Economic Commission for Africa
Model action plan to implement the 2008 SNA
[Document subtitle]
Emmanuel Ngok

Table of content

1- Context and justification

2- Structure of the action plan

2.1 Objectives of the project

2.1.1 General objective

2.1.2 Specific objectives

2.2 Expected results

2.3 Main activities

2.3.1 General works

2.3.2 Base year

2.3.3 Current year

2.3.4 Various tasks

2.4 Assumptions, risks and opportunities

3- Implementation framework (organization and operational mode)

3.1 Institutional frame

3.2 Implementation strategy

3.2 Impact of the 2008 SNA implementation

4- Monitoring and evaluation

4.1 Communication and advocacy

4.2 Monitoring and evaluation

5- Estimated costs of the project

6- Annexes

1-Context and justification

  • National context: inventory of national accounts, current situation of the compilation of national accounts(principal results, IT tool, etc.), national elements that justify a new base year, etc.);
  • International context (international events that ask for a new base year);
  • Justification;
  • Chosen approach for the implementation and strategic pillars of the action plan.

2-Structure of the action plan

2.1 Objectives of the project

2.1.1 General objective

Develop a base year and a current year in line with the 2008 SNA.

2.1.2 Specific objectives

  • Precise the national accounts to be produced ( Supply and Uses Table (SUT), Integrated Economic Accounts (IEA), financial accounts, balance sheets);
  • Adaptation of activity and product classifications;
  • Publication of results;
  • Back casting time series;
  • Etc.

2.2 Expected resultsor outcomes

  • National accounts in the chosen base year (specify the central framework tables to be developed for the base year: SUT, IEA);
  • National accounts of the first current year (precise the central framework tables to be developed by the chosen year: SUT, IEA;
  • New adopted classifications for products and activities;
  • Analysis written about the national accounts results (specify year);
  • Reinforced national accounts capacities;
  • Methodological note elaborated;
  • Etc.

2.3 Main activities

2.3.1 General activities

  • Choose the base year to elaborate, the dimension of accounts to produce and the IT tool to use for compilation of national accounts;
  • Choose the changes of 2008 SNA to implement;
  • Adapt the new classifications of products and activities;
  • Identify existing data sources and the state of necessary complementary sources;
  • Collect structural data (cite the statistical operations to be carried out): Intermediate consumption (IC) structure, margins, employment, final consumption, informal sector, taxes, etc.;
  • Collect other data;
  • Reinforce capacity of national accountants (trainings for beginners, life-long training, training forsectorial experts, etc.).

2.3.2 Base year activities

  • Put in place working classifications (activities, products, operations, institutional sectors, etc.): choose the content of working classifications;
  • Process data sources (in conformity with other reference international manuals such as balance of payments, public finance statistics manual, etc.);
  • Develop adequate national accounts (analytical work: supply and uses balance (SUB), Industry accounts (IA), transfers matrix, etc.);
  • Synthesis of national accounts.

2.3.3 Current yearactivities

  • Collect and process data sources;
  • Develop adequate national accounts;
  • Synthesis of national accounts.

2.3.4 Various tasks

  • Prepare publication of the national accounts results;
  • Back casting time series of the national accounts.

2.4 Assumptions, risks and opportunities

  • Formulate assumptions that need to be verified to make sure that the action plan is adequately carried out;
  • Identify major risks that can hinder the achievement of results;
  • Give measurable indicators to handle the identified risks;
  • Cite opportunities arising from the 2008 SNA implementation.

3-Implementation framework (organization and operational mode)

Define an organization structure to execute the action plan, the strategy to be carried out and the impacts of the 2008 SNA implementation.

3.1 Institutional frame

Define the organization to be carried out and the main actors in charge of implementing the action plan, their responsibilities and their functioning mode.

3.2 Implementation strategy

Define the steps to take for the different activities. The strategic guidelines should include:

  • the reinforcement of material, human, financial and IT capacities ;
  • the strengthening of institutions; and
  • the methodological adaptation.

3.2 Impact of the 2008 SNA implementation

Cite the major impacts of the 2008 SNA implementation.

4-Monitoring and evaluation

4.1 Communication and advocacy

Plan advocacy and communication activities to be carried out to make the national accounts accepted by all actors after the 2008 SNA implementation.

4.2 Monitoring, evaluationand reporting

Define monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and tools to follow the execution of the action plan (technical, administrative and financial monitoring, monitoring of risks).

5-Estimated costs of the project

Evaluate the cost of activities to be carried out and specify the financing sources. The costs need to be detailed and in line with the planned activities.

6- Annexes

Annex 1: Logical framework of the action plan (objectives, expected results, actions, period, performance indicators, responsible, and comments: risks, assumptions)

Annex 2: Activities already carried out (period and results)

Annex 3: Time frame (Timeline) of activities

Annex 4: Detailed Budget (phases and activities)

Annex 5: Roadmap (implementation phases with period and appointed responsible)

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