Modelingand Simulations Relating Overall Survivalto Tumor Growth InhibitioninRenal Cell Carcinoma Patients
Authors:Laurent Claret, PhD1,Francois Mercier, PhD2, Brett E. Houk, PhD3, Peter A. Milligan, PhD4, Rene Bruno, PhD1
1 Pharsight Consulting Services, Pharsight, a CertaraTM Company, Marseille, France
2 Pharsight Consulting Services, Pharsight, a CertaraTM Company, Wintzenheim, France now with Roche, pRED, Basel, Switzerland.
3Pfizer Clinical Pharmacology, La Jolla, CA, USA
4Pfizer Pharmacometrics, Global Clinical Pharmacology, Sandwich, UK
Corresponding author: Rene Bruno
84 Chemin des Grives
13013 Marseille, France
Tel/Fax: 33 (0) 4-91-42-7397
Key words: Renal cell carcinoma, overall survival, tumor growth inhibition,predictive model
Supplementary Material
Longitudinal Tumor Size Model Equations
The sum of longest diameters (SLD) were modeled using three longitudinal tumor growth inhibition models.
-Stein [21] as implemented in Ref 22
Where y is the sum of longest diameters (SLD) of target lesions; Y0 is the baseline tumor size; D is the rate of tumor shrinkage (1/time unit); G is growth rate (1/time unit).
-Wang model [23]
Where SR is the rate of tumor shrinkage (1/time unit); PR is a zero order growth rate (SLD unit/time unit).
-Simplified TGI model [22]
Where KL is growth rate (1/time unit); KD is the rate of tumor shrinkage (1/time unit) that decreases exponentially at a rate λ (1/time unit).
Supplementary Table 1sTGI model parameter estimates
Parameter / Estimate (CV%) / ?2(Sh%) / ?(KL, KD) (corr)Y0 (cm) / 10.1 (0.164) / 0.662 (4.33)
KL (week-1) / 3.74x10-3 (6.64) / 1.42 (34.6) / 0.108 (0.103)
KD (week-1) / 2.42x10-2 (4.30) / 0.766 (31.6)
(week-1) / 9.22x10-2 (8.35) / 1.15 (45.6)
s2(cm2) / 0.996 (0.830) / -
CV: coefficient of variation, ?2: inter-individual variance, Sh: shrinkage,
corr: correlation coefficient, Y0: baseline tumor size, KL: growth rate, KD: kill rate,
: resistance appearance rate, s: standard deviation of additive residual error
Supplementary Table 2 Stein model parameter estimates
Parameter / Estimate (CV%) / ?2(Sh%) / ?(D, G) (corr)Y0 (cm) / 9.80 (0.736) / 0.665 (3.59)
G (week-1) / 6.13x10-3 (0.776) / 0.609 (25.8) / 0.098 (0.150)
D (week-1) / 1.52x10-2 (0.781) / 0.707 (31.7)
s2 / 1.106 (0.566) / -
CV: coefficient of variation, ?2: inter-individual variance, Sh: shrinkage,
corr: correlation coefficient, Y0: baseline tumor size, G:growth rate,
D: shrinkage rate, s: standard deviation of additive residual error
Supplementary Table 3Screening of the potential
covariates using the Cox model
Parameter / Score / p / SignLog(TTG*) / 284.9 / < 0.0001 / -
Log(G) / 229.4 / < 0.0001 / +
Baseline hemoglobin / 167.1 / < 0.0001 / -
Log(# metastases) / 150.2 / < 0.0001 / +
Baseline ECOG / 144.7 / < 0.0001 / +
Week 10 ETS / 140.0 / < 0.0001 / +
Week 12 ETS / 138.3 / < 0.0001 / +
Week 8 ETS / 136.4 / < 0.0001 / +
Baseline cor. calcium / 108.7 / < 0.0001 / +
Prior nephrectomy / 46.4 / < 0.0001 / -
Liver metastases / 42.9 / < 0.0001 / +
Time from diagnosis / 42.9 / < 0.0001 / -
Baseline LDH / 33.3 / < 0.0001 / +
Baseline SLD / 17.7 / < 0.0001 / +
Line therapy / 5.1 / 0.001 / -
Lung metastases / 2.1 / 0.038 / -
p by log likelihood ratio test
sign: sign of the parameter estimate. +: increased values prolong OS…increase the risk of death
* shifted by 25.2 days to avoid negative values
Race, age, sex were NS (p 0.05)
Supplementary Table 4Parameter estimates
of the log(TTG) OS model
Parameter / Estimate (SE) / p-value(Intercept) / 2.81 (0.288) / <0.001
Log(TTG*) / 0.907 (0.045) / <0.001
Hemoglobin (g/L) / 0.124 (0.011) / <0.001
ECOG=1 / -0.386 (0. 046) / <0.001
ECOG=(2, 3) / -0.162 (0.073) / 0.027
Corrected calcium (mg/dL) / -0.100 (0.018) / <0.001
Log(# metastases) / -0.149 (0.030) / <0.001
Time from diagnosis (days) / 6.9E-5 (1.6E-5) / <0.001
Baseline LDH (U/L) / -3.4E-4 (8.8E-5) / <0.001
Lung metastases (yes) / -0.141 (0. 044) / 0.001
Log(scale) / -0.157 (0.0198) / <0.001
SE: standard error, p: wald test (χ2)
+=favorable; -=not favorable
* shifted by 25.2 days to avoid negative values
Supplementary Table 5 Parameter estimate covariance matrix – ETS OS model
(Intercept) / Week 8 ETS / Hemoglobin / ECOG=1 / ECOG=(2,3) / logMET / Calcium / T. diag / LDH / Lung.Met / Log(scale)(Intercept) / 0.073 / -0.0162 / -0.00184 / -0.00167 / 0.00276 / 3.28E-05 / -0.00337 / -3.34E-07 / -2.40E-06 / -0.00176 / 0.000387
Week 8 ETS / -0.0162 / 0.0182 / 7.96E-05 / -4.87E-05 / -0.00031 / -0.00032 / -4.03E-05 / -1.51E-08 / -5.44E-07 / 0.000183 / -0.00018
Hemoglobin / -0.00184 / 7.96E-05 / 0.000122 / 0.000119 / 0.000114 / 2.92E-05 / 1.66E-05 / -7.28E-09 / 6.30E-08 / -2.74E-05 / 1.28E-05
ECOG=1 / -0.00167 / -4.87E-05 / 0.000119 / 0.00235 / 0.00168 / -7.81E-05 / -9.46E-05 / 4.39E-09 / -2.86E-07 / 0.000141 / -5.37E-05
ECOG=(2,3) / 0.00276 / -0.00031 / 0.000114 / 0.00168 / 0.00587 / -0.00077 / -0.0005 / 4.74E-08 / -9.87E-07 / 0.001 / -6.58E-05
logMET / 3.28E-05 / -0.00032 / 2.92E-05 / -7.81E-05 / -0.00077 / 0.000994 / -0.00012 / 2.98E-08 / -3.68E-07 / -0.00026 / -3.40E-05
Calciun / -0.00337 / -4.03E-05 / 1.66E-05 / -9.46E-05 / -0.0005 / -0.00012 / 0.000346 / 1.46E-08 / 6.57E-08 / 7.52E-05 / -1.44E-05
T. diag / -3.34E-07 / -1.51E-08 / -7.28E-09 / 4.39E-09 / 4.74E-08 / 2.98E-08 / 1.46E-08 / 2.76E-10 / 5.70E-11 / 4.05E-08 / 2.19E-08
LDH / -2.40E-06 / -5.44E-07 / 6.30E-08 / -2.86E-07 / -9.87E-07 / -3.68E-07 / 6.57E-08 / 5.70E-11 / 8.44E-09 / 1.88E-07 / -2.79E-08
Lung.Met / -0.00176 / 0.000183 / -2.74E-05 / 0.000141 / 0.001 / -0.00026 / 7.52E-05 / 4.05E-08 / 1.88E-07 / 0.00207 / -3.30E-05
Log(scale) / 0.000387 / -0.00018 / 1.28E-05 / -5.37E-05 / -6.58E-05 / -3.40E-05 / -1.44E-05 / 2.19E-08 / -2.79E-08 / -3.30E-05 / 0.000398
Supplementary Table 6 Parameter estimate covariance matrix – Log(TTG) OS model
(Intercept) / logTTG / Hemoglobin / ECOG=1 / ECOG=(2,3) / logMET / Calcium / T.Diag / LDH / Lung.Met / Log(scale)(Intercept) / 0.0829 / -0.0077 / -0.00151 / -0.00161 / 0.0022 / -0.00101 / -0.00316 / -2.96E-07 / -3.44E-06 / -0.00121 / -0.00017
logTTG / -0.0077 / 0.00204 / -3.08E-05 / 2.24E-05 / 3.90E-05 / 0.000201 / 7.23E-06 / -8.76E-09 / 1.75E-07 / -6.85E-05 / 9.92E-05
Hemoglobin / -0.00151 / -3.08E-05 / 0.000112 / 0.000108 / 0.000102 / 2.56E-05 / 1.60E-05 / -5.66E-09 / 5.95E-08 / -2.43E-05 / 1.09E-05
ECOG=1 / -0.00161 / 2.24E-05 / 0.000108 / 0.00215 / 0.00154 / -7.10E-05 / -8.78E-05 / 1.54E-09 / -2.74E-07 / 0.000123 / -4.93E-05
ECOG=(2,3) / 0.0022 / 3.90E-05 / 0.000102 / 0.00154 / 0.00535 / -0.0007 / -0.00046 / 4.07E-08 / -9.35E-07 / 0.000908 / -6.28E-05
logMET / -0.00101 / 0.000201 / 2.56E-05 / -7.10E-05 / -0.0007 / 0.000923 / -0.00011 / 2.81E-08 / -3.21E-07 / -0.00023 / -2.41E-05
Calcium / -0.00316 / 7.23E-06 / 1.60E-05 / -8.78E-05 / -0.00046 / -0.00011 / 0.000316 / 1.31E-08 / 7.05E-08 / 6.86E-05 / -1.32E-05
T.Diag / -2.96E-07 / -8.76E-09 / -5.66E-09 / 1.54E-09 / 4.07E-08 / 2.81E-08 / 1.31E-08 / 2.56E-10 / 5.15E-11 / 3.51E-08 / 1.94E-08
LDH / -3.44E-06 / 1.75E-07 / 5.95E-08 / -2.74E-07 / -9.35E-07 / -3.21E-07 / 7.05E-08 / 5.15E-11 / 7.69E-09 / 1.74E-07 / -2.28E-08
Lung.Met / -0.00121 / -6.85E-05 / -2.43E-05 / 0.000123 / 0.000908 / -0.00023 / 6.86E-05 / 3.51E-08 / 1.74E-07 / 0.00189 / -3.21E-05
Log(scale) / -0.00017 / 9.92E-05 / 1.09E-05 / -4.93E-05 / -6.28E-05 / -2.41E-05 / -1.32E-05 / 1.94E-08 / -2.28E-08 / -3.21E-05 / 0.000394
Supplementary Fig. 1Goodness of fit plots of the sTGI model
Supplementary Fig. 2Goodness of fit plots of the Stein model
Supplementary Fig.3Predictive check of the log(TTG) OS model by tertiles of TTG
solid lines: Kaplan-Meyer plots by tertiles of TTG (days): dark grey: 1st tertile [-25.2,13.5), medium grey: 2nd tertile [13.5, 28.2), light grey: 3rd tertile [28.2,650); areas: 95% prediction intervals by the model
Supplementary Fig. 4 Predictive check of the week 8 ETS OS model by treatments
solid lines: Kaplan-Meyer plots by treatments, areas: 95% prediction intervals by the model. sorafenib (n=313), sunitinib (n=886), temsirolimus + IFN (n=156), axitinib (n=479), temsirolimus (n=182) and IFN (n=475).
Supplementary Fig. 5 Predictive check of the week 8 ETS OS model by treatments and week 8 ETS
solid lines: Kaplan-Meyer plots by treatments and ETS, areas: 95% prediction intervals by the model. sorafenib (n=313), sunitinib (n=886), temsirolimus + IFN (n=156), axitinib (n=479), temsirolimus (n=182) and IFN (n=475). Dark grey: week 8 ETS below median of 0.892, light grey: week 8 ETS at or above median of 0.892