Model Whole School Stress Risk Assessment and Action Plan

For guidance on Stress Risk Assessment, please see Cumbria County Council’s Safety Advice Note SAN(G) 33 – Managing the Causes of Work- related Stress.The ‘Existing controls’ column should mirror what you have in place. The suggested controls are not a definitive list and may be added to as appropriate.Note: Take into account any existing information you hold. This may be the results of staff surveys, focus groups, sickness absence trends, or feedback from Staff/Trade Union Representatives. Once any necessary additional controls are in place, the risk assessment should be revisited.

As the nature of the work changes, the risk assessment should be reviewed in case it needs to be changed in any way. It should also be reviewed regularly, usually annually, to ensure it is still current and relevant.

identified / Who is at risk? / Frequency:
annually? / Initial
risk rating / Existing controls / Further measures to be taken / Residual risk rating / Comments
(action taken by and date for completion)
Demands at work, e.g.
Working patterns,
Work/life balance,
Pupils with learning difficulties and behaviour problems. / All staff / Variable / M/H /
  • School policies and safe working procedures.
  • Good communication and ability for staff to raise issues in one-to-one or group environments.
  • Agreement of workload/tasks for particular jobs.
  • Redistribution of workload/tasks where required.
  • Agreed working patterns.Agreement on expectations of off-site working including travelling/preparation time.
  • Clear job descriptions.
  • Adequate resources and support in school.
  • School systems set up to address SEN pupils.
  • Behaviour Management Plans in place.
  • Adequate reporting of incidents to management and/or LA.
  • Participation in the decision-making processes.
  • Recognition of the need for work/life balance. Flexible working patterns introduced where possible.
  • Advice available from LA officers, SENCO, and LA Health &Safety team.
/ Other measures – please add to your attached action plan / M/L
Ability for staff to feel in control of workloads or priorities. / All staff / Variable / M/H /
  • Realistic deadlines/targets.
  • Staff participation in decision-making processes.
  • Two-way communication strategies..
  • Allocation of resources and support to assist staff to maintain control.
  • Work/life balance initiatives.
  • Provision of information and training.
  • School successes attributed to whole school approach.
  • School Improvement Plan will contribute to maintaining standards.
  • Monitoring regimes in place for pupil attainment, attendance etc.
/ Other measures – please add to your attached action plan / M/L
Changes in school
Leadership and staffing,
New education initiatives,
Re-allocation of tasks. / Variable /
  • Communication about any developments/changes.
  • Staff consulted/involved in good time in the planning process before change.
  • Involvement of union bodies where applicable.
  • Staff development sessions where required.
  • The allocation of sufficient lead-in time and resources.
  • Measures to ensure that workloads do not increase as a result of change.
/ Other measures – please add to your attached action plan
Relationships in school
Violent or aggressive parents/members of the public. /
  • Harassment and bullying policy and procedures.
  • Zero tolerance campaign for unacceptable behaviour.
  • Complaints procedure – treated seriously and acted on swiftly.
  • Equal opportunities policy.
  • Better communication systems.
  • Safe working practices.
  • Establishment of cross-institutional groups/meetings to generate involvement and ownership, e.g. subject team meetings.
  • Staff development and professional development opportunities.
/ Other measures – please add to your attached action plan
  • Open discussion.
  • Good communication with staff.
  • Clear advice on changes.
  • Ability for staff to discuss and feedback concerns.
  • Systems in place for meeting parents and dealing with incidents in school.
  • Parents not seen without an appointment.
  • Meetings held in designated areas.
  • One-to-one meetings avoided.
  • Incidents reported to the LA.
  • Incidents taken seriously by Head and Governors.
  • Support for staff affected as required.

Role / All staff / Variable / M/H /
  • Clear, up-to-date job descriptions.
  • Analysis of job tasks and re-allocation of responsibilities.
  • Ensure that deadlines and targets set are achievable.
  • Improved consultation measures.
  • Measures to value the staff’s contribution.
/ Other measures – please add to your attached action plan
Support /
  • Systems in place for better communications.
  • Staff are consulted and participate in decision-making.
  • The provision of training for staff.
  • Staff development opportunities.
  • Work/life balance initiatives.
  • Managementstaff show concern and empathy for those they manage.
  • Career-development strategies in place.
  • Recognition of staff achievements.
  • Safe working practices procedure.
/ Other measures – please add to your attached action plan
External issues
Health, bereavement, financial and relationship issues / All staff / Variable / M/H /
  • First day referral to Occupational Health where required.
  • Good relationships and support within school encouraged and maintained.
  • Signposted links to NHS choices information or other support.
/ Ensure completion of the individual stress questionnaire to support staff with difficulties. Encourage staff to share problems with colleagues. / M/L

Additional issues:

Name of assessor:Signature(s):Date of assessment:

Work-related Stress Action Plan Dated

This should be populated using the information from your Whole School Stress Risk Assessment

Issues to be addressed / Current position / Planned solutions / Who will take this forward? By when? / How will staff receive feedback (where required)? / Action completed

Date for review:

Example actions (for guidance)

Issues to be addressed / Current position / Planned solutions / Who will take this forward? By when? / How will staff receive feedback (where required)? / Action completed
Demands / Staffs have raised issues about working over their regular hours at short notice due to short staffing issues.
Some staff feel as if they always have to deal with the majority of difficult issues. /
  • Review of staffing issues with Governors.
  • Monitoring that normal work hours are not being regularly exceeded.
  • A review of workloads and demands regularly as part of the appraisal and performance management process.
  • Encouragement to focus on the delivery of essential tasks.
  • Provision of additional resources and equipment.
  • Encouragement of team working.
  • Staff rotation to ensure fairness and development.
/ Headteacher and Governing Body – next meeting 17th July. / Verbally.
Discussion in staff meetings and one-to-ones as required.
Face to face support.
Staff noticeboard/rotas. / 17/07/2014
At appraisal and one-to-ones
Control / Some staff expressed difficulties in balancing the demands of work and life outside work. /
  • Encouragement of a healthy work/life balance.
  • Monitor that holiday allowances are taken and distributed fairly across the year.
  • Ensure that work-related communications are not issued outside work time (where possible).
/ Headteacher and Governing Body - all employees will be supported and encouraged to achieve the best possible work/life balance and to report issues through their line management route. / Verbally/ email.
Regular reminders. / 15/10/2014
Change / Fears about job security.
Poor communication – uncertainty about what is happening. /
  • Provide effective support and consultation with staff throughout the process.
  • Consult regularly, even when there is nothing ‘new’ to communicate.
  • Regular team meetings to help people to feel less isolated with their concerns.
/ Governing Body and Headteacher. / Updates and newsletters
Team meetings
Relationships / Staff raised concerns over increased conflict from parents and how to address issues. /
  • Regular one-to-one meetings to ensure staff feel supported and listened to.
  • Refresh information provided to staff on safety and security protocols.
  • Provide training where required, e.g. management and staff development .
  • Provide training for staff dealing with conflict or challenging behaviour.
/ Heads of Department by end of Spring Term.
Training will be identified as part of usual appraisal process. / Verbally
Available on staff intranet
By email and staff noticeboard
Role / Some staff complained that others lack skills and are unable to be effective in their role.
Some staff complained that success was not being recognised. /
  • Robust recruitment, induction and performance processes.
  • Recognition of performance.
  • Staff feedback listened to and respected.
  • Acknowledgement and reward of successes.
  • Encourage a culture of shared responsibilities
/ Headteacher and Governing Body.
Headteacher and Staff. / Newsletters
School website
Support / Staff experiencing issues with parents require support. /
  • Effective two- way communication and follow up procedures after incidents.
  • Effective absence management and ill-health referral process.
  • Ensure that all staff are supported where conflicts occur.
  • Encourage co-operation and discussion.
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyles.
/ All Heads of Department / Regular communication both verbal and written