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QUESTION OF: Establishing a nuclear free zone in the Middle East
CO-SUBMITTERS: Tunisia, Kuwait, Qatar, Canada, Venezuela, Serbia, Pakistan, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq
Declaring the Greater Middle East as being formed of Mauritania, Western Sahara, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, as defined by the G8,
Acknowledging international concern related to the danger posed by the proliferation of nuclear weapons to human lives and the environment,
Aware of the recent nuclear tragedies that occurred,
Reaffirming the utilization of nuclear energy in highly developed nations in order to facilitate better life standards,
Noting with satisfaction the benefits provided by nuclear energy to human development,
Further noting that 19.3% of the world’s energy originates from nuclear power, despite the fact that only relatively few countries (31) have access to nuclear power plants,
Conscious that nuclear power generation in its advanced forms has the lowest cost per MWh (~67USD) when compared with coal and gas power generation,
Emphasizing that nuclear power is the least pollutant form of energy (In terms of CO2 emissions) when compared to coal, gas, hydro, solar, and wind energy, having a range of emissions from 21 to 9g of CO2/kWh,
Noting with approval that nuclear power is the most likely candidate in the effort to provide cheap energy to the world, and reduce pollution,
Fully alarmed by the threat posed by the greenhouse effect to all nations, and thus wishing to diminish the quantity spread into the air through energy production,
Desiring the gradual spread of nuclear energy production capacities through the Greater Middle East region in order to aid in providing cheap, non-pollutant energy,
Aware of the collaborative nuclear safety efforts necessary for this undertaking,
Stressing the fact that establishing a nuclear free zone anywhere will slow down development, increase the costs of energy and maintain levels of greenhouse gases high,
1. Urges member states to realize that the proliferation of nuclear technology will aid in the development of the Greater Middle East;
2. Calls for Greater Middle East nations to make their nuclear goals clear to the rest of the world by stating their:
- Intentions on why nuclear power is appropriate for their country,
- Planned capacity of electricity generation through nuclear power by 2030,
- Desire for specific help, either financial, scientific, or military in this process,
- Other intentions that relate to nuclear power;
3. Encourages the creation of the “United Nations Effort for Nuclear Development in the Greater Middle East” UNEND-GME as a body of the UN which is to help with nuclear development;
4. Requests UNEND-GME to:
- Be composed of the nations that currently employ nuclear power, and all other Greater Middle East nations,
- Be ruled by democratic voting where all member nations have equal rights and equal powers,
- Have rights to decide over nuclear development matters of nations only within the Greater Middle East,
- Provide aid and support to nations in the Greater Middle East for nuclear development efforts, including but not limited to:
- Personnel from member nations willing to help,
- Technology from member nations willing to provide,
- Assistance from member nations willing to give;
- Create a commission of specialists (nuclear scientists) formed from member nations of UNEND-GME which will:
- Set certain safety standards to be followed by all Middle Eastern nations in their nuclear programs:
a) Verification and approval of nuclear power construction projects,
b) Monitoring construction procedure and progress,
c) Assuring complete and proper functionality, as well as environmental standards before approving the commencement of the nuclear power projects,
d) Other safety standards deemed necessary by the commission;
- Monitor the production of nuclear weapons by member countries,
- Impose economic fines/restrictions on member countries who do not follow the set standards/regulations;
5. Requests Greater Middle East nations to collaborate and obey with the decisions taken by UNEND-GME;
6. Calls upon UNEND-GME to give permission to Greater Middle East nations to initiate their nuclear projects after clause 2 and clause 4 subclause e first point and last point have been met;
7. Authorizes UNEND-GME to give permission to nations of the Greater Middle East which have sufficient individual freedom and a Transparency Index of 4.0 or above to engage in the production of small-sized nuclear weapons that are strictly to be possessed and used for defense purposes;
8. Requests UNEND-GME to ban the production of nuclear weapons upon majority vote of their members for the countries of the Greater Middle East where there is little freedom of the individual in the choice of government and policies;
9. Recommends Greater Middle East nations to sustain public referendums ,which are to be verified by a special team of UNEND-GME members, on whether they want to remain nuclear-free or they wish to engage in nuclear development;
10. Asks for nuclear armed nations to realize the importance nuclear weapons play for their national security, and thus realize the necessity to allow developing nations of the Greater Middle East to possess a limited amount of small-sized nuclear weapons that they can develop for defense purposes so long as clauses 2, 7, 8, 9 are fulfilled;
11. Further asks nations that do not possess nuclear weapons to understand that their future possession of nuclear weapons is strictly for self-defense matters and no testing, or deployment (excepting the case of a response to another nuclear attack) may be done without approval of UNEND-GME;
12. Calls for UNEND-GME to decide on the number and size of the nuclear weapons nations in the Greater Middle East that don’t currently posses them are allowed to develop once they meet clauses 10 and 11;
13. Requests UNEND-GME to form a division of military personnel from all member countries to be spread amongst the Greater Middle East Nations to:
- Offer the necessary protection to nuclear facilities that are at risk of being attacked by terrorist or extremist groups,
- Maintain a base in each country from which they can take control of nuclear weapon deployment capacities in cases of revolution or political instability;
14. Assures member nations that the future of the world depends on reducing greenhouse gases within the atmosphere, which can best be done by increasing the production of cheap energy through nuclear power;
15. Further Assures member nations that world peace will be achieved as more freedom is provided to less developed nations to develop themselves and assert their sovereignty over their own countries and future development.
16. Encourages nations to agree that harnessing the power of the nucleus fully will transform its destructive potential into creative potential, which will usher a new golden age for mankind, an age of freedom for the nation and freedom for the people.