Information on Services when looking for local Childcare
There is a wide range of OFSTED registered and unregistered early years and childcare provision available throughout Redcar & Cleveland. These include day nurseries, childminders, playgroups, before and after school clubs, crèches and parent & toddler groups. They provide safe and stimulating environments for children whilst their parents attend work or training.
If you wish to do a search for childcare in your area, please look within the categories above where you will find details of some of the registered and unregistered childcare provision throughout the borough. (Some childcare settings do not wish to be displayed on the website due to the nature of their business e.g. certain childminders who work from their own home.)
Day Nurseries
Day nurseries are regulated and inspected by Ofsted and offer lots of different activities and learning opportunities appropriate to the children's ages.
A day nursery provides care and education for children between the ages of six weeks and five years. (Many also offer out of school care for five to eleven year olds). Opening times are from around 7 am to 6 pm, virtually all year round. Children are grouped by age and looked after by carers according to specified staff to children ratios. The day nursery will have qualified staff and will take part time children as well as those staying for the full day
Registered Childminders look after your child along with other children, usually in their own home. They are allowed to care for six children under the age of eight, including their own - but only three of them can be aged under five (with only one under 12 months of age). They are self employed and some are willing to work evenings and weekends. All registered childminders are required to undertake a basic training course, including first aid, and most go on to do further training and professional development.
All childminders are registered and inspected by Ofsted who carry out regular checks on the home and the childminder. What's more, all adults (16+) living and working in the homes of childminders caring for children under the age of eight, will be police checked.
To find a childminder, it is recommended that you telephone the Families' Information Service on 0800 073 8800, who will conduct a full search of all the registered childminders who would be able to meet your needs (including school pick-ups, times requiredetc).
After School Clubs
The After School Clubs listed here typically offer childcare at the end of the school day until around 6pm. They may be based on a school site or be part of a larger day nursery provision that offers the service of collecting your child(ren) after school and taking them back to be cared for in their after school club. Those on school sites may be organised by the school themselves, but other schools may have chosen to work with local voluntary groups (such as churches) or private providers to offer the after school childcare.
Breakfast Clubs
The Breakfast Clubs listed here are normally open from 8 am until school starts. They may be based on a school site or be part of a larger day nursery provision that offers the service of looking after your child(ren) and then taking them on to school. Those on school sites may be organised by the school themselves, but other schools may have chosen to work with local voluntary groups or private providers to offer the breakfast club.
Holiday Clubs
The Holiday Clubs listed typically provide childcare for children aged 3 to 11 years old (although this may vary according to provider), during the school holidays. Some are provided by schools, whilst others are ran by voluntary or private providers such as day nurseries who take school aged children for full days during the school holidays.
Pre-school Playgroups provide childcare for two and a half hour sessions during term time for children aged between two and five years old. Parents are not expected to stay with their children during these sessions. Children experience learning and development activities suitable for their age and enjoy socialising with other pre-school aged children in a safe and stimulating environment. All pre-school playgroups are registered and inspected by Ofsted, and are run by suitably qualified staff to strict child to staff ratios.
Crèches offer parents childcare for up to two hours whilst they are in the same building undertaking training or leisure activities. The majority of the crèches in Redcar & Cleveland are offered in conjunction with sure start Children's Centres, although there is also a mobile crèche offered by the Priory Group which can be booked for events in venues across the borough.
Parent & Toddler Groups
Parent & Toddler groups provide parents/carers and children with a safe and stimulating environment in which they can stay and play with their children. They are often run by volunteers in community venues such as church halls and are not registered or inspected by Ofsted
Please contact the FIS on free-phone 0800 073 8800 for further information or advice about any of the above services for you and your children.
Do you need help finding suitable childcare?
The Families’ Information Services can help parents and carers find Ofsted registered and unregistered childcare throughout Redcar and Cleveland. We hold a computer database of a wide range of childcare provision from childminders and day nurseries to toddler groups, so if you are working, training or simply need your children to be looked after in the short term, our staff can help find the right childcare for you.
Redcar and Cleveland Families’ Information Service offers a brokerage service for parents who are having difficulties finding childcare. The brokerage is delivered through the Families’ Information Service who contact local childcare providers on behalf ot he parent to explain the parent’s need in detail.
If you need a day nursery, playgroup, breakfast club, after school club, holiday care or parent and toddler group the Families’ Information Service will give you details of nearest providers over the phone and will also provide details via email or post.
If you need a childminder the Families’ Information Services will phone all the childminders in your area that match your requirements and establish whether or not they can take your children. You will then be contacted by telephone with a list of childminders names and telephone numbers. These details will also be sent to you in the post or via email. It is then up to you to contact them, make arrangements to visit and discuss your childcare needs in more detail.
The brokerage service is a free, impartial, confidential service provided to parents.
You can contact the Families’ Information Services on Freephone 0800 073 8800 or email .
Information Sheets:
Choosing Childcare – advice and questions to ask when choosing childcare
Some further websites/helplines which may be of interest:
For further advice and information you can contact the Families’ Information Services on Freephone number 0800 073 8800 or email