MARCH 16, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Josh Wright in the Northwest ISD Executive Conference Room, 2001 Texan Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76177.
Pursuant to Texas government Code Section 551.072, 551.074 and 551.071, the Board convened into executive session at 6:01
P.M. in the Northwest ISD Executive Conference Room, 2001 Texan Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76177. The Board ended executive session at 6:25 P.M.
The regular meeting resumed at 6:56 P.M. in the Northwest ISD Board Room, 2001 Texan Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76177. Dr. Karen Rue gave the invocation followed by the pledge to the American Flag and the pledge to the Texas Flag. The pledges were led by students from Medlin Middle School.
REGULAR MEETING Mr. Wright, Ms. Holland, Dr. Simpson,
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Copp, Ms. Rauch, Mr. Schluter and Mr. Fuller
OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. McCreary, Dr. Gindt, Dr. Thornell, Mr. Graswich, Ms. Nail and Mr. Feind
The Board recognized Ava Narten, first grader at Justin Elementary School, for winning the art contest for the T-shirt design for Go Red Day.
NO. 7328 APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA: It was moved by Mr. Fuller and seconded by Ms. Holland to approve the consent agenda as submitted:
A. Personnel recommendations, including reorganizing and assigning administrative duties and titles, extensions, hiring, and/or renewal/non-renewal of contracts of
individual teachers, administrators, principals, support staff, assistant superintendents, and resignations.
B. Minutes for the February 9, 2015 and the February 25, 2015 School Board Meetings.
C. Amendments to the 2014-2015 operating budget.
D. Extension of the memorandum of understanding between Northwest ISD and West ISD for the use of portable buildings.
E. 2015-2016 campuses closed for transfer.
F. Competitive sealed proposal construction delivery method and selection criteria for projects estimated to be less than $1,000,000.00.
Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
NO. 7329 APPROVE THE ORDER OF CANCELLATION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEE ELECTION: It was moved by Ms. Holland and seconded by Ms. Rauch to approve the order of cancellation of the Board of Trustee election for May 9, 2015 as recommended by the administration. Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
NO. 7330 APPROVE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT CONSIDERATION OF THE CHAPTER 313 PROPERTY VALUE LIMITS APPLICATION: It was moved by Mr. Fuller and seconded by Ms. Holland to approve the consideration of the application for a computer data center project for an appraised value limitation on qualified property, and to authorize the Superintendent to review the application for completeness prior to submission to the Comptroller upon receipt of the application fee as recommended by the administration. Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
Dr. Kim Caley and Dr. Stephanie Espinosa presented the Profile of an Educator report.
Dr. Espinosa also presented the professional development district effectiveness report.
There were no items removed from the consent agenda for consideration.
Mr. Wright presented the President’s report.
Dr. Rue presented the Superintendent’s report.
NO. 7331 ADJOURN: It was moved by Mr. Schluter and seconded by Mr. Fuller to adjourn at 8:17 P.M. Motion carried unanimously 7-0.
Joshua Wright, President 2616 Devonna Holland, Secretary