Briefing Sheet 5
Module 5: Managing Difficult Conversations, Influencing & Negotiating
- HBR: “Leadership That Gets Results” (Daniel Goleman, March-April 2000)
- HBR: “Harnessing the Science of Persuasion” (Robert Cialdini, October 2001)
- HBR:“Case Study “Turning Around Organizations in A Crisis: The Case of Two Major Alberta Orchestras”(Tom Ewart, under the supervision of Professor Tima Bansal, 2006)
- Dr. Rick Brinkman: “The Lens of Understanding: Why Do People Act the Way They Do?”Vimeo Pro Video, 2014.
- Robert Cialdini and Steve Martin: “Secrets From the Science of Persuasion” YouTube Video, November 2012.
- Read “Leadership That Gets Results” and “Harnessing the Science of Persuasion.”
- Read the Case Study: “The Case of Two Major Alberta Orchestras.”
- View the videos: “The Lens of Understanding: Why Do People Act the Way They Do?” and “Secrets from the Science of Persuasion.”
“Leadership That Gets Results”
- What is your “go to” style when initiating difficult conversations? What is your “go to” style when engaged in a difficult conversation?
- What have you observed concerning your impact on others when engaging these styles?
- In which style might you want to develop greater skill? What would be the benefit were you to succeed in that?
Case Study
In 2002, both the CPO and ESO faced financial crisis that threatened their future, but by 2005 they had balanced their budgets and created a level of security, at least for the present and near term. Each employed a different strategy: CPO favoring a Transitional Leadership Team led by successful business executive and industry outsider Mike Bregazzi and ESO leveraging the financial skills and performing arts expertise of Elaine Calder. Each successfully led their respective organizations through crucial conversations and negotiations. Based on your analysis:
- How did environmental factors (such as external regional demographics and internal organizational history) contribute specifically to each organization’s crisis?
- Organizational leadership is often linked to its success and/or failure. How would you characterize Bregazzi’s and Calder’s leadership style? How were they similar to one another? How were they different?
- How is your leadership style similar to/different than Bregazzi and Calder?
- How did Bregazzi and Calder identify and influence stakeholder engagement and stakeholder alignment?
- How well did they initiate the tough conversations, anticipate and manage conflict?
- How would you evaluate Bregazzi and Calder’s will and skill to influence and negotiate?
- What can you (and/or your legal department) learn from this case study?
Video: Why Do People Act the Way They Do?
- Using Brinkman’s “Lens of Understanding” which behaviors are most challenging for you when managing conflict with: Your boss? Peers and colleagues? Direct Reports? Internal clients? Business Partners and other stakeholders?
- What drives most of your behaviors during conflict? The need to be in control? To be Perfect? For Approval? To get Attention?
- How do these behaviors show up and contribute to the difficult conversation?
- Please think of 3 examples of a difficult situation you have found yourself in. The examples can be current or from the past. Consider what you might have done or would like to do differently.
COHORT MEETING (Meet to discuss the following BEFORE Classroom Session)
- Check in and share any additional learning from the previous session.
- Have a brief discussion about your leadership development plan:
- Did you complete it?
- What did you commit to start and stop doing? (Are you doing it?)
- How is it making a difference?
- Did you create an accountability circle? How are you using them?
- What action step do you need to take next on your Development Plan?
- Recall and share a recent difficult workplace conversation that increased your self-awareness concerning:
- Your strengths to manage it effectively.
- Your impact on the process.
- Your impact on the person involved.
- Your development (will and skill) to influence, negotiate and manage these conversations more effectively.
- Work the Case Study and discuss: Based on your analysis, which organization is best positioned for long-term future stability and growth? Why? What can your legal department learn from this case study?
- Provide feedback to each another as you observe behaviors found in Brinkman’s “Lens of Understanding.” Share with them the behavior’s impact on you (what did it cause you to think, assume, or believe)?
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