MMPOA Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
(Diana’s House)
January 18, 2013
-In attendance, Diana, Tom, Nantz Rickard,Robin Reid, Wayne, as well as Eagle, Linda, Debbie and Chuck Brown.
-Eagle had a separate issue. Please don’t spray their part of the property with the Round-up. Board agreed that should not be an issue.
-Pavillion Committee issue – Material leftovers has resulted in about $140 in Lowes Gift Cards. Wayne suggests that we build a couple of picnic tables with the money. The board agrees this would be a good use of the money. Tom agrees to buy the gift cards from Wayne so he will have cash to buy the material etc. The total value of the gift cards was $131.58. Tom will give Robin a check and Wayne gave Tom the Gift Cards.
-Road Committee – We will wait for the ground to unfreeze. When it does he will touch base with Perry or others to get gravel put down. We will be going with a thin gravel coating covering the whole community(to the extent that two 19 tons truck loads will cover) based on a thorough assessment. Obviously some rarely used roads won’t need gravel. This is just a quick fix until we address a more complete repair of the roads in the spring.
- Tom suggested that during the cold months when we have snow, we should ask that they plow then apply some form of grit or cinders to provide better traction. Especially on the hilly areas.
- Should we purchase our own equipment? After thorough discussion the board felt it was better to hire and employ someone to do the road maintenance and plowing.
-Preparation for Annual Meeting (Where, what, etc)
- Sunday June 2, 2013 at 11AM
- Upcoming elections – Vice President, Secretary, and At-Large.
- When should we send out dues notice. Board agrees to send out first notice on March 31st, with a 2nd notice on May 15th.
- Do we bring up changes to By-Laws? TBD. Look back at Minutes from July.
- Community Day – All participants must submit the Hold Harmless agreement. Put out flier out well ahead (as part of dues notice). As part of initial flier, ask homeowners to make suggestions for work that needs to be done. We will send out the request for ideas by the end of February. Plan on what work needs to be done. Meet at Common area. Break up work focusing on culverts, mowing, trim bushes, painting, road issues.
-New Business
- Website – No news. Diana will talk to Paul. Arrange for Paul to provide admin password so that at least two people have the password. Diana and Tom will determine path forward for better control of website.
- Storage of documents
- Newsletter
- Pavilion Policy –
- Dolores suggested we put a sign at the Pavillion to ensure that folks follow a simple set of rules.
- Suggested that all children under the age of 14, should be accompanied by parents. Guests should be accompanied by homeowners. When we leave the pavilion, all trash should be removed by the visitors to the Pavilion. Operating hours (from 8AM until Midnight – no noise after 9PM) with special exceptions for holidays (4th of July, Annual meeting day, labor day etc). No fires aside from a personal barbeque grill (at their own risk). No climbing in Pavilion. The rules will be posted and laminated on the front of the bulletin board at front gate as well as at Pavilion.
- By-laws does not permit a porta-potty.