Specific Learning Difficulties

Adapted from Cynthia Klein Diagnostic Interview

Name: / Date:
Tel No:
Contact No: / D.O.B: / Age:
Institution: / Course: / Exams:
Referred by:
Reasons for wanting assessment (including extra time and access arrangements):
Current dyslexia support? / Support in centre / Other:
Since leaving school:
Educational aims:
Self assessment of strengths and weaknesses:
Primary school
Problems learning to read: / Extra help: / Disruptions:
Secondary school
Extra help: / Exams taken: English grade: Maths grade:
Arrangements: Extra time Reader Amanuensis Other
Background medical history
Ear problems: / Eye problems: / Speech or language:
Birth and early months:
Milestones, e.g. crawling, talking, walking, shoelaces, riding bike:
Co-ordination difficulties (e.g. catching ball): / Broken bones:
Serious health problems: / Missed schooling:
Other family members:
Language and listening
Concentration span: / Trouble listening: / Concentrating /background noise:
Word retrieval: / Pbs. notes + listening: / Muddle long words:
Comments: (check first language)
Frequency: / Enjoy? / Reading material:
Re-read frequently: / Comprehension: / Word recognition:
Reading out loud: / Lose place easily: / Visual stress: If yes – other checklist/overlays
Approaches used: e.g. sub-vocalisation, decoding, guessing, accessing information another way etc.
Writing and spelling
Feelings about writing: / Types of writing done:
Getting ideas on paper: / Organisation/Planning: / Good/bad days:
Tutor feedback/comments: / Self assessment of spelling: / Avoid words can’t spell?
Punctuation and grammar:
Note taking in lectures/from reading:
Approaches used e.g. mnemonics, visualising/sounding out, use of ICT etc.
How tackles essay/report:
Coursework vs. exam marks:
Feelings about maths: / Self assessment of ability:
Memorising tables: / Basic number facts: / Money:
Long division/algebra: / Measuring/plotting graphs: / Transpose numbers:
Approaches and comments:
Self assessment of memory: / Dates/events:
Alphabet: / Months of year: / Phone numbers:
Names/faces: / Facts: / Verbal instructions/directions:
Strategies used and comments:
Difficulties telling
time: / Left/right
confusion: / Sense of direction/map reading:
Handedness: / Pen control/grip: / Paper position:
Posture: / Hand gets tired/pain: / Balance:
Consistency: / Crossings out: / Copying from board:
Relevant details about driving/sports/musical instruments/languages spoken/art and design preferences/use of everyday equipment (e.g. potato peeler, bottle opener, ruler):
Observations during interview/assessment