Bibliography Information
Modern Language Association (MLA) Style - Bibliography
In MLA style, cite the author’s name, article or page name, title of the website, version numbers, publisher information and the date you accessed the site. MLA style does not require URLs in bibliographic citations, but for an annotated bibliography, you might want to include it so you can easily find the site again.
Mrs. Garfield: Please include the URL for this bibliography.
“Definition and Quotes about Music Therapy.” American Music Therapy Association. AMTA,
n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2015. <
There is no author for this page, so the citation begins with the page’s title, which is written in quotation marks. The website name is italicized, and the publisher’s name follows. The abbreviation “n.d.” stands for no date, as the site does not list a publication date. The date accessed goes in day-month-year format. The URL is encased in angle brackets, and there is a period at the end.
To add the annotation, drop down two lines after your bibliographic citation. Write your annotation in paragraph form. Keep the entire paragraph indented, so your paragraphs are flush with the hanging indent in your second and any subsequent lines in your bibliography; only the first line of your bibliography is fully to the left margin of the paper. Drop down an extra line between paragraphs in your annotation.
“EPA Drinking Water and Health: What You Need to Know.” U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. EPA, 10 July 2009, Web. 14 Nov. 2009
An article containing information about drinking water safety. I used it to find out how water is purified.
- Alphabetize sources
- Bibliography – first line to the left margin, all other lines indented
- Bibliography – double spaced
- Annotation – completely indented the same as the second and successive lines of the bibliography
- Annotation – single-spaced
- No 2 page bibliographies
- Must have 4 sources minimum per student, but you must site all sources used.
- Annotation explains about the document (highlighted in yellow)
- Annotation explains how the source is used for the project (highlighted in blue)
Bibliography for image found online
Last, First M. Title of Work. Digital Image. Website Title. Website Publisher, Date Month Year
Published. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.
Add your annotation.
Image search: Do not cite the search engine where the image is found, but the website of the image the search engine indexes.
Data Accessed: This is the day that you found the image.
Guggenheim Museum in Spain. Digital image. HowStuffWorks. HowStuffWorks. Web. 22 July
See the screen shot on the next page of where you find the information with the picture when it is online.
Guggenheim Museum in Spain. Digital image. HowStuffWorks. HowStuffWorks. Web. 22 July