Minutes of the meeting held on Monday10th April 2017at 7pm in Mitcheldean Town Hall
Parish Councillors:Jackie Fraser (Chair), Adrian James, Sue Henchley, Janet Keene (arrived at 8.00pm), Bill Waddell, Kay Wozencroft, Shaun Stammers andAndre Edwards
Also present: April Seabrook (Clerk)
County Councillor Brian Robinson
17 Members of the public
- To note Apologies for Absence
District Councillor Doug Scott
- Members of the public issues (15 minutes Standing Orders suspended)
Council received a presentation from Matt Henson, Chairman of Mitcheldean Community Centre Committee. He informed Council that the Community Centre was in the process of installing a new kitchen, and that also in the future they would like to replace the toilets and purchase a temporary stage. Also with the closure of the Xerox Social Club they are hoping that the centre will be used for more social events.
- Declarations of Interests
Cllr Fraser sits on the Planning Committee at District Council so will remain in the room while planning is discussed but will not vote or give an opinion. Cllr Edwards declared an interest in the Sports Club.
- To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on13th March2017
It was resolved to accept the Minutes of the meeting held on 13th March 2017 as an accurate record of the meetings and were signed by the Chairman.
5. Planning matters
a) P0033/17/FUL – The Old Dairy, Jubilee Road, Mitcheldean – Erection of three yurts, conversion of existing barn to store, laundry room and office and associated works (Amended plans) – Objection. The holiday cabins look permanent, there are concerns about the increase in traffic, the alterations to the lambing shed seem unnecessarily large to cater for three units and the development is out of character with local buildings.
b) Footpath and Bridleway Diversion: Bridleway 38 at Church Lane, Abenhall, Mitcheldean – No objection
c) P0508/17/FUL – Lamb Inn, New Road, Mitcheldean – Erection of a detached property – No objection although there were concerns about the height of the bungalow overlooking the houses at the front
6.Scouts Archery Event at the Playing Field
Council agreed to give permission for the Scouts Archery Event to take place at the playing field and requested that the Scout leader sent the Council a copy of their liability insurance. Action: Clerk
7.Extra Traffic Signs Directing Traffic to Vantage Point Business Village
Council discussed the fact that Highways have refused to install road signs to stop lorries driving into Eastern Avenue to try and access Vantage Point Business Park. Council agreed to contact FODDC to confirm if road signs can be installed without consent from the Highways department. If so, a request will be made to Vantage Point to share the costs of having road signs erected to help direct the traffic to Vantage Point. Action: Clerk
8.Donation for Mitcheldean Flower Festival
Council agreed to pay for a flower display in memory of Jo Cox to be donated to the Flower Festival. Action: Clerk
9.Quote from Mitcheldean Gardening Club
Council agreed the quote from Mitcheldean Gardening Club and also agreed that rather than having the word Mitcheldean spelt out in flowers, they would prefer to have a more natural looking wildflower area. Action: Clerk
10.Alterations to Town Hall
Council examined the various options for the alterations to the Town Hall and agreed that before a decision could be made a costing for each of the plans suggested would be required. Action: Clerk
11.Quotes for Repairing Sheep Field Fence
Council considered the quotes for repairing the Sheep Field Fence and agreed to accept the quote from PJ & PD Adams. Action: Clerk
12.Review of Financial Regulations
Council reviewed and adopted the Financial Regulations. Action: Clerk
13.Repair to the Pavement on the High Street
Councillor Waddell gave Council an update regarding his concerns of the repairs of the pavement on the High Street. He informed Council that ROSPA were unable to assist and Glos Road Safety Partnership were going look into Councillor Waddell’s concerns. County Councillor Robinson stated that the pavement repair wasn’t perfect but was a big improvement on the original state of the pavement. He suggest that Council await the report from the Road Safety Partnership
14.Adopting Standing Orders
Council agreed to adopt the updated Standing Orders. Action: Clerk
15.Double Yellow Lines on New Street
Council considered the request from a resident for double yellow lines to be painted the length of New Street and agreed that photographic evidence of the bad parking along the road was required before any further action could be taken. Action: Clerk
16.Review of GPFA Playing Field Assessments
Council reviewed the Playing Field Assessment drawn up by GPFA and acknowledged that the report was good but not outstanding and agreed to review the paths on the playing field, play equipment for disabled children and to request the Football Club not to use herbicide to mark out the football pitch. Action: Clerk
17.Review of Council’s Insurance Cover
Council reviewed the Insurance cover and agreed that at present the cover is sufficient.
18.Electoral Review of the Forest of Dean
Council considered the Electoral Review of the Forest of Dean and that there would be a reduction in the number of Councillors on the District Council. It was agreed to send a submission from the Council stating that they would like the integrity of Mitcheldean, Abenhall and Wigpool to be protected.
19.Review Council’s Internal Controls and Risk Management
Council reviewed the Internal Controls including Risk Management
20.County & District Councillor Reports
County Councillor Brian Robinson informed Council that the Lengthsmen Scheme was starting again.
21.Clerk’s Report
The Council received the Clerk’s report which was circulated prior to the meeting.
22. Accounts/Finance
a)The payment schedule totalling £5413.72 was approved as follows:
Payments Mitcheldean Parish Council 10th April 2017
Payee / Details / Method / Amount / BudgetHMRC / PAYE & NI for March 2017 / BACS / £108.37 / Staff Costs
Salaries / March 2017 Payroll for 4 staff / BACS / £2232.08 / Staff Costs
PATA (UK) / Payroll services for February 2017 / Chq / £34.20 / General Admin
SARA / Donation / Chq / £200.00 / Grants/Donations
Mowtech / Football Pitch Maintenance / Chq / £600.00 / Playing Field
Getters Ltd / 12 Months Email & Web hosting / Chq / £150.00 / General Admin
Toolite / Door Chain, Broom Handle, etc / Chq / £28.23 / General Admin
GAPTC / Clerks More Knowledge training / Chq / £35.00 / General Admin
GAPTC / Being a Better Councillor training / Chq / £102.50 / General Admin
Parish Online / Mapping for NDP / Chq / £124.80 / NDP
FODDC / Treatment for moles / Chq / £688.03 / Playing Field
Cash / Petty Cash / Chq / £150.00 / General Admin
Go Property Consultancy Ltd / Preliminary plans for alterations to Town Hall / Chq / £390.00 / General Admin
OfficeStar / Lever Arch Files/Paper / Chq / £43.48 / General Admin
NEST Pension / Pension Contributions / DD
(13/03/17) / £11.22 / Staff Costs
Ecotricity / Utilities – gas @ Town Hall / DD (20/03/17) / £211.15 / General Admin
Grenke / Rental for photocopier / DD (01/04/17) / £148.74 / General Admin
Severn Trent Water / Utilites – water @ Pavilion / DD
(01/04/17) / £100.60 / Pavilion
nPower / Utilities – electric @ Town Hall / DD
(01/04/17) / £1.00 / General Admin
Opus / Utilities – gas @ Pavilion / DD
(17/03/17) / £7.06 / Pavilion
XLN / Broadband & telephone / DD
(24/03/17) / £47.26 / General Admin
TOTAL / £5413.72
06/03/17 Fete Stall fee£10.00
09/03/17 Interest£1.18
09/03/17 Interest£0.77
b) Council received the bank reconciliation for March 2017
c) Council received the budget versus spend report up to 31st March 2017.
22.Separate Business
Pursuant to 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during the consideration of:
a)Council agreed to increase the Clerk’s working week to 25 hours
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.00pm