Business/Marketing Education
Marketing, Sales and Services Cluster
Marketing Communications and Promotions Pathway
Marketing Principles
Stanhope Elmore High School
Instructor: Ms. Marissa Kane
Room: 309
School Phone: (334) 285-4263
Web Page:
E-mail Address:
Planning: 5th period
Course Description:
Marketing Principles is a one-credit course designed to provide students with an overview of in-depth marketing concepts. Students develop a foundational knowledge of marketing and its functions, including marketing information management, pricing, product and service management, entrepreneurship, and promotion and selling. Students examine the need for sales and marketing strategies. Students practice customer relationship skills, ethics, technology applications, and communicating in the workplace.
Career and technical student organizations are integral, co-curricular components of each career and technical education course. These organizations serve as a means to enhance classroom instruction while helping students develop leadership abilities, expand workplace-readiness skills, and broaden opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Prerequisites: There is no prerequisite for this course
Program: Marketing Communications and Promotions
Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO):
Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)-$15.00 for membership dues; $25.00 includes t-shirt
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) See Baker or Constant for information
Text, Fees, and Required Supplies:
Marketing Essentials, Notebook, pen/pencil, paper
**There is a $15.00 material/fee due as soon as possible for this course.**
**Failure to pay fees results in not using certain teacher provided materials, class printer, and you will not walk when you graduate**
Course Goals/Content Standards: Students will:
- Interpret research results to analyze the purpose, definition, concepts, benefits, and strategies of marketing for their impact on individuals and businesses.
- Differentiate among laws and regulations associated with marketing.
- Explain differences among business enterprises of sole-proprietorship, partnership, corporation, franchise, and licensing.
- Analyze methods of conducting market research to gain a competitive edge.
- Explain economic concepts, international trade, and the free enterprise system in a global economy.
- Explain concepts and techniques of selling.
- Analyze promotional and merchandising tools and types of promotions in marketing and management to optimize revenue.
- Use cost analysis to evaluate methods for purchasing and distributing merchandise.
- Critique factors affecting pricing decisions.
- Determine career and entrepreneurial opportunities, responsibilities, and educational and credentialing requirements in marketing.
- Demonstrate interpersonal skills and the ability to work cooperatively as needed in the workplace with team members, supervisors, and customers from diverse cultural backgrounds using creative problem-solving, decision-making, and critical-thinking strategies.
- Demonstrate effective written communication skills for the workplace by creating a variety of business communications for the workplace using correct grammar and terminology.
- Demonstrate effective oral presentation skills using research materials and media to sustain listener attention and interest.
- Demonstrate the ability to write clear directions, descriptions, and explanation as used in the workplace.
Essential Questions:
- Do students have better knowledge of marketing, sales, and promotions, in the business world?
- Demographics of the workforce are changing and will continue to change. What special skills does an individual need to effectively manage this highly diverse workforce?
Course/Program Culminating Product:
Students will be able to determine what it means to plan, manage, and perform marketing activities to reach organizational objectives.
Student Industry Credential
National Retail Federation – National Professional Certification in Customer Service and Sales
Assessment Procedures:
Students will receive their grades based on daily participation, projects, tests, homework, daily classwork, and quizzes. All grades will be determined using a points system. Rubrics will be used to assess projects and will be provided to students prior to due date.
Course work will be weighted as follows:
1. Major – Tests, Projects 60%
2. Minor – Daily, Homework, Quizzes 40%
Major Grades:
Tests – Students will be notified 3-5 days prior
Projects – there will be a variety of projects throughout the year for each class. Expectations for each project is high, especially since these are marketing classes and my goal is to prepare you for the workplace.
Minor Grades:
Daily – includes handouts, notes, participation in class and group work, etc…
Homework – if students do not finish in class work, it will be assigned to homework that will be due the following day
Quizzes – possible pop quizzes on material throughout lessons, specifically due to lack of participation, lack of student focus on lesson presentations, cheating, etc…
Grading Scale:
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F <59
Tardies: Tardies will be counted every time. If you receive three unexcused tardies for a nine weeks you will be written up. You must have a pass from another teacher/administrator to be excused from a tardy.
Class Calendars: There is a calendar for each class on the wall in the classroom that has assignments, tests, daily activities, etc…Please take advantage of these calendars to see what we are doing in class and when tests are and projects due.
Makeup Work: It is the student’s responsibility to get any missed assignments when absent from class. Please look at the class calendar in the class for what we do every day. You will have three days to make up any missed work. If you do not make up work, you will receive a zero.
Cheating: Cheating in any form will not be tolerated in my classroom. If you are caught cheating you will receive a zero for that assignment, along with other parties involved.
Appropriate Behavior and Procedures:
Professional and appropriate workplace behaviors include – attendance, attitude, work ethic, responsibility, dependability, punctuality, integrity, time management, effort, and adherence to dress code.
Be Respectful – Respect the Learning/Work Environment (attitude, integrity)
· Thoughtfulness is the key word.
· Students will listen and pay attention when the teacher is speaking and going over instructions, lessons, etc.
· Rudeness (disrespect of others, disrupting class either by talking or some other means, keeping others from their assigned tasks) will not be tolerated.
· Keep your hands to yourself.
· Hitting either in anger or in horseplay will not be tolerated.
· Be positive. Foul language, obscenities, or suggestive comments will not be tolerated.
· Respect others. We will listen and respect the perspectives of others – it is necessary for building working relationships.
· Students will raise their hand for permission to speak during the class period, especially when the teacher is speaking.
· Students will remain seated at their desks during class unless given permission to do otherwise.
· Students will remain seated at their desks at the end of the period until the teacher dismisses the class.
Be Responsible (responsibility)
· Students should attend school everyday. Failure to attend leads to poor academic performance and will cause you to become behind in school.
· Students should come to class with the proper materials.
· Students should know and follow all school policies, understanding that reasonable rules are necessary for a reasonable society.
Be Ready (punctual, dependable, work ethic)
· Be in the classroom when the bell rings.
· Begin bell work as soon as you reach your seat.
· Students will use the restroom before class, not during class, unless it is an emergency.
· Students will take care of personal matters before class (personal grooming, seeing other teachers, etc.)
Classroom Rules:
1. Always act and speak in an appropriate way and with respect.
2. Listen and follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
4. No food, candy, drinks, gum allowed.
5. No cellphones, iPods, tablets or other forms of technology allowed. —Do not use it when I am teaching, going over directions, etc…I will acknowledge when it is appropriate to use technology
1. Warning-Name on board
2. Break Detention (teacher will assign number of days deemed appropriate)
3. Parent contact
4. Office referral
*Severe offenses will result in an immediate office referral*
The Bottom Line:
I am here to teach and you are here to learn. This can be a successful year if we all work together to follow the rules and procedures set forth.
Syllabus Signature Page
Review this syllabus including the course content, requirements, grading system, and procedures with your parent/guardian. Complete this signature page and return to Ms. Kane by Friday, August 12, 2016.
I ______have read and understand the syllabus for Ms. Kane’s Marketing class at Stanhope Elmore High School. I agree to follow the guidelines set forth and comply with all procedures.
Student Signature ______Date ______
I ______have read, understand, and discussed with my child the syllabus for Ms. Kane’s Marketing class at Stanhope Elmore High School. I will support my child’s efforts to follow the guidelines set forth and comply with all procedures.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______
Please use the space below to communicate any questions or concerns you have regarding this class. Please include contact information so that I may reply as soon as possible.
Parent Contact Information
NameHome Phone
Work Phone
Cell Phone