Certificate / Professional

Graduate Certificate

in Education

(Lifelong Learning)

In partnership with


WestonCollege and


Schoolof Education


This reader is intended to provide you with relevant, useful and challenging reading alongside the content, learning activity and practical teaching experience of the course. It will help you to build ideas and concepts about teaching and the wider world of teaching and learning, and to use those ideas to reflect on the practical aspects of your professional work. We will work with you to help integrate the theories, values and ideas relating to teaching with your own practice as a teacher, and to use them effectively when completing the work for this course to achieve your teaching qualification.

There are enough items in this reader, and with other sources you will be guided towards, to provide you with a good start, but do not only confine yourself to what is in this reader.

Copies of the books featured in the Course Reader should be available through the library of the centre you are studying at, and there are many more books, documents and other sources out there, waiting for you to discover them.

The readings are grouped in sequence by author / publication, not by module, as some are relevant to more than one module, but guidance is given as to which modules they best suit.

A grid of the readings in the order they appear follows, then a full bibliographical listing of all the books from which the items have been selected, which should make referencing them straightforward. A title page is inserted before each chapter with the bibliographical details of that chapter.

Page Numbering

The individual pages of the reader are not numbered, as it changes on a regular basis, so please use the list of chapters as your index.

When using items in this course reader, do not cite them as ‘course reader etc…’ cite and list them in your bibliography as the original chapters.

When quoting from this reader ensure you use the numbering from the original publication.

Happy reading!

The Lifelong Learning Initial Teacher Training Team

Jim Crawley

(Programme Leader Lifelong Learning)


Source / Chapters / Pages / Relevant Modules
Crawley / Ch 5, pp 41-7 Access for all – working with skills for life
Ch 10, pp74-80 Developing your specialist subject / LL4201 An Introduction to Teaching and Learning
LL4203 Theories and Principles of Enabling Learning
LL4204 Specialist Area Case Study
Fairclough / Ch 11, pp 83-92 Communicating – what message are they getting? / LL4201, 2, 3 and 4 (All modules)
Gravells (a) / Ch 2, pp 22-35Key principles of learning / LL4201 An Introduction to Teaching and Learning
LL4203 Theories and Principles of Enabling Learning
Gravells (b) / Ch 1, pp 6-19 Key concepts and principles of assessment / LL4202 Enabling Learning and Assessment
LL4204 Specialist Area Case Study
Gravells and Simpson (a) / Ch 3, pp 33-47 Demonstrating appropriate behaviour / LL4201, 2, 3 and 4 (All modules)
Gravells and Simpson (b) / Ch 3, pp 20-34 Planning for inclusive learning / LL4201 An Introduction to Teaching and Learning
Hill / Ch 3, pp 20-33 Effective learning / LL4201, 2, 3 and 4 (All modules)
Minton / Introduction pp 2-6 Introduction: the teacher’s role / LL4201, 2, 3 and 4 (All modules)
Petty / Ch 4, 37-42 Teaching is a two way process
Ch 49, 529-533 Evaluating courses / LL4201 An Introduction to Teaching and Learning
LL4202 Enabling Learning and Assessment
LL4203 Theories and Principles of Enabling Learning
Roffey-Barentsen and Malthouse / Ch 1, pp 3-12 What is reflection? / LL4201, 2, 3 and 4 (All modules)
Scales / Ch 11, pp 273-287 Equality, diversity and inclusion / LL4201, 2, 3 and 4 (All modules)

Full bibliographical details of texts used

Crawley, J. (2005) In at the Deep End – A Survival Guide for Teachers in Post Compulsory Education. London: David FultonPublishers

Fairclough, M. (2008) Supporting Learners in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Maidenhead: OUP

Gravells, A. (2008) 3rded. Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Exeter: Learning Matters

Gravells, A. (2009) Principles and Practice of Assessment in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Exeter: Learning Matters

Gravells, A., and Simpson, S. (2009) Equality and Diversity in the Lifelong Learning SectorExeter: Learning Matters

Gravells, A., and Simpson, S. (2008) Planning and Enabling Learning in the Lifelong Learning SectorExeter: Learning Matters

Hill, C. (2008) 2nd ed Teaching with e-learningin the Lifelong Learning SectorExeter: Learning Matters

Minton, D. (2005) (3rd Edition) Teaching Skills in Further and Adult Education.London: Macmillan

Petty, G (2004) (3rd edition) Teaching Today – A Practical Guide. Cheltenham: Stanley Thorne

Roffey-Barentson, J. and Malthouse, R. (2009) Reflective Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector.Exeter: Learning Matters

Scales, P. (2008) Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Maidenhead: OUP