Mme Schulz Anchor Activities
Want to Learn French? Catch the language bug and learn how to successfully learn French (and other foreign languages) through BBC France’s accredited tips and fun practice
Interactive BBC French videos Watch videos that allow for downloadable practice in all 4
categories of language skill learning
Tex's French Grammar cruise and explore all the authentic culture rich videos, reading, listening and writing practice this website offers
Bingo Baker create your own bingo online with French vocabulary or search for premade bingos to practice reading/listening or make games for the classroom
French Regions learn all about the incredibly culturally rich regions in France through photos and interactive colorful images
French Gestures observe authentic French gesture/body language videos
Mama Lisa French songs practice traditional and current French songs
French lingo and expressions learn how to say certain expressions in French
Vocaroo Voice Recording record yourself practicing French pronunciation that can be sent/shared with teacher or just played back to self
Tongue Twisters practice your pronunciation in a fun way
BBC French Intermediate Crosswords complete crosswords with Audio and expand vocabulary
Les ChanteursFrancais listen to popular songs that review grammar and vocabulary
BBC French Introduction watch 10 short BBC French videos with printable activities
Radio France International listen to simple audio news and transcripts with activities
Contes et Histoires à Écouter listen to stories/passages/poems
Carmen's song and film practice vocabulary practice offered through song and film
BBC Ma France Variety of activities and videos that strengthen vocabulary and grammar topics
Purpose Games strengthen your vocabulary with interactive activities
French Essential Phrases BBC French essential phrases for everyday situations
Contes et Histoires à Lire stories/passages/poems to read
Conte-Moi la Francophonie passages and stories from around the world
Newsmapjp see a variety of current events covering different topics updated every 30 sec.
Les Actus A La Une see popular current events offering a variety of topics in video and article formats designed for adolescents
Article practice See passage and insert correct articles in spaces
Conjuguemos practice Conjugation, vocabulary and grammar and play games
QuizletVocabulary practice activities/games
Quia Activities grammar and vocabulary activities
From: Susan Lynn <>
Subject: Re: teaching a foreign language to the gifted learner
The key is cultivating a growth mindset so that the advanced learners don’t think they are done just because they have completed what you have asked them to do. There is always more language and culture to learn! They have got to push themselves to use the language or they will sit back and allow themselves to coast because you are too busy working with the struggling students. Use differentiated strategies with alternative (more challenging) readings and audio samples for them to try. I set up a list of what are called Anchor Activities so that any student who finishes quickly will have a list of pre-approved language games, activities, videos, websites, etc. Find out what your students are interested in outside of school (music, sports, fashion, dinosaurs, horses, airplanes, whatever) and help them find resources on the web in the TL. Let them do a passion project in their free time. Set them up with penpals.
For assignments try choice boards, like a tic-tac-toe board or maybe 4 across with various activities that offer a choice of methods of showing what students have learned. Advanced does not have to mean more work. The most challenging activities on this example are actually the least about of time consuming work, but are the most pressure to perform.
These are just some of the things I tried with my advanced learners while working on my Master’s project on the same topic. I did not do it all at once or all the time! I hope this helps :)
Susan Lynn
Liberty North High School