Friday, May 7, 2010, Studio of Bob Weber
President Elaine Phillips called the meeting to order at 9:13 a.m. Present were members Helen Bohman, Drea Wagner, Elaine Phillips, Marlene Wondergem, Maryann Robinson, Heather Hammond, Louise Mann, Robin Krause, Arthur Johnson, Roberta Hilgendorf, Terry Weber, Kathy Arndt, and Elisabeth Daniels; intern Katherine Leclerc, and visitors Pru Palecek, Susan Sonneborn, Carolyn Stapel, Joseph Arndt, Rosalie Hartman, Ken Weber, Bob Weber, and Jeremy Schmidt. Members introduced themselves to new intern Katherine Leclerc.
Drea Wagner reviewed the minutes of the March 26, 2010 meeting. Louise Mann moved and Robert Hilgendorf seconded that the minutes be accepted.
A. Treasurer Report
Helen Bohman reported the balance as of March 26, 2010 was $3,707.91. Since then MMTA received $10 (two visitors). Disbursements totaled $407.89: $46.58 (Hospitality expenses at Auditions) $25.00 (March program), $77.17 (publicity expenses), and $259.14 (Classical Improvisation Festival expenses). The new balance as of May 7, 2010 is $3,310.02. Terry Weber motioned and Robin Krause seconded that the treasurer’s report be accepted.
B. Membership Report
Helen Bohman reported that Michibago now has 20 members affiliated with MTNA.
C. Publicity Report
Maryann Robinson reported that the meeting announcement was included in the Chronicle.
D. Mentoring Report
Maryann Robinson reported no new mentoring news. Those desiring a mentor should contact Maryann.
E. Photography Report
Marlene Wondergem reported pictures from the last meeting have been added to the album.
F. Growth and Development Report
- Young Musical Stars in Concert
The YMS concert will be held on May 22, 2010 at the Weill Center. Information has been sent to teachers to pass along to their students. Included in this information is a consent form to be signed for each student to be included in the cable TV broadcast. The performers may rehearse between 8:00-12:00 in two-minute blocks in the order in which they arrive. Students should arrive at least twenty minutes before their concert and enter by the stage entrance for the rehearsal and the performance. Tickets are $2 for each in attendance, including infants, and will be available at the door. Cameras are allowed, but if used without the flash. Shorewest volunteers will be there in the morning. Volunteers are needed all day.
- Classical Improvisation Festival
The Classical Improvisation Festival, chaired by Arthur Johnson and Drea Wagner, was held February 6, 2010, at Dreams Unlimited Music Store. See attached report. Kathy Arndt made a motion to alternate the classical improvisation festival and the composition contest every other year. Terry Weber seconded the motion. Motion was unanimously passed.
G. District Chair Report
No report given.
H. Vice President Report
Louise Mann reported a desire to include presentations each year geared toward
1. The teaching of beginners
2. A more advanced topic
3. The teaching of different behavioral needs
4. A group sharing session
5. We Do It recital
I. President Report
Elaine Phillips reported that the senior honors recital was a fantastic representation of the music students in our area, as well as good publicity for the organization. As she is ending her term as president, she encouraged the membership to think about the direction MMTA should take, and stressed that the organization continue to focus on teacher development. She thanked the organization for supporting her during her term as president.
A. Brochures
Three hundred brochures have been printed and are available to teachers today. They will also be distributed around the community.
B. Accompanying Awards
The discussion about adding a monetary award was continued. There was a suggestion of giving a pin instead of a cash award. The incoming president will research options and cost for pins for further discussion next meeting. Discussion tabled.
A. Accompanying Awards
Roberta Hilgendorf will present two at Roncalli High School. Elaine Phillips will present one at Sheboygan Falls High School. Terry Weber will present one at St. Mary’s Springs High School. Marlene Wondergem will present one at South High.
B. New Member scholarship
Katherine Leclerc had applied for the new member scholarship for next year. Louise Mann moved and Roberta Hilgendorf seconded that Katherine Leclerc be accepted for the new member scholarship. Motion unanimously passed.
C. Member of the Year Award
The question was raised about voting for member of the year by absentee ballot. Members were reminded about last year’s nominations. Louise Mann nominated Elaine Phillips, but Elaine declined the nomination. Arthur Johnson nominated Tricia Marton and Drea Wagner. Elisabeth Daniels seconded the motion. Membership voted by ballot, electing Drea Wagner as 2010 member of the year.
D. Student events and suggestions for next year.
The growth and development committee will meet by the end of June to determine the programs for next year. They will let the members know by mid-summer what the fall performance opportunity will be.
E. Nominations of Officers
The nominating committee presented the following slate of officers for 2010-2011:
Arthur Johnson, president
Louise Mann, vice-president
Drea Wagner, secretary
Helen Bohman, treasurer
Terry Weber moved and Kathy Arndt seconded that the nominations be closed. Motion carried. Louise Mann motioned and Elisabeth Daniels seconded to accept the slate of officers as presented. Motion carried.
F. Teachers with openings
Louise Mann, Maryann Robinson, Elaine Phillips, and Elisabeth Daniels have openings in their studio.
G. Important Dates
May 8, 2010, Badger Non-Keyboard Competition, UW Wood County
May 15, 2010 WMTA Badger Keyboard Competition, Southern Region, Carthage College.
May 22, 2010 WMTA Badger Keyboard Competition, Northeastern region as well as all competitive duets and adults, UW Stevens Points
June 3-9, 2010 Piano Arts in Milwaukee
June 11, WMTA leadership summit, Waunakee
August 1-7, Lakeland College Music Camp
Friday, September 24, 2010, location to be announced
Robin Krause moved and Kathy Arndt seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 10:52am.
We Do It Recital, coordinated by Elisabeth Daniels
Submitted by
Drea Wagner, NCTM
Michibago Music Teachers Association
Classical Improvisation Festival 2010
The Classical Improvisation Festival, chaired by Arthur Johnson and Drea Wagner was held at Dreams Unlimited Music Store in Plymouth, WI, on February 6, 2010. There were 33 entries in the festival, ranging from kindergarteners to 12th graders. The festival consisted of individual and ensemble coaching sessions from 8:00-3:30 and a concluding Improvisation Celebration at 4:00.
Seven teachers entered students. There were two participant no-shows. Six teachers and one parent volunteered their help for the day. The day's activities were video recorded.
Each student and ensemble improvised for/with the coaches (Arthur Johnson and Drea Wagner) during their individual sessions, and almost all of them returned to improvise at the Celebration. The celebration was very well attended and seemed well-received by parents, students, and teachers.
Each improviser was given a gift certificate to Dreams Unlimited for the amount that they had earned, a certificate of participation including an award/title reflecting their particular improvisation strengths, a category certificate filled with stars to mark their progress, and other incentives (cupcakes, pencils, etc.).
The chairs submitted a press release to area newspapers. The notice and an accompanying picture of participants appeared in the Sheboygan Press.
Many positive comments were received from parents, students, and teachers. Some positive results of this festival were:
1. Students gained skills of classical improvisation
2. Teachers gained skills of teaching classical improvisation
3. Public awareness was raised--both of classical improvisation and of the Michibago Music Teachers Association
Financial information:
Income Expenses
$330.00 Entrance fees $222.15 to Dreams Unlimited for gift certificates
$ 7.80 unused gift certificates $ 20.00 for decorations/goodies
$337.80 Total income $ 16.99 for certificate paper and printing
$259.14 Total expenses
Total net income from the festival: $78.66
Ideas for the future:
Based on the positive results of this year's Classical Improvisation Festival, as well as the desire to provide opportunities for well-rounded musicianship to students, the chairs of this festival recommend that the Classical Improvisation Festival become a regular feature of the Michibago Music Teachers Association, being offered every other year in alteration of our Composition Contest.
Suggestions for future Classical Improvisation Festivals
1. Allow more time between the end of the participants' scheduled time with the coaches
and the Celebration. Coaches need time to decide on awards.
2. Move the entry deadline before the Christmas holiday. The deadline the first week of January sneaked up on many teachers, resulting in late entries and too little time for the chairs to schedule, plan, and gather materials. Overall, it seemed like a good time of year to hold the festival (at least a month before Auditions).
3. Consider ways of accommodating more students. As organized, our event was close to maximum enrollment. We could consider moving the Celebration into the evening or to a different day, having two simultaneously-running coaching rooms (although the format of two coaches working together seemed to work well), making the festival a two-day event, etc.
4. Brainstorm ideas for making this festival financially self-sustaining. All coaching this year was done on a volunteer basis. How could we adjust the festival budget to allow for appropriate stipends for future coaches? Find a sponsor? Raise entry fee? (*Note: this year, Dreams Unlimited gave us the use of their recital hall free of charge, and the gift certificates 25% off.)
Respectfully submitted,
Arthur Johnson and Drea Wagner
Classical Improvisation Festival co-chairs