Model Arctic Council (MAC)
Student Application
Application Deadline
Please e-mail your completed application (type and save your responses), and ask your faculty member to e-mail his or her letter of recommendation,directly to: Laura Schneider (Administrative Assistant, Arctic and Northern Studies, UAF) at y Friday, November 20, 2015. The organizing committee willnotify students of their acceptance by Friday, November 27, 2015 and ask that accepted studentsconfirm their participation by Friday, December 18, 2015.
- Name:
- University:
- Degree (e.g. Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D.):
- Program Year (e.g. first year):
- Academic Department:
- Major Field(s) of Study:
- Minor Field(s) of Study:
- E-mail address:
- Is there someone – either at your university or a different university – with whom you are working to prepare you for your potential participation in the Model Arctic Council? If so, who?
- Do you have experience participating in a Model Arctic Council or Model United Nations? If so, which?
- What courses have you taken that would prepare you to participate in the Model Arctic Council?
- What courses could you take in the spring 2016 semester, if accepted, to prepare you to participate in the Model Arctic Council?
- To what student organizations do you belong?
- Gender:
- Age:
- Are you indigenous? If so, to what indigenous group(s) and organization(s) do you belong?
- Which actor would you like to simulate in the Model Arctic Council? For a list of actors, please see the chart at the end of this application. We will do our best to accommodate your preferences but cannot guarantee that you will be assigned one of your preferred actors. It would behoove you to review the roles of the Member States, Permanent Participants, and Observers in the Arctic Council before you list your preferences. If you would prefer to simulate a Member State, please indicate if you would like to simulate the Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG) or Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) representative, Senior Arctic Official (SAO), or Minister.
- First Preference:
- Second Preference:
- Third Preference:
- Your potential participation in the Model Arctic Council would require that you find funding for your transportation to Fairbanks. Do you have funding for your transportation to Fairbanks? If so, from where? If you do not currently have funding, could you obtain funding? If so, from where?
- Please describe your interest in Arctic and international affairs and,more specifically, in participating in the MAC.
- Please describe your academic background or life experience and how it prepares you for participating in the MAC.
- Please describe your personal traits such as maturity, self-discipline, and ability to collaborate with others, that prepares you for participating in the MAC.
- What else would you like us to consider as we review your application?
Arctic Council Actors
Arctic Council Member States / Arctic Council
Permanent Participants / Arctic Council Observers
States / Intergovernmental and Inter-Parliamentary Organizations / Non-governmental Organizations
Canada / Aleut International Association / France / International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies / Advisory Committee on Protection of the Seas
Kingdom of Denmark / Arctic Athabaskan Council / Germany / International Union for the Conservation of Nature / Arctic Institute of North America (AINA) - Formerly Arctic Cultural Gateway
Finland / Gwich’in Council International / Netherlands / Nordic Council of Ministers / Association of World Reindeer Herders
Iceland / Inuit Circumpolar Council / Poland / Nordic Environment Finance Corporation / Circumpolar Conservation Union
Norway / Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North / Spain / North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission / International Arctic Science Committee
Russian Federation / Saami Council / United Kingdom / Standing Committee of the Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region / International Arctic Social Sciences Association
Sweden / People’s Republic of China / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe / International Union for Circumpolar Health
United States / Italian Republic / United Nations Development Program / International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs
State of Japan / United Nations Environment Program / Northern Forum
Republic of Korea / University of the Arctic
Republic of Singapore / World Wide Fund for Nature-Global Arctic Program
Republic of India / Advisory Committee on Protection of the Seas