For step-by-step help in completing this document, please see the accompanying annotated learning plan.
Modality: Listening and Speaking
Topic: Nawruz Traditional Folkloric Songs and Stories: Samanoo
Trip to Iran; Participating in Nawruz Festival: / Week 3Day 12 / Grade Range of Learners: / 4-5
Total Number of Minutes: / 90 (10 minutes break) / Targeted Performance Level: / Intermediate Mid
What Can-Do statement(s) from the curriculum template does this lesson address?
· I can understand simple information and description about topics related to Nawruz celebrations and traditions such as children folkloric (Amoo Nawruz and Naneh Sarma), Persian food (Samanoo, Sabzi Polo); music; songs ( Amoo Nawruz/samanoo) transportation; historical places (Emam Square, Tehran Museum, Bagh-e-Behesht, See o Se Pol,Tehran Grand Bazar, Chehel Setoon, pole Khajoo, and Menar Jonboon); and how people usually spend their time during Nawruz ( Sizdeh be dar, jashne Chahar Shanbeh Souri, and Ghashogh Zanee) (Interpretive Listening).
· I can talk with someone about my hobbies and interests such as regular routines on a Nawruz day; Sofre ye Haft Seen folkloric stories (Amoo Nawruz and Nanneh Sarma); songs (Amoo Nawruz/Samanoo); Sizdeh Be dar, Chaharshanbeh Souri, and Ghashogh Zanee; special Nawruz dishes (Samanoo, Sabzi Polo Ba Mahee); shopping (souvenir); transportation; and popular Persian music and singers such as Ustad Shajarian, Alireza Eftekhari, and Mohammad Isfahanee (Interpersonal Communication).
· I can present on familiar topics related to Nawruz including special Nawruz dishes (Samanoo, Sabzi Koo Koo); music; songs (Amoo Nawruz/Samanoo); singers such as Ustad Shajarian, Alireza Eftekhari, and Mohammad Isfahanee.; folkloric stories (Amoo Nawruz and Nanneh Sarma), Sizdeh be Dar, Chaharshanbeh Souri, and Ghashogh zanee ; transportation; daily routines and interests; historical places (Takhte Jamsid, Tehran Museum, Jameh Mosque of Isfahan, Tehran Grand Bazar, baghe Mohtasham, Jamsheedieh Park,); influential people (Amir Kabir, Ferdosee, , Hafiz, Mawlana jalaluddin Rumi Balhki) (Presentational Speaking).
How will you capture the learners’ energy and commitment for this lesson?
The teacher will play a couple of clips from YouTube for a minute or so to spark the curiosity of learners about the topic.
What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this episode? / STAGE 2
How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of this episode?
Learning Targets
What specific can-do addresses this episode? / Culture, Content & Language
What do learners need to know to meet the can-do? / Checking for Learning
How will you know that learners have met the learning target for this episode?
I can understand questions about Samanoo (Interpretive Listening). / Vocabulary: Samanoo, materials, wheat, flour, song, women
سمنو، مواد،گندم، آرد، آهنگ، زن ها،
Grammatical structure: Action verbs and the expression of “like”, “ dislike” and preferences to order food, drink, and desert, adverb of time and place, past and present tense, possessive pronouns, Interrogative words,
Language Chunks: what is Samanoo?...cook samanoo with wheat and flour, traditional song… aay samanoo… women cook samanoo together…
سمنو چیه؟... سمنو را با آرد، و گندم و آب می پزند...آهنگ سنتی ... آی سمنو ... زن ها باهم سمنو می پزنذ...
Cultural knowledge: Students learn about a few Traditional Folkloric songs related to Nawruz celebration; they also learn about the role of each family members during the Nawruz celebration specifically related to preparing Samanoo. And what are the role of the women, men, and a rest of family members during Nawruz celebration.
آوازهای سنتی و غذاهای مخصوص نوروز
نقش اعضای خانواده، دوستان و حتی همسایه ها در تهیه سمنو در دوران نوروز چیست؟
Content: Nawruz Traditional Folkloric Songs / Learners will understand questions and be able to provide answers.
Learning Targets
What specific can-do addresses this episode? / Culture, Content & Language
What do learners need to know to meet the can-do? / Checking for Learning
How will you know that learners have met the learning target for this episode?
I can understand words and phrases related to Samanoo (Interpretive Listening). / Vocabulary: on, HaftSeen, sugar, sweet, around, table
روی، هفت سین، شکر، شیرین، دور، میز
Grammatical structure: Action verbs and the expression of “like”, “dislike” and preferences, adverb of time and place, past and present tense, possessive pronouns, Interrogative words,
Language Chunks: samanoo aay Sagano, on the Haftseen table…on the haftseen table…samanoo is one of these seven seen… arrange on the table…
سمنو آی سمنو ، مال پای هفت سین سمنو....مال پای هفت سین سمنو،سمنو با قند شیرینه... یکی از اون هفت تا سینه...که دور سفره می چینه....
Cultural knowledge: Students learn about a few Traditional Folkloric songs related to Nawruz celebration; they also learn about the role of each family members during the Nawruz celebration specifically related to preparing Samanoo. And what are the role of the women, men, and a rest of family members during Nawruz celebration.
آوازهای سنتی و غذاهای مخصوص نوروز
نقش اعضای خانواده، دوستان و حتی همسایه ها در تهیه سمنو در دوران نوروز چیست؟
Content: Nawruz Traditional Folkloric Songs / Learners will listen to an authentic Samanoo song and demonstrate their understanding re-singing all or part of the song.
Learning Targets
What specific can-do addresses this episode? / Culture, Content & Language
What do learners need to know to meet the can-do? / Checking for Learning
How will you know that learners have met the learning target for this episode?
I can tell what I have heard in an interview about Samanoo (Interpersonal Communication). / Vocabulary: chef, first, then, finally
آشپز، اول، بعد، آخر
Grammatical structure: Action verbs and the expression of “like”, “ dislike” and preferences to order food, drink, and desert, adverb of time and place, past and present tense, possessive pronouns, Interrogative words,
خیس کردن، ریختن
Language Chunks: the chef said… first, soak the wheat in the water…then, we pour the water in the pot… finally, we cook it…
سر آشپز ...گفت...اول گندم ها را خیس می کنیم... بعد آن را در ظرف می ریزیم ...بعد، آب می ریزیم ...در آخر، آن را می پزیم ...
Cultural knowledge: Students learn about a few Traditional Folkloric songs related to Nawruz celebration; they also learn about the role of each family members during the Nawruz celebration specifically related to preparing Samanoo. And what are the role of the women, men, and a rest of family members during Nawruz celebration.
آوازهای سنتی و غذاهای مخصوص نوروز
نقش اعضای خانواده، دوستان و حتی همسایه ها در تهیه سمنو در دوران نوروز چیست؟
Content: Nawruz Traditional Folkloric Songs / Learners will tell the contents of an interview that they have heard and share it with each other.
Learning Targets
What specific can-do addresses this episode? / Culture, Content & Language
What do learners need to know to meet the can-do? / Checking for Learning
How will you know that learners have met the learning target for this episode?
I can present on a topic related to Samanoo in New Year Eve (Presentational Speaking). / Vocabulary: Samanoo, materials, wheat, flour, song, women
سمنو، مواد،گندم، آرد، آهنگ، زن ها،
Grammatical structure: Action verbs and the expression of “like”, “ dislike” and preferences to order food, drink, and desert, adverb of time and place, past and present tense, possessive pronouns, Interrogative words,
Language Chunks: what is samanoo?...cook samanoo with wheat and flour, traditional song… aay samanoo… women cook samanoo together…
سمنو چیه؟... سمنو را با آرد، و گندم و آب می پزند...آهنگ سنتی ... آی سمنو ... زن ها باهم سمنو می پزنذ...
Cultural knowledge: Students learn about a few Traditional Folkloric songs related to Nawruz celebration; they also learn about the role of each family members during the Nawruz celebration specifically related to preparing Samanoo. And what are the role of the women, men, and a rest of family members during Nawruz celebration.
آوازهای سنتی و غذاهای مخصوص نوروز
نقش اعضای خانواده، دوستان و حتی همسایه ها در تهیه سمنو در دوران نوروز چیست؟
Content: Nawruz Traditional Folkloric Songs / Learners, in small groups, will select a topic related to the theme and prepare a poster presentation. They will use drawing and painting to inform the audience about the topic, its importance and other interesting points. They will present their drawings/paintings to the class and also answer classmates’ questions.
Add additional learning episodes as needed by copying a learning episode box.
MATERIALS NEEDEDWhat supplies and materials will you need to successfully implement this learning plan?
· Computer, pencil, and paper
· Authentic images, video clips, and texts
· Markers and crayons
· Authentic objects
· Flashcards
· Flip charts
Did all learners meet the learning goals of the lesson? What will you do to adapt for those who are not learning? What might you do in subsequent lessons?
As soon as the lesson is completed, the teacher will ask the following questions to evaluate the instruction and identify the areas for improvement:
· Did the activities work?
· What are the areas that need to be improved?
· Did the time work well?
· Did students have an enjoyable learning experience?
· Did the lesson engage all students?
The teacher will adjust his or her lesson, activities, and practices accordingly.
While only Stage 1 and Stage 2 are required for STARTALK purposes, programs are encouraged to use Stage 3 as a planning tool in ways that best meet the needs of their instructors.
STAGE 3What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know?
Do the learning activities allow learners to move from input to shared/guided practice and then to independent application of new learning? Do all activities make the best use of instructional time to maximize student learning and take an appropriate amount of time considering the age of the learner? Do the learning activities provide variety to enable a lively pace for the lesson?
What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the learning targets from Episode 1?
The teacher will introduce the new vocabulary and grammatical points through modeling and acting, PowerPoint presentation, use of real objects, and authentic pictures. The teacher will further practice words and phrases with the learners in the form of short and simple questions and answers. / TIME:
20 min
What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the learning targets from Episode 3?
Learners will listen to an authentic Samanoo song for 2-3 times. They will re-song parts or the entire song which will reflect what they have heard and learned from the clip / TIME:
20 min
What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the learning targets from Episode 3?
Learners will work in small groups and tell each other about their drawings and answer their classmates’ related questions about the topic. / TIME:
20 min
What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the learning targets from Episode 3?
Learners will work in small groups and prepare poster presentations of the topic. They will use drawings and paintings to inform the audience about the topic, its importance and other interesting points. They will present their drawings/paintings to the class and also answer classmates’ questions. / TIME:
20 min
References: TBA
Add additional learning activities for each episode as needed.
Revised 2016