Name of Committee: Technology Committee

Committee Chair: Gail Hormats

Daytime Phone #: 1-413-794-7858

Email Address:

Board Liaison: Heidi Crosby

Committee Members: Robert Breighner; Roger Brown; Joe Cannella; Bill Daniels; Latonya Humphrey, Johan Lidros, David Richstone

Committee Goal(s):

1.  Expansion and maintenance of the Audit Library

2.  Avail Committee member expertise to the AHIA membership

3.  AHIA Website Review

4.  Setup a “chat room” or social network to enhance networking for AHIA Membership

Two new members have joined the Tech Committee – we welcome Johan Lidros and Latonya Humphrey.


1.  The Audit Library Campaign –The 2009 campaign wrapped up with the final award presented at the Annual Conference. Discussion on approach to the 2010 campaign is under discussion.

2.  Maintenance of the Audit Library –Audit Library conversion– All documents have been converted to a usable format and re-uploaded into the website. We thank Trinity Healthcare for their technical support.

3.  Tech Talk Conference Call – The committee held the 1st AHIA Tech Talk Roundtable session on September 17, 2009. Committee members attending were: Bob Breighner; Joe Canella; Heidi Crosby; Bill Daniels; Latonya Humphrey; Johan Lidros, David Richstone. & Roger Brown; including committee members, there were a total of 28 attendees.

Attendees provided positive feedback. Several locations had entire departments on the call. The committee’s plan is to provide an article summarizing the topics discussed for New Perspectives after each conference call.

4.  AHIA Website review – On-going review of the functionality of the AHIA website continues on a monthly basis. The Committee identified a new color background option. There was an e-news message about the change. The committee will discuss the need to do a major overall of the website design after discussion with the board by the liaison.

5.  Investigation/Establishment of an AHIA social networking site – The AHIA name has been secured on FaceBook, LinkedIn and Twitter. A social networking group has been established in the AHIA name on LinkedIn and will be maintained by the Committee. As of October 15, 2009 there were 100 members I encourage any Board members who are not already members of the AHIA group to become members and join the conversations.

The committee will discuss next year’s goals at the November meeting. Currently identified goals are

1. Expanding keyword search functionality of the Library

2. Conduct quarterly tech talk sessions

3. Redesign Library contest approach

4. Clarify role of Tech Committee to AHIA, including a review of the committee charter.

Problems/Challenges in meeting Committee Goals: None at this time

Committee meeting(s) since last Board meeting recap: September 17, 2009, October 15, 2009, November 19

Action needed, motion or policy to be approved by the Board: None at this time