Modoc County Children & Families Commission
807 West 8th Street Alturas, CA 96101
Telephone (530) 233-7122 Fax (530) 233-7164
October 21, 2009
Members of the Commission met for a Public Call to Order & Flag Salute
Hearing and Regular Meeting
at the Child and Family Resource Center at 5:32 p.m.
Chair Crosby called meeting to order pursuant to law.
Members PresentPublic Present
Kelly Crosby-ChairEleanor Dorton
Alice Lybarger-Vice ChairCarol Callaghan
Shorty Crabtree
Gary Jones
Lisa Townsend
Edward Richert MD
Staff Present
Amanda Hoy
Jody Nelson
Public Hearing and Regular Meeting
Item 1 Approve/Disapprove Minutes from the September 09, 2009 Public Hearing and Regular Meeting
Commissioner Jones motioned to approve the minutes from the September 09, 2009 Public Hearing and Regular Meeting. Motion seconded by Vice Chair Lybarger. Motion carries with 5 Ayes, 0, Nays, and 0 Abstentions.
Commissioner Richert present at 5:45 p.m.
Item 2 Approve/Disapprove City of Alturas/Alturas Municipal Pool Micro Grant Request “American Red Cross Parent/Child Aquatics Lessons” in the amount of $900.00
Representative from Alturas Municipal Pool, Eleanor Dorton, was present to answer questions. Ms. Dorton gave a synopsis of the program stating the pool uses the American Red Cross lesson curriculum. In the past the pool has attempted to complete parent/child swimming in conjunction with other levels of lessons, but found them to be unsuccessful as there are too many distractions for the young children. The requested funding would allow parent/child lessons to be held separately. Commissioner Jones questioned the $45.00 charge. Ms. Dorton answered it is the fee for the swimming lessons. Commissioner Townsend questioned how families receiving funds would be chosen. Ms. Dorton answered it would be on a first come, first serve basis. Vice Chair Lybarger questioned if the dates were flexible should there be increment weather. Ms. Dorton stated yes. Motion made by Vice Chair Lybarger to approve the City of Alturas/Alturas Municipal Pool Micro Grant request “American Red Cross Parent/Child Aquatics Lessons” in the amount of $900.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Jones. Motion Carries with 6 Ayes, 0, Nays, and 0 Abstentions.
Item 3 Approve/Disapprove FY 08/09 First 5 Modoc Annual Audit.
Executive Director Hoy stated new to the audit is note 3 on page 19 and is in regards to fund balances with the County Treasury. Ms. Hoy asked the Commission to carefully review the two findings. The first finding was a material weakness in regards to financial reporting, the second was a significant deficiency in regards to lack of segregation of duties. The lack of segregation finding was reduced from prior years from a material weakness to a significant deficiency. This was due to the new Auditing and Budget Policy as well as the new fiscal sheets developed for the Commission. The Commission needs to maintain diligence to avoid misstatement. Commissioner Richert questioned how many Counties have a CPA prepare their financialstatements and why, if it is a requirement, does First 5 California not have private CPA accounting services available. Ms. Hoy answered some larger Counties do hire CPA’s. Unfortunately our budget will not allow for this cost. This is a GAAP standard and the StateControllers office is aware of the issue. Ms. Hoy stated she would look into it further. Motion made by Commissioner Richert to approve the FY 08/09 First 5 Modoc Annual Audit. Motion seconded by Commissioner Lybarger. Motion carries with 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, and 0 Abstentions.
Item 4 Approve/Disapprove FY 08/09 First 5 Modoc Annual Report and School Readiness Report materials to submit for First 5 California Annual Report.
Executive Director Hoy reported the Annual Report and Audit matched as required by the state. Motion made by Commissioner Jones to Approve FY 08/09 First 5 Modoc Annual Report and School Readiness Report materials to submit for the First 5 California Annual Report. Motion seconded by Commissioner Richert. Motion carries with 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, and 0 Abstentions.
Item 5 Approve/Disapprove Commission recommendation to the Board of Supervisors of new Commission member Dave Boissineau and Alternate Susan Hegstad, representation from Strong Family Health Center.
Motion made by Commissioner Richert to Approve Commission recommendation to the Board of Supervisors of new Commission member Dave Boissineau and Alternate Susan Hegstad, representation from Strong Family Health Center. Motion seconded by Commissioner Lybarger. Motion carries with 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, and 0 Abstentions.
Item 6 Approve/Disapprove $0.50 per hour wage increase for the position of Office Specialist/Account Technician
Executive Director Hoy stated a wage increase for the position was approved in the budget. General discussion followed regarding wages increases and the current County financial situation. Motion made by Commissioner Jones to approve the $0.50 per hour wage increase for the position of Office Specialist/Account Technician. Motion seconded by Commissioner Crabtree. Motion carried with 6 Ayes, 0 Nays and 0 Abstentions.
Item 7 Approve/Disapprove Appointment of Executive Director Evaluation Performance Sub-Committee
Executive Director Hoy stated in the agenda packet is an evaluation document recently developed by the County. The county process is quite lengthy and would stretch over 4-5 meetings and has not been formally adopted. As the Commission meets bi-monthly that would not be reasonable. Ms. Hoy requested an evaluation sub-committee be appointed. General discussion followed regarding developing a new evaluation form. Chair Crosby asked member of the public, Carol Callaghan, if she would like to be on the committee. Ms. Callaghan declined. Motion made by Commissioner Townsend to appoint Chair Crosby, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Boissineau to the Executive Director Evaluation Performance Sub-Committee. Motion Seconded by Vice Chair Lybarger. Motion carries with 6 Ayes, 0 Nays and 0 Abstentions.
Commission Report:
Staff Report:
Executive Director Hoy reported Carol Callaghan, Director of TEACH Inc. requested attachment of the informational brochure in regards to UC Davis extension training. Ms. Callaghan stated that TEACH employee, Tammy Urban, facilitates the trainings that focus on children with special needs. The training is held at the TEACH Inc office with trainers coming from UC Davis.
School Readiness
Executive Director Hoy reported SR is fully enrolled. There is a lot of positive Parent feedback regarding the Raising A Reader program. The SR report material presented on Item 4 is due to the State November 1. The next SR advisory meeting is scheduled for October 27 at 9:00 a.m. at TEACH and the next SR Partner meeting is scheduled for October 28 at 10:00 at the Child and Family Resource Center.
Program Report
Executive Director Hoy reported the final billing was received from the State for the Healthy Families program in the amount of $2,362.33. Ms. Hoy has not yet received a breakdown of children served with demographic information. The Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board has not provided this information to the State due to numbers in Modoc being less than ten. Ms. Hoy has been corresponding with the State and they are working on it as they are aware this is a requirement of the contract.
a) August
Executive Director Hoy reported the fiscal is in order. Nothing Further.
Item 8 Announcement of next Public Hearing and Regular Meeting
Date:January 13,. 2010
Time:5:30 p.m.
Location:Child and Family Resource Center
Item 9 AdjournmentTime:6:10 p.m.
Respectfully SubmittedCommission Chair Kelly Crosby