Chart 4c.

Lidene of Flanders From Chart 4a.


Engleran of Flanders Louis I the Pious ‘le Debonnaire’

775/80-850 King of France


Odoscer / Odacer of Flanders Charles II the Bald ‘le Chauvre’

805-864 Emperor HRE; as Charles I, King of France


Baldwin I Bras de Fer =3 Judith of France 1= Aethelwulf, King of England

[F ] Ct. Flanders 864-879 859/66 Queen of England 2= Aethelbald of Wessex, King of England

835/40-879 843/4-aft 870

Guinidilda of Flanders ? =1 Baldwin II the Bald 2= Elfrida / Aelfthruth of Wessex Rudolph / Raoul of Flanders

Countess of Flanders ? [F ] Ct. Flanders 879-918 860/68-929 Ct. Cambrai

860/65- ca 864/5-918 dau. of Alfred the Great, K. England ca 867-896

Edgar the Peaceful = Elfleda the Fair Arnold I the Great = Alix of Vermandois

King of England ‘The White Duck’ [F ] Ct. Flanders 918-958 Countess Flanders ? & Meaux

d. ca 964 873/89-964/5 910/15-958/60

Nn =2 Maud of Burgundy =2 Baldwin III 1= Mathilde of Saxony 2= Godfrey the Captive

Ct. Geneva ca 960/67-991 [F ] Ct. Flanders 958-965 Countess of Flanders ? of Verdun

ca 960- 937/39-1008 930/32-ca 1005

[see Chart 4b.]

Aimon I = Bertha of Flanders Arnold II the Young 2= Rosala of Italy (Lombard) 1=3 Robert II the Pious 4= Constance of Arles Richard II ‘le Bon’

Ct. Vienne Countess Flanders ? [F ] Ct. Flanders 965-988 Queen of France King of France Queen of France 4th Duke of Normandy

ca 1006-1016 ca 1008- ca 941/61-987/88 ca 945-1002/3 972-1031 974/85-1032 958-1026

Orgina of Moselle =1 Baldwin IV Fair Beard 3= Eleanor of Normandy

Otgiva of Luxembourg =2 [F ] Ct. Flanders 988-1035 ca 1003/10-ca 1071

ca 984-1030 ca 967/80-1035

Ermengarde Judith Baldwin V the Pious =2 Alix of France 1= Richard III of Normandy

Countess Flanders ? [F ] Ct. Flanders 1035-67 1006/9-1079 5th Duke of Normandy

ca 1005 d. 1067 ca 997/1000-1027/28

Chart 4d.