Right Of Way (BGAAR)
T achometer
O il pressure guage
M anifold pressure guage
A ltimeter
T emp guage for liquid cooled engine
O il temp guage
F uel guage for each tank
F lotation gear (if for hire)
L anding gear position indicator(if installed)
A irspeed indicator
A nticollision light system - red/white if after 3-31-96
M agnetic direction indicator
E mergency locator transmitter
S aftey belts – shoulder harness if after 1978
VFR Night Flight (FLAPS)
F uses – 3 of each kind
L anding light (if for hire)
A nticollision light system – aviation red or white
P osition lights
S ource of adequate electrical energy
Instrument Flight (same as VFR/Night) (GRABCARDD)
G enerator/Alternator
R adios (Nav/Com)
A ltimeter (sensitive)
B all
C lock (with sweep second hand or digital readout)
A ttitude indicator
R ate of turn indicator
Directional gyro
DME if at or above FL240
Magnetic Compass Acceleration Error (ANDS)
Northerly Turning Error (UNOS)
U ndershoot
N orth
O vershoot
S outh
Required Inspections (AVIATES)
A irworthiness Directives (AD’s)
V or (IFR)
Inspection (Annual/100HR/Progressive)
A ltimeter/Static
T ransponder
E lt
Required Documents (ARROW)
A irworthiness Certificate
R egistration
R adio license (if outside USA)
O perating Limitations (Placards/POH)
W eight and Balance
Preflight Requirements (NWKRAFT)
N otams
W eather
K nown ATC delays
R unway lengths (of intended use)
A lternates (if needed)
F uel requirements
T akeoff and landing distance info
T FR’s
ILS Components (GLLAMR)
G lideslope
L ocalizer
A pproach lights
M arker beacons/Compass Locators
R unway lighting
VFR Minimum Altitudes (ANYWHERE 512)
Anywhere (if failure of power unit, landing can be
without hazard to persons or property)
5 500’ above sparsely populated areas
1 1000’ above densely populated areas
2 2000’ horizontal distance densely populated
Mandatory /Required Reporting Points
M issed approach
A irspeed (+10kts)
R eaching a hold/fix
V acating an altitude
E TA greater than 3 minutes (when not in radar contact)
L eaving a hold/fix
O uter marker (when not in radar contact)
U nforecast weather
S afety of flight
V FR on top altitude change
F inal approach fix (when not in radar contact)
R adios/Nav equipment failures
500 unable to maintain 500FPM rate of climb/descent
Rules for alternate requirement (1-2-3)
1 hour before or after ETA
2 2000’ AGL ceiling (Less than)
3 miles visibility (Less than)
Instrument approach checklist (ASAP)
A tis
S tack check (radios tuned)
A pproach brief
P re-landing checklist
Hold/Crossing fix brief (5 T’s)
T urn
T ime
T wist
T hrottle
T alk
Lost communications – IFR (AVE F MEA)
For flight path:
A as assigned
V ectored
E xpected
F iled
For altitude:
M inimum IFR altitude
E xpected altitude
A ssigned altitude
Instrument cross check (CIA)
C ross check
I nterpretation
A ircraft control
Clearance order (CRAFT)
C learance limit
R oute of flight
A ltitude
F requency
T ransponder code
Compass errors (VOID)
V ariation
O scillation
I nstallation/Deviation
D ip error
Factors affecting density altitude (3 H’s)
H igh altitude
H ot
H umid
Pre-maneuver checklist (CAPPS)
C learing turns
A ltitude
P re-maneuver checklist
P osition reporting
S tabilized
Engine failure in flight (A B C D)
A irspeed
B est place to land
C hecklist
D eclare emergency
E xit plan
Lost procedures (5 C’s)
C limb
C ommunicate
C onserve (fuel)
C onfess
C omply
FAA Vmc certification factors (MULTTTTI OPS)
M aximum takeoff power
U nfavorable CG
L anding gear up
T akeoff weight max allowable
T akeoff position of flaps
T akeoff position of cowl flaps
T rim tab in neutral position
I noperative engine (bank)
O ut of ground effect
P ropleller windmilling
S tandard day
Safety and health rules for flying (IM SAFE)
I llness
M edication
S tress
A lcohol
F atigue
E motion
Method of decision making (DECIDE)
D etect
E stimate
C hoose
I dentify
D o
E valuate
C hoose destination
H eading required
A ltitude required
R equired fuel
T ime to destination
T ell FSS