Citizens’ Reference Panel

Terms of Reference

  1. Purpose

The Citizens’ Reference Panel has been established as a committee of, and is accountable to, the Governing Body of NHS Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The Citizens’ Reference Panel will:

  1. provide a two-way communication channel between patients, carers andcitizens, and NHS Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Commissioning Group
  2. promotethe engagement of patients, carers and citizenswho wish to be involved in the consultation, planning and commissioning of health services in Mansfield and Ashfield
  3. encourage and support proactive participation in health and wellbeing in the community
  4. ensure wider engagement with partner agencies.

The Citizens’ Reference Panel will bring together a diverse range of people to ensure patients, carers and local communities have a strong voice in the planning and commissioning of health care services, and elect Lay Members to the Governing Body, demonstrating forward thinking and good practice. This will support NHS Mansfield and Ashfield CCG to meet its statutory obligations for engagement as defined in Sections 242 (1B), 243 and 244 Health and Social Care Bill and authorisation requirements.

2. Membership

The Citizens’ Reference Panel will have the following membership:

  • 4 practice Patient Reference Group representatives, one from each Locality Group and 4 nominated deputies
  • 10 representatives from community health interest groups/virtual networks with appropriate experience and interest linked to CCG workstream areas
  • 2community and voluntary sector representatives from Ashfield Voluntary Action and Mansfield Community and Voluntary Service
  • 4 local authority representatives, one from both Mansfield District Council and Ashfield District Councils with community links and the Youth Mayor for Mansfield. Should a Youth Mayor or other similar youth or schools’ representative be elected for Ashfield a place on the Panel will also be offered to them.
  • 1 HealthwatchNottinghamshirerepresentative with strong Mansfield and Ashfield community links

Two members of the Citizens’ Reference Panel will be selected as Lay Members to the Governing Body of NHS Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Commissioning Group

Details of the processes to be followed to support the recruitment and selection of the above members of the Citizens’ Reference Panel and the selection of two members from the Citizens’ Reference Panel to join the Governing Body as Lay Members may be found in Appendix ‘A(i)’.

Input to the Citizens’ Reference Panel in an advisory capacity will be provided by:

Director of Programme Delivery

Communities and Engagement Manager

Clinical Lead for Urgent Care and Partnerships

Other members may also be co-opted for a specific purpose and for a limited period of time.

Other representatives of NHS Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) will be invited to attend when the Citizens’ Reference Panel is discussing items that fall within their area of responsibility.

3. Chair and Deputy

A Chair and Deputy Chair will be elected for a period of 2 years from the membership of the Citizens’ Reference Panel. The Chair and Deputy Chair will be eligible to serve for a maximum of 2 termsin the role.

4. Quorum and Voting Arrangements

A quorum will be six members to include:

  • either the lay chair or deputy chair
  • 1 Patient ParticipationGroup representative
  • 2interest group/network representatives one community and voluntary sector representative
  • 1 Governing Body Lay Member.

Any question where it is deemed necessary by the Chairman to require a vote at a meeting, shall be determined by a majority of the votes of members present at the meeting, voting on the question. If necessary, the Chair will have the casting vote.

5. Frequency of Meetings

Meetings will be held every two months, with a minimum of six meetings per year.

6. Conduct of Business

Administrative support will be provided to the Citizens’ Reference Panel.

Agendas and supporting papers will be circulated at least seven days in advance of meetings. The agenda will be set by the CRP Leads’ Group prior to the meeting.

7. Minutes of Meetings

Minutes will be taken at all meetings and circulated to members of the Panel within 10 days of the meeting. The minutes will be agreed by the Citizens’ Reference Panel at the following meeting.

8. Declaration of Interests

All members of the Citizens’ Reference Panel will be asked to complete a declaration of interest form. At the beginning of each meeting, members will be required to declare any personal interest if it relates specifically to a particular issue under consideration. Any such declaration will be formally recorded in the minutes for the meeting.

Members should not participate in the discussion of any item in which they have declared an interest. In addition, the Chair may ask a member to withdraw from the meeting in the event of a declaration of interest whilst discussion of the relevant item takes place.

9. Duties

The Citizens’ Reference Panel will undertake the following duties that will enable the CCG to deliver its patient and public involvement strategy:

1.Provide two-way communication channel between patients, carers and the public and Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Commissioning Group;

  • select two of its members to join the Governing Body of Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Commissioning Group as Lay Members
  • provide a mechanism for consultation on planning and commissioning of health services in the CCG area
  • develop a programme of work informed by;
  • Mansfield and Ashfield CCG priorities
  • engagement opportunities within the commissioning cycle
  • CRP membership
  • highlight areas of good practice and raise issues of concern about service provision to support better commissioning of services
  • consider and respond to local, regional and national consultationsas recommended by the CRP Leads Group.

2.Promotethe engagement of patients, carers and the public in the consultation, planning and commissioning of health services in Mansfield and Ashfield;

  • consider information on engagement (e.g. communications and engagement plans, strategy, policy), identify gaps and develop solutions ensuring solutions incorporate equality and inclusion
  • consider policy decisions from the Governing Body (e.g. strategic plan) and advise on wider engagement
  • monitor the performance of engagement.

3.Encourage and support active participation inhealth and wellbeing in the community;

  • be a conduit for the CRP membershipto raise strategic issues regarding services with Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Commissioning Group through their networks
  • develop and co-ordinate opportunities for the wider engagement of local communities
  • encourage the development of PatientParticipationGroups
  • encourage and support local community health interest groups to have a voice in health and social care decision making.

4. Ensure wider engagement with partner agencies;

  • work collaboratively with other partner agencies on matters of mutual interest
  • share good practice, regarding involvement with other partner agencies
  • develop stronger links between health and social care through the local authorities, Healthwatch Nottinghamshire and Community and Voluntary Sector organisations.

10. Reporting responsibilities

Reports will be provided to the Governing Body of Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Commissioning Group through provision of minutes and/or summary of meeting outcomes for presentation by the Governing Body representative on Citizens’ Reference Panel.

Information will also be cascaded via Locality Groups to constituent Patient Participation Groups and more widely via CRP in Brief.

The documentation relating to the Citizens’ Reference Panel will be published on the website of Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Commissioning Group. A core requirement of all engagement activity will be to provide feedback to participants involved in the activity on how their involvement has made a difference.

The Citizens’ Reference Panel will contribute to the development of an annual report outlining engagement undertaken with the local community and confirming how views have been taken into account in commissioning and other relevant decisions.

Exceptions to this reporting process will be made in the event of any issue being raised that is deemed to require urgent attention due to its nature, e.g. safeguarding. Such matters will be progressed in accordance with organisational protocols.

11. Review of Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference will be reviewed in January 2018.


Review Date:

Appendix ‘A(i)’

Citizen’s Reference Panel

Recruitment and Selection Procedures for Members

Role / Process / Term of Office
Patient ParticipationGroup Members
X 1 per LocalityGroup and nominated deputies per Locality Group (8) / Selection
Develop role description using criteria agreed by the Governing Body
Invitation of nominations from Patient ParticipationGroups
Interview process involving Locality Group Chair, Lay Member and Communities and Engagement Manager / Phased at intervals of 2 and 3 years to ensure continuity and mentoring.
Community Health Interest Groups/health networks x(10) / Selection as per role description defining experience and interest linked to workstream areas.
Applications invited
Interview process involving Chair, Community & Voluntary Sector representative and Involvement Manager.
Ensure diverse spectrum of representation. / Phased at intervals of 2 and 3 years to ensure continuity and mentoring.
4Local Authority Representatives / Letter of invitation to Chief Executive of Ashfield and Mansfield District Councils requesting nomination of elected member with strong community links and Youth Mayors. / 3 years or to coincide with end of term of office as an elected member whichever is sooner
2Community and Voluntary Sector representatives / Letter of invitation to Chief Officer of Ashfield Voluntary Action and Mansfield Community and Voluntary Service requesting nomination from each organisation / 3 years
HealthWatch / Letter of invitation to HealthWatch Chair requesting nomination from HealthWatch for one representative with Mansfield and Ashfield community links / 3years
Lay Governing Body Members / Selection process against pre-determined criteria followed by election process.
Selection process as per role description with criteria agreed by the Governing Body.
Citizen’s Reference Panel members to submit applications and a screening process to be undertaken to ensure nominees have relevant skills.
Election process
If more than 2 candidates ballot of members of Citizen’s Reference Panel to take place. / 3 years
25 Members
2 selected as Lay Governing Body Members

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