Title:Access to Energy
Duration: 4:57 minutes
A local tribe benefits from the expertise and resources provided by the Malampaya Deepwater Gas-to-Power Project
Shell’s Access to Energy initiative aims to bring power to remote communities by installing renewable energy systems, making use of the local natural resources, such as solar and hydro. Experts from the Shell Philippines Exploration and the Pilipinas Shell Foundation set out to help the Batak tribes people, close to the Philippines’ primary offshore energy project, the Malampaya gas field, to build the infrastructure their remote village needs.
Access to Energy Transcript
[Background Music plays]
Dramatic, emerging ambient music
[Video Footage]
Time-lapse view of sunrise over sea with the Malampaya rig silhouetted in the foreground
Aerial shots of Malampaya rig, a mostly yellow and red, square structure with a huge drill on each corner towering above it, close to shore, surrounded by jetties and ships
“The Malampaya Deepwater Gas-to-Power Project’s one of the largest and most significant industrial endeavours in Philippine history, providing around 20% of the country’s energy needs.”
[Video Footage]
Time-lapse views of a city at night, turning to day
Aerial shot of Palawan Island bays
“However, on Palawan Island next to the gas field, there remain remote and off-grid communities that, even today, have no access to energy.”
[Video Footage]
Shots of village life:
Huts under trees on the edge of the forest
A family sitting on a raised bamboo porch under shade
Two young boys looking at the camera
A woman cooking on an open fire with a boy standing by holding something spiked on a stick
Two children rinsing out a pan as a pig tries to drink the water
View down a shallow river disappearing into the forest.
“But that is about to change.”
[Graphic displays]
River view fades almost to white as yellow text box appears in top left corner with bold red font
[Text displays]
Malampaya Deep-Water Gas-to-Power: Access to Energy Pilot Project
[Background Music plays]
Ambient marimbas
[Video Footage]
Following two white birds flying above the river
Panning down from steep jungle to a clearing with two huts on stilts and laundry hanging out
“Kalakwasa is home to one of the oldest indigenous tribes in the Philippines: the Batak people.”
[Video Footage]
People sitting outside their houses on the porch or hammocks
A boy rolling a motorcycle tyre along the street
“They live simply, deep in the forest.”
[Video Footage]
Close-up of a young girl tearing leaves from a branch to prepare food
Close-up of a man with a long cigarette in his mouth
“There are about 200 people in this community and most are poor.”
[Video Footage]
Close-up of a boy leaning on a stick, looking at the camera
Close-up of a toddler looking at the camera
[Teodorico Villanueva]
Speaking Filipino
We lack means of livelihood, we have only a few sources of income.
[Video Footage]
A young man sitting down, whittling a machete handle
Pans across a river to show women and children sitting on the rocks, washing clothes
Close-up of woman wringing out some clothing and placing it on a rock
Teodorico Villanueva speaking
[Text displays]
Teodorico Villanueva
Batak Tribe
[Video Footage]
Woman sitting sideways in a doorway, weaving a basket with a baby sat behind
Almaciga, Rattan and Honeybee
[Video Footage]
Close-up of woman’s hands weaving the basket
Shots of a man with a bandana and large basket on his back looking up into a tree, then up in the tree, hacking at a branch
A woman sitting in a hut at night, holding something over a candle
“Without electricity, for this off-grid community to work at night, they burn wood sap wrapped in leaves.”
[Video Footage]
Close-up of candle flame licking the rolled leaves
Pans across a room in a hut where a woman weaves a basket by candlelight
“It provides a small amount of light for only an hour at a time.”
[Teodorico Villanueva]
Speaking Filipino
In one night, because of the lack of light source, sometimes we make only two small baskets.
[Video Footage]
Close-ups of the woman’s face focusing on her weaving and the basket near to the burning wood sap
Teodorico speaking by the river
[Background Music plays]
Upbeat acoustic guitar strumming
[Video Footage]
A four-wheel-drive vehicle approaching on a dirt track beside the river
Views from backseat, following another vehicle along the river, and out of the window, passing jungle
Shot from behind of vehicle crossing shallow stream and climbing a steep dirt track
Shots through the windscreen, following other vehicle on track through dense jungle and approaching village, passing sign that says: “THINK first, last & always”
“Today, life is about to change. A team from the Shell Philippines Exploration and the Pilipinas Shell Foundation are making their way through 40 km of dirt track and river streams to reach this remote village.”
[Video Footage]
Silver Navarro wearing hardhats, speaking as workmen in hi-vis jackets and hardhats dig holes in the village in the background
[Text displays]
Silver Navarro
Access to Energy
Technical Consultant
[Silver Navarro]
“There was a survey done to understand the energy needs of the community—what are the available resources in the area.”
[Video Footage]
Shots of a woman in a white jacket with Shell logo and “Pilipinas Shell Foundation Inc. ACCESS TO ENERGY” on the back, speaking to a mother and child
Silver speaking in front of workmen again
[Silver Navarro]
“What technology can be adapted and what operating management can be used to operate and manage the [unclear].”
[Video Footage]
Shots of a group of six people standing around a flipchart under an “Access to Energy” banner, talking
Yoyon Rebueno speaking
[Text displays]
Yoyon Rebueno
Access to Energy Project Officer
Pilipinas Shell Foundation, Inc.
[Yoyon Rebueno]
Speaking Filipino
We saw their need of electricity because the school children, they couldn’t really study at night.
[Video Footage]
Shots of a classroom:
A man walks up to the front of a class of young children to hand the teacher a slip of paper
Close-up of two young boys watching and listening to the teacher
Teacher holding up an open book showing the class a picture
Children’s faces paying attention
With the help of Pilipinas Shell Foundation, we’ve set up an energy system for the off-grid community.
[Video Footage]
Yoyon Rebueno speaking
A man tying a bunch of bamboo as a four-by-four pulls up behind
Men in hardhats, goggles and hi-vis jackets and one in jeans and a T-shirt get out of the vehicle
A lady in the group under the Access to Energy banner talking to the others whilst displaying something on a laptop
Close-up of Teodorico nodding
Close-up of a man’s finger pointing to graphics on the laptop screen
“They are installing a hybrid power system for the village, using both the sun’s rays for solar energy, and the power of the river for hydro energy.”
[Video Footage]
Two members of the discussion group in an office looking at a small solar panel and some wires
Close-up of the solar panel powering two lights
Panning shot and close-ups of water flowing over rocks in the river
“A generator for diesel serves as a backup when renewable energy sources are low.”
[Video Footage]
Shots of Silver standing on rocks on the edge of a shallow stream, indicating direction with his arm
[Silver Navarro]
“So what we’ll do is to create a small canal to divert the water, then drive the turbine and produce electricity.”
[Background Music plays]
Ambient music
[Video Footage]
A village hut next to a tall palm tree
Close-up of a workman sawing metal poles with a hacksaw on the ground
Two workmen digging a hole
Close-up of a workman sawing some metal on a workbench
“Following the energy needs assessment, setting up the hydro took two months and over 20 people to construct and install the hydro, solar, and backup diesel generators.”
[Video Footage]
Panning shot of water flowing along a concrete aqueduct and spiralling into a pipe
Shots of four solar panels raised on a grass mound amidst palms and vegetation
Shots of members of the discussion group walking down the street past lots of workmen at work
“Experts in masonry, carpentry, welding, along with the villagers themselves, worked tirelessly to complete the project, ready for its inauguration.”
[Video Footage]
Two workmen tie something on a workbench with red ‘Danger’ tape overhead
A man in shorts, T-shirt and bandana pours a liquid from one large plastic bottle into another
Workmen pause with shovels as man in casual clothes inspects their hole
Shots of a line of workmen carry bags of cement on their heads and members of the discussion group walking past then depositing bags in a tent
Lots of people gathered around mouth of the water canal, chanting “one, two, three…” as two of them lift the gate up for the first time and everyone claps and photography flashes go off
Shot of fuse boxes on a wall
[Background Music plays]
Upbeat, electric guitar music
[Marvi Trudeau]
Speaking Filipino
We hope that the electricity that was provided to you will be of great help in your everyday lives.
[Video Footage]
Marvi addressing the villagers, wearing a microphone
[Text displays]
Marvi Trudeau
Programme Manager
Pilipinas Shell Foundation, Inc.
[Video Footage]
Nine people on a small stage with their hands on a big red button on a yellow box standing on a table in the middle as voice on the microphone counts down
Close-up of their hands pressing the button down
Return to previous shot and they are smiling, some waving their hands and cheering
Close-up of light bulbs slowly illuminating
Everyone around the button looking around and clapping
[Background Music plays]
Plucky ambient music
[Video Footage]
Close-up of water spiralling into the hydro apparatus
“Together, hydro and solar and [unclear] generate around 3 kW of energy: more than enough to light the whole community.”
[Video Footage]
Light bulbs illuminated on an overhead beam
Pans down to show a solar panel attached to some apparatus
Time-lapse view of a village street with new yellow and red streetlights installed, as day turns to night and they illuminate
Close-up of a streetlight at night
View down the street of all the streetlights lit up
An elderly lady laughing in her hut under a light bulb
[Background Music plays]
Dramatic ambient music
[Marcela Magno]
Speaking Filipino
We are happy now because we have light every night now
[Text displays]
Marcela Magno
Batak Tribe
[Video Footage]
Marcela speaking outside in the daylight
Inside the house is really bright now and also outside.
[Video Footage]
Shots of a woman sitting on the floor of her house with two young girls doing their homework by electric light
A woman weaving a basket on the floor of her house at night
Close-up of her hands weaving
Close-up of her face
She looks at the camera and smiles
[Teodorico Villanueva]
Speaking Filipino
Now that we have electricity, she now earns almost Php 200.00 in one night.
[Video Footage]
Teodorico speaking next to the river
That’s why the source of light is really of big help.
[Video Footage]
Children playing under the streetlights at night.
Aerial shot of Malampaya rig
“The Malampaya Deepwater Gas-to-Power Project is providing electricity for millions in the big city.”
[Video Footage]
Close-up of the Philippine flag billowing in the wind
Shots of traffic and pedestrians in a busy cityscape
“But it’s also enabling projects like this one in Kalakwasa to happen.”
[Video Footage]
Panning up the street in Kalakwasa, showing streetlights with red and green bunting hung between them
A man sitting with two young girls, smiling at the camera
Close-up of the girls smiling and laughing
“A small project making a big difference.”
[Video Footage]
Three young children sitting in a hammock, laughing, the youngest, a toddler, staring at the camera
Children running and jumping into the river
Five children sitting on a rock after a swim, laughing and waving at the camera
[Graphic displays]
Fades to white with Shell logo in the centre