document name / Technical specifications / Date / Version
LAL15-ELINP-HQ-blank-mirror-1013 / High quality surface flat mirror / 16/11/2015 / 1.3
prepared: K. Cassou / reviewed:F. Zomer / K. Dupraz / approved:K. Cassou

The present document gives de specifications for high quality surfaces blank mirror for the laser beam transport line and beam steering of the high power laser in the ELI-NP Gamma beam source machine.


The blank are divided in 4 set corresponding to different implementation. Each mirror must be characterized: default map and surface error map. The method and the instruments used must be detailed in the offer.


All the mirrors blank should be realized in high-grade fused silica or equivalent. All the mirrors must be marked following the indicated convention naming and the S1 face must be repair.

set / nomen. / material / diameter[mm] / thickness[mm] / wedge / coating / referencedrawing / quantity
1a / LELT-MHR-AOI15 / UV FS / 76,2 / 19 / <1 arc.min / no / LELT-MHR-AOI1545-DWG-20151116 / 14
1b / LELT-BS-AOI15 / UV FS / 76,2 / 19 / < 5 arc. sec / no / LELT-BS-AOI1545-DWG-20151116 / 4
2 / LELT-MHR-AOI45 / UV FS / 76,2 / 19 / <1 arc.min / no / LELT-MHR-AOI1545-DWG-20151116 / 12
3a / LE/HE-IB-MHR-AOI45 / UV FS / 50,8 / 12,7 / <1 arc.min / no / IB-MHR-AOI45-DWG-20151116 / 41
3b / LE/HE-IB-MHR-AOI45 / UV FS / 50,8 / 12,7 / < 5 arc. sec / no / IB-BS-AOI45-DWG-20151116 / 4
4a / pickup1 / UV FS / 50,8 / 15 / yes / pickup1.pdf / 3
4b / pickup2 / UV FS / 50,8 / 15 / no / pickup2.pdf / 4

set 1a. LELT-MHR-AOI15

material : UV FS

diameter: 76.2mm

thickness: 19mm

wedge : < 1. arc. min

Reference drawing:LELT-MHR-AOI1545-DWG-20151116.PDF

quantity: 14

naming: LELT-MHR-15-XX

set 1b. LELT-BS-AOI15

material: UV FS

diameter: 76.2mm

thickness: 19mm

wedge: < 5 arc. sec

Reference drawing: LELT-BS-AOI1545-DWG-20151116.pdf

quantity: 4

naming: LELT-BS-15-XX

set2. LELT-MHR-AOI45

material : UV FS

diameter: 76.2mm


wedge : < 1. arc. min

Reference drawing: LELT-MHR-AOI1545-DWG-20151116.pdf

quantity: 12

naming: LELT-MHR-45-XX

set3a. LE/HE-IB-MHR-AOI45

material : UV FS

diameter: 50.8mm

thickness: 12.7mm

Reference drawing: IB-MHR-AOI45-DWG-20151116.pdf

quantity: 41

naming: IB-MHR-45-XX

set3b. LE/HE-IB-BS-AOI45

material : UV FS

diameter: 50.8mm

thickness: 12.7mm

Reference drawing: : IB-BS-AOI45-DWG-20151116.pdf

quantity: 4

naming: IB-BS-45-XX

set4a. pickup1

material : UV FS

diameter: 50.8mm


Reference drawing: pickup1.pdf

quantity: 3

S1 High Reflectivity dielectric multilayer coating : R>99.95 (99.98 preferably),=1030nm, incident angle = 22.5°

S2 Anti Reflection coating :=1030nm, incident angle = 22.5°

naming: pickup1

set4b. pickup2

material : UV FS

diameter: 50.8mm


Reference drawing: pickup2.pdf

quantity: 4

No coating

naming: pickup2

3.Measurement and control

For each mirror a complete documentation must be provided. This documentation must include the measurement for the surface S1 and S2 for set1b, set 3b and set 4a.

The required measurements are:

requirements / method / data delivered
physical dimension / mechanical measurement / diameter, thickness
scratches point defects / visual inspection / Inspection report with digital image or hand sketch map including scratch / Points dimension
surface flatness error / interferometric / Surface phase map for the whole clear aperture and subpupil.

Format: All data shall be delivered according to the table. In addition to the hard copy, an electronic data set of the phase maps shall be delivered in either ASCII format or ZYGO interferometer data format (.DAT)


Each mirror must be packaged in special boxes with ISO5 cleanliness and hygrometry control that guarantee the integrity during the shipment. The high quality polished surface S1 must be protected.

