
  • If you are not modeling this to young people…what will they copy?
  • Are there people at your church who are praying for you and other youth leaders as you support youth? Why not try to develop a small support team who will pray for you all and ask how you are doing?

Reflection Questions:

It’s hard work!

Being involved in youth ministry can be very rewarding and frustrating at the same time. Spend some time listing the things that you find most difficult about the youth ministry you are involved in. Be as honest as you can be…Simply putting on a brave face, or feeling that you are being unfaithful is not helpful or healthy. Jesus demonstrated his pain and frustration at times, and is able to deal with our very real difficulties and frustrations.

  • What are the things that frustrate you in your ministry with youth? List them in the space below.
  • Do you have any one you can talk to about these feelings who will understand and not criticize you?
  • If not how might you find others in a similar position? Maybe this will mean getting to know youth leaders from other traditions and denominations. They may offer you the support you need.
  • Pray through the things you find difficult, and ask Jesus to give you the peace He offers to us, and be willing to accept that peace when He gives it to you.

Reflection Questions:

  • What resources do you currently use?
  • What has been particularly helpful?
  • What would you benefit from in terms of resources?
  • Who do you know who could help you develop material to share?

How can we best pray for you in these days? Your mentor is willing very much to pray for your needs and to encourage you as you work through potential issues. If you are not able to share these needs feel free to share them with your pastor or a close friend. We wish you the very best as you commit to your spiritual health as a leader.

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