Quick Note: How to Use MLearning

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To receive credit for required activities (Mandatories) in MLearning:

1. ENROLL in the general topic AND

2. Complete the required contained activities.

  • Approximately 35 days before your due date, required annual activities are delivered to your Learning Plan along with an email notification. The delivered activities are listed at the bottom of your Learning Plan under Planned Learning.
  • Activities that you’ve started but have not finished are under In Progress at the top of your Learning Plan.
  • Completed activities are listed in your Transcript.

Remember: Green for Go

  • The Green Button on a screen indicates your next action in a multi-step process. Look for the Green Buttons!
  • Blue or red buttons indicate a single action, like unenrolling.

Take a Required/Mandatory Activity

  1. Login to MLearning with your GroupWise login. (
  2. Under Planned Learning (bottom of screen), locate the required/mandatory activity and click the green Enroll button to the right
  3. Under In Progress, locate the topic and click the green Launch button to the right.
  4. Click the green Enter the Lesson button to the right of the Learning Module to open it.
  5. Read the learning module and click Quiz (left navigation menu) to go to the quiz.
  6. Complete the quiz and click Score My Quiz (end of quiz).
  7. To record your passing score: Click the green Record My Score button.
  8. To try again: Click the gray Close Window and Try Again button followed by the Enter the Lesson button.

To Check Your Transcript

  1. Click My Learning Plan in the left-side navigation menu.
  2. Click the Transcript Tab under your name.
  3. Check completion date, expiration date, and score.

Annual Mandatories for Physicians (2008) / Once-on-hire Mandatories for Physicians (2008)
Compliance / Abuse & Neglect
Critical Incident / False Claims Act (new – coming soon)
Fire Safety / Hazard Communication/Right to Know
Infection Control / HIPAA
M-Inform (conflict of interest) / Patient Safety for Medical Clinical Faculty
Professional Billing Compliance / Patient Safety: Medication Reconciliation
Sleep & Fatigue
UM CareLink training
Safe Medical Act Protocol (department specific – check with your department)
Disaster Emergency Management (department specific – check with your department)

Updated 07/2008