AUGUST 19th, 2018
1.Appointment of minutes secretary
This person should be a native speaker of English.
2. Registration and accreditation of the delegates
Welcoming the new delegates:
Henrik ElmerforDenmark
Jacques VaïsseforFrance
Franz-Josef KerberforGermany
Antonio FerrerioforItaly
Daniel WinandyforLuxemburg
José Sevivas MarrachoforPortugal
Dr. Corina de BeerforSouth Africa
Juan Esteban VerasteguiforSpain
Thomas LuthforSweden
Louise Van GreunenforSwitzerland
Eugene KinnelforUSA
3.Apologies for absence(10 mins.)
4.Adoption of previous minutes
The minutes of the meeting of 2016 (Sarlóspuzsta/Hungary) have been sent to all delegates by October 20th, 2016. By mid of November 2016 it had been approved by all parties/nations involved. The previous minutes can be found on our website. They
will therefore not be distributed as print copies.
5.Financial report(10 mins.)
Presented by our Treasurer, Mr. Antonio Ferrerio (Italy).
6. Appointment of tellers
7.Business arising /Agenda items
7-a.Proposals for changes of the Constitution (see Constitution version 2016 on our website)
7-a.ISetting of the MLAIC membership fees until 2021(5 mins.)
7-a.IIPeriod for S.G., D.S.G. and MLAIC Commission (see proposal Appendix A and Appendix D) (5 mins.)
7-a.IIINew European law concerning data protection (see Appendix B)(15 mins.)
7-a.IVSubscription fee (see Constitution art. 6.b)
From Nick Harvey (GB) we have an enquiry to fix the subscription fee from a one year's fee to a two years' fee. This, due to high bank costs. Fees could also
be paid in cash.(10 mins.)
7-b.Proposals for changes of the Rules (see Rules version 2016 on our website)
7-b.IProposals from Spain (see Appendix C)(15 mins.)
7-b.IIProposals from Italy (see Appendix D)(5 mins.)
7-b.IIIProposals from the Shotgun Committee (see Appendix E)(15mins.)
7-b.IVProposals from France (see Appendix F)(15 mins.)
7-b.VProposal form Lee Shaver on Long Range (see Appendix G)(5mins.)
7-b.VProposal to increase the time allowed just for the events O and R Maximilian, Tanegashima, Hizadai from 30 to 40 minutes due to safety reasons, as in those events time plays an important role and towards the end, the shooters become more hectic which may result in a lack of safety. (10 mins.)
7-b.VIDiscussion about rifling length etc. on military firearms. Do we have clear
information on all military rifles? If not, do we only control those, were data
are available?(10 mins.)
7-b.VII Revolver events - military? (See Appendix H)(10 mins.)
7-b.VIII Minimum calibre for flintlock muskets. Should be somewhere around .65!?
(10 mins.)
7-b.IXMinimum trigger weight for flintlock muskets, percussion military rifles, revolvers? Are fixed weights required? (5mins.)
7-b.XFirearms must be privately owned (N.H.) "by the shooter"? (5 mins.)
Or does it just mean "not owned by a museum"? Further clarification.
7-b.XIRule changes - proposals from Slovakia (see Appendix M)(10 mins.)
7-b.XII Resolving ties on Postal matches - proposal from South Africa(10 mins.)
(see Appendix N)
7-b.XIII Proposals on new team events from Hungary(10 mins.)
(see Appendix O)
7-c.General, such as firearms amnesty ending December 31st, 2020
7-c.IFirearms which need to be discussed; i.e. what has to be done to make such a firearm
eligible after its amendment. Such as Remington New Navy with short cylinder (see Appendix I), History no. 1 (or any other Billinghurst repro) trigger system (see Appendix J), Württemberg percussion military rifle M1857 (see Appendix K).
(10 mins.)
7-c.IIHadley dioptre (see Appendix L) - is it eligible for percussion rifles?(5mins.)
7-c.IIIClear definition of: "What exactly do we mean with Amnesty and for which kind of firearms is such an amnesty applicable?" (10 mins.)
7-c.IVThe European Championship 2020 cannot be held in France. Possibly in Italy? Or any other proposals? (10 mins.)
7-c.VPresentation of Hungary: "Long Range near Sarlóspuzsta" for the Long Range World Championships in 2021. (15 mins.)
7-c.VIPlanning for 2021 - LR WC in Hungary and WC in Germany (time frames).
(10 mins.)
Short break(15 mins.)
8.Any other business (not on the agenda)(10 mins.)
9.Election of the Secretary General(15 mins.)
Gerhard Lang (Germany) would stand for another period
10.Election of the Deputy Secretary General(15 mins.)
Ramón Selles Calabuig (Spain) would stand for another period
11.Election of the Treasurer(10 mins.)
Antonio Ferrerio (Italy) would stand for another period
12.Election of six MLAIC Commission Members(10 mins.)
so far in the MLAIC Commission were:
-Gerda Lejeune (The Netherlands)
-Antonio Ferrerio (Italy)
-Kim Atkinson (Australia)
-Mike Mc. Daniels (USA)
-Balázs Nemeth (Hungary)
-Robert Szuppin (Austria)
additional proposals:
13.Election of Honorary Members?
14.Closing speeches
-Deputy Secretary General
-Secretary General
End of the meeting:?
Estimated time for the meeting:approx. 5.5 to 6.0 hours