OK-AHEAD Board Meeting

October 18, 2010, 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Conference Call

Board Members Present:

President: Kaye Ellis, Tulsa Community College; President Elect: Suzette Dyer, University of Oklahoma; Secretary: Sharla Weathers, University of Central Oklahoma; Treasurer: Chimene Long, Online eClass Instructor
Two Year Representatives:
Yolanda Williams, Tulsa Community College
Janet Griffith, Rose State College / Vocational Technical Representatives:
Sandra Johnson, Moore-Norman Technology Center
Jane Sarber, Moore-Norman Technology Center
Four Year Representative:
Mike Shuttic, Oklahoma State University / Associate Members:
Kim Eason, Oklahoma Department of Career Tech

Board Members Not Present:

Four Year Representative:
Christina Perry, Oklahoma Baptist University
Associate Members:
Jan Hatch, OK Department of Rehabilitative Services
Affiliate Member:
Erich Hayes, OU Graduate Student

Minutes: Have been provided to Board members previous this meeting and are currently posted on OK-AHEAD website. Kim Eason moved that the minutes be accepted as stated. Yolanda Williams seconded. Minutes approved as standing.

Treasurer’s Report: $4,464.00 account balance.

President’s Report:

  • As of September 1, 2010, there are 9 yes’ and 0 no’s from the Board for recommendation of the amendments for membership viewing. Amendments were approved for recommendation to membership, via email and have been posted on the OK-AHEAD website for review by the members. The amendments will be voted on at the Fall Institute meeting by the general membership. Kim Eason moved that Chimene send an email to members informing them that the amendments will be voted on at the Fall Institute General meeting. Suzette Dyer seconded this motion. The Board approved as motioned.
  • Online resources for board members: include membership brochure, constitution, by-laws, scholarship forms, and board notes.


  • Fall Institute:
  • Registration update: 25 registered for the conference as of today. Kaye has sent out emails to potential special guests. The Board is encouraged to do the same with others they think who may be interested.
  • Location and room set up: Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee. Kaye to get with Christina about if there is a separate room for lunch or one room total for the day.
  • Catering: Danishes/fruit/coffee in the morning; tri-salad dish for lunch (to provide flexibility for vegetarians), and snacks/tea/water for afternoon. Kaye will find out if the lunch includes onions and will ask to see if onions can be left off.
  • Program:
  • The Board members that attended the National AHEAD Conference this past summer will present their discoveries during lunch. Mike Shuttic will cover Think College/Intellectual Disabilities, Sara will discuss Aspergers, Alisha will talk about Deaf and hard of hearing findings, Suzette will determine her topic at a later date. Will only be about 5 minutes each.
  • Kaye will demonstrate how to use the AHEAD website to retrieve the power points from sessions held and how wonderful a resource their website can be.
  • Agenda: An agenda will be sent to members with more detail about the upcoming speakers and transactions of our conference. For example, Dr. Annie Malloy (Humanities Faculty) will be focusing on DSS and looking at transitioning to more of a social justice model incorporating universal design.
  • Packet items: Kaye will have agendas copied, Chimene to have folders/name tags/pens. Kaye will put together a flyer for AHEAD resources. Suzette – will provide a transitioning document to Chimene so she can make copies for the folders.
  • Discussed three brochures that talk about universal design written by AHEAD: universal design in higher education, universal design for inclusive lectures and presentations, and universal design: a guide for students (if we order 50-99 they are 40 cents each). Kim Eason moved that we purchase all three brochures, Yolanda Williams seconded. The Board approved that we purchase the three brochures. Kaye to send Chimene the information to get those purchased. Suzette will bring some tablets to serve as give-a-ways. Kaye will bring the evaluations. Kim Eason will bring hard copies of flyers regarding the scholarship information. Advertisement flyer for OK-AHEAD website and resources – undecided but if a Board member would like to take on this, let Kaye know.
  • Display tables: Mike suggested that we solicit others to bring their own information and have a sharing community and have a couple of tables available for a sharing display for all in attendance.
  • Set up, clean up: Several will be there the night before to assist and several others offered to stay for clean up.
  • Speakers: No charge for speakers, but may need to cover some mileage reimbursement for those coming from the Tulsa area.
  • Interpreter Fee: There will be an interpreter expense in addition to their food costs for the food.
  • Facility charge: Kaye will check and see if there will be a facility fee with Christina Perry.
  • Scholarship Committee: November 1st is the start date to receive OK-AHEAD scholarships. Kim Eason graciously will serve as the Scholarship Committee chair. Once applications are received they will either be copied and mailed or scanned and distributed to committee members (Lonnie Williams and Christina Perry).
  • Spring Institute Conference: The Board will need to decide pretty quickly with regard to the date for advertisement purposes.
  • Next Board meeting for after Fall Institute will be decided before the Fall Institute conference in order to advertise at conference.
  • AHEAD Teleconference: Suzette provided the Board with information regarding AHEAD teleconferences and the encouragement of getting together or inviting other individuals from your own institute. Next one is scheduled for Nov. 2, at 1:30 p.m.
  • Next AHEAD Audio Conference: Oct 21st and Nov 18th.
  • OK-AHEAD Associate Member: this position is currently available. Kaye will check with the Ok. State Dept. of Education to see if they have an individual interested for replacement or possibly look for State Regents representative to fill the position. Will pose to the members at the Institute to see if anyone is interested or knows of anyone that would be interested.

Adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

OK-AHEAD PO Box 42152, Oklahoma City, OK 73123.