LCMS May 2014 Good News Report

LCMS May Students of the Month are …

7th graders: Trae Williams and Emily Greenup
8th graders: Victoria Holloman, Rachel Cherry, Ashleigh Mayhugh, Braxton Bebout, M'Lea Starnes, Savania Rudd, Samantha Sitzes, and Addison Ringstaff

Nate Hamblin, LCMS 7th grader, won the Blue Award in Foods.

LCMS is proud to announce that Stacy Walker was accepted into the MA in Education Administration Principal’s Cohort at MSU.

LCMS Yearbook signing and dedication party will be May 27.

LCMS Testing Kick-Off Pep Rally will be on May 14. Testing is May 15-22.

May 5-9 was Teacher Appreciation Week. We would like to thank the Board for the cake that they sent us and our staff for their hard work and dedication. Also, we appreciate the LCMS PTSO and Farmer’s Bank for the treats that they provided us.

LCMS had 17 parents vote in our SBDM parent elections. We are proud to announce our new SBDM council for the 2014-2015 school year.

Parents: Kim Calendar & Jennifer Cosby

Teachers: Michaele Edmondson, Resanda Robertson, & Michele Powell

The LCMS Spring Concert will be May 27.

The LCMS Third Quarter Awards Assembly on April 22lasted over one hour due to the multitude of student accomplishments that we recognized. Way to Live Red LCMS students!!! Please see the pictures on our website, Facebook, and/or Twitter.

LCMS 7th graders enjoyed The Reality Store on April 29.

The Annual FCA Clergy Appreciation Tea will be held on May 22.

Four LCMS students, Jada Cosby, Wyatt Jaco,Emily Padon, and Josey Tolley, received State Recognition by Duke TIP for their outstanding performance on the ACT college entrance exam. These four students scored at or above the national average of recent high school graduates on at least one part of the ACT. 13 LCMS 7th graders qualified for Duke TIP (top 5% in nation on a norm referenced test). Nationally, only about 38% of all those who qualify for Duke TIP receive state recognition. We are so proud of them.

LCMS STLP had a great trip to Lexington. Please check out our webpage for pictures. We are also appreciative of Mrs. Dee Wright for sponsoring STLP and receiving a grant to fund the trip.

Our LCMS Student Government leaders will give elementary students successful transitioning tips and tours of LCMS on May 29. We have invited them to our ILP Parent Review Party on May 23 too. We’re planning a 7th Grade Jump Start Summer Camp in June in conjunction with O-Zone. On August 5, we are planning Home Visits from 1-4 PM and Open House from 5-8 PM.

100% of LCMS students have completed their ILPs.

100% of LCMS parents have reviewed their student’s ILP for the THIRD straight year.

Mrs. Calender conducted a taste test with 5th-8th grade students of a healthy recipe of Chic Penne, and they liked the dish so much that our cafeteria staff fixed it for lunch on April 25. Thanks to Mrs. Calender and our cafeteria staff for helping us be more healthy. We appreciate them taking our input for good food.

Students who met our five school goals will be rewarded with a party on May 23. 24 LCMS students qualified for the 5 Goals Field Trip on May 24.

LCMS 7th Grade Awards Day is May 30 at 9 AM. 8th grade graduation is May 30 at 10 AM.

On May 7, staff had a Standards Based Grading meeting with Ken Mattingly in hopes for partial implementation next year and full implementation in 2015-2016.

On May 20, Steve Olsen from Learning 360 will train staff on lesson planning and highly engaging instructional strategies. He will share and model examples of rigorous activities. The six staff members who met with him on March 20 said it was the best professional learning they had attended. They are already implementing his strategies and have trained other staff.

LCMS SBDM standing committees are diligently working and rewriting policies to ensure student achievement for the upcoming year. They are discussing budgets, schedules, professional learning needs, etc. This is great shared decision making based on our needs assessment data.

Our Program Review Committee has worked very hard to submit narratives justifying ratings of each program review characteristic. They have uploaded evidence to OneDrive. Please join our group if you wish to see our Program Review documentation. In addition, all Literacy, Coordinated School Health, and Arts & Humanities newsletters are posted to the LCMS home page to help keep our stakeholders informed of innovative practices.

LCMS is working to increase parent involvement. We are encouraging parents to attend the Governor’s Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership which is part of the Prichard Committee. We are trying to keep our website and social media posts updated. We have had several parents update their phone numbers through the One Call Self-Update system.

LCMS teachers have conducted 112 uniqueface-to-face parent conferences as of May 3. They have conducted a total of 154 conferences.

LCMS has 1628 documented volunteer hours as of May 3, 2014, for the 2013-2014 school year. We exceeded our goal and are still accumulating more hours. Thanks to our stakeholders!!!

LCMS attendance year-to-date (Aug. 7- May 3) is 95.1%. Our goal is 98% for the year.

LCMS has 136 followers on Twitter (LCMS_LiveRed) and has made 767 tweets.

LCMS has 201 Likes of our Facebook page (LivingstonCountyMiddle School) which includes multiple posts, photos, and videos.