West Greene School District

Mobile Lab User Guide

1.  Laptop assignment – Please complete the laptop user list by assigning the same computer to the same student each day. List should be kept in a binder attached to the cart and updated each class period accordingly.

2.  During first period of use, students must start laptop and log on. Throughout the day, students should simply log off and return the laptop to the cart bay assigned to that number laptop and plug in. At end of the last period of use, students should log off and shut down laptop prior to returning laptop to the cart bay.

3.  Students are to report any laptop problems to the teacher immediately.

4.  Teacher will report any malfunctioning computer to Jordan Lozosky or Bob Ward immediately so the problem can be resolved. We have a contract with the state that requires them to fix any computer within 24 hours of notification.

5.  No food or drink is to be near the laptops at any time.

6.  Substitute teachers will not be utilizing the laptops or Promethean/SMART Boards, therefore alternative lesson plans should be in place for days you are absent. It is recommended that you place your teacher laptop in a secure location so that no one can access it in your absence.

7.  Student laptops are not to be loaned to students outside of the school day. All laptops must be returned to the cart bay at the end of the school day.

8.  Students are not to download personal programs without permission of the principal and IT Department.

9.  At the end of each day each cart bay will need to be checked for the following: each laptop will need to be shut down, plugged in and in the appropriately numbered bay. Lock the laptop cart. The laptop cart must be plugged in overnight in order for the laptops to charge properly.