Misty Meadows Property Owners Association
Minutes of Annual Meeting
May 31, 2014

  1. President’s Welcome
  2. The meeting was called to order at 3:08pm by Diana Shally.
  3. Thanked everyone for attending the annual HOA meeting.
  4. The group as a whole welcomed Kevin and Evelyn McLucas new property owners on Misty Meadows Lane.
  5. Also, a big thank you to Carolyn and Wayne for preparing the picnic.
  6. Diana announced that we had a quorum of 42 attendees including proxies. (NOTE: it was updated to 44 a few minutes later)
  7. MelissaMinster motioned and Ted Grolimund 2ndto accept the 2013 meeting minutes. Diana asked if anyone wanted to discuss anything about the minutes. A road question was brought up and tabled for later in the meeting. All members approved the minutes.
  1. Secretary’s Report

No official report.

  1. Treasurers Report
  2. Robin Reidpresented the Treasurers 2013-14 report. It was only an estimate since we have not yet received the June Statement. NOTE: Audit was completed though May 31, 2014 one month later.
  3. May 2014figures are estimated until May is closed out. Once May is closed out treasurer will get annual taxes out timely when due in October 2014.
  4. Checking started with 13,759.70and ended the year with $4,716.23.
  5. With HOA fees we budgeted $11600 which is $200 times the number of Lot payments. We then budgeted another $14,679.70 as a kind of “Pot Luck “which includes, remote sales, mailbox sales, driveway spraying, interest, late HOA fee’s and a Meade contract. We actually collected $12,050 in HOA fees which included past HOA fees that were owed to MMPOA.
  6. Robin reviewed a series of road expenses that were paid and the process of reviewing bids by two different contractors and the reasoning for selecting Meade. The road committee chair recommended spending $13,759 to fund the winning bid. This money was set aside and was called the special road fund but basically was what was in the checking at the start of the year. The road committee will provide the details later. Robin explained that everything else was at or below budget except Postage and Insurance was slightly higher than budgeted.
  7. This resulted in a tremendous discussion (about the use of $13,000 for road maintenance. Dennie Earling raised the question as to whether the board was authorized to approve a major expense for road repair without the membership’s approval at the Annual Meeting. It was generally agreed that the board acted within their authority under the governing documents. Tom Kennedy (board Secretary) stressed that the focus of the board is to keep the roads maintained in the short term and long term while being good stewards of the association funds. As discussed earlier it was determined that the culverts needed to be repaired so the board solicited bids from 3 contractors. Further discussion about the road was tabled to take place later during the road committee report.
  8. A motion to approve the 2013-14 treasury report was submitted for approval by Ted Grolimund and seconded by Brian Reid. All approved.
  9. Review of the 2014-15 budget.We started out with $15,044.84. Checking has $4,716.23. We should be adding $11,600 to the checking balance for the HOA fees collected for 2014-15. We are obligated to spend $3,789 on the balance of the Meade’s contract. We have budgeted $2,500 for snow removal (hopefully sufficient after last year’s large overrun on snow removal). $6,850 for normal road repair. Decreased the amount allocated for road spraying since that’s been going down. The special road fund is the amount of money still owed to Mr. Meade for the balance of his contract to pay for the stone that is being delivered over the next few days. Additional funds were added for attorney fees. Diana asked for a motion to approve the 2014-15 budget. Wanda McCauley motioned and Melissa Minster 2nd. All present approved.
  10. Audit - TedGrolimund explained that he was requested to do an audit. He reviewed the banking statements utilizing a cash basis for accounting so, as money comes then money can go out. He reviewed all months through April. He will review May when the statement for May arrives. Ted stated that balances were accurate.

2013/14 Budget / 2013/14 Actual / Variance / 2014/15 Budget
Budget Report
Mowing/Tree Pruning / $ 1,000.00 / $ - / $ 500.00
Snow Plowing / $1,750.00 / $2,657.00 / $2,500.00
Road Repair / $6,850.00 / $ - / Funds allocated to Meade Contract / $6,850.00
Road Spraying / $400.00 / $ 84.22 / $100.00
Special Road Fund / $ 17,045.34 / $3,563.15
Gates/Camers Supp/Rep / $640.00 / $193.04 / $446.96 / $300.00
Web Site Maintenance / $200.00 / $ 75.00 / $125.00 / $75.00
Road Signs / $50.00 / $12.00 / $38.00 / $50.00
Community Day / $ 250.00 / $127.16 / $122.84 / $250.00
Taxes/Licenses / $35.00 / $25.00 / $ (10.00) / $35.00
Check Charge / $24.00 / $36.00 / $ (12.00) / $40.00
Copy/Printing / $100.00 / $ - / $100.00 / $100.00
Postage / $40.00 / $ 99.96 / $ (59.96) / $100.00
Electric / $ 260.00 / $192.12 / $67.88 / $200.00
Insurance / $ 620.00 / $712.90 / $ (92.90) / $725.00
Attorney Fees/Liens / $300.00 / $ - / $ 300.00 / $300.00
TOTAL AMOUNT / $ 2,519.00 / $21,259.74 / $446.96 / $15,688.15
Special Project Fund/Snow / $1,385.82 / $957.00 / $428.82 / $428.82
Starting Savings Balance on 6/1/13: $15,028.26
Ending Savings Balance on 5/31/14: $15,044.84
Stating Checking Balance on 6/1/13: $13,759.70
Ending Checking Balance on 5/31/14: $4716.23
  1. Committee Reports
  2. Road Committee Report

-Brian Reid presented the Road Committee report:

-He thanked all volunteers for the help during the volunteer work day, and all the volunteers that are mowing the grass at the entrance and common area and maintaining our roads at no cost to the association.

-June and July were very bad for roads.

-The board decided to make culverts a priority and voted to make these improvements. We considered three contractors and went with MEADE because he had an excavator to perform the work and had a very competitive price. The board went with best value. He also provided a road grader to repair the road after stone was placed. Meade also has an invested interest with MM since he does the snow removal

-He removed and hauled away three culverts and two were replaced by one large 43” culvert. The large plastic black culverts are supposed to be far superior to galvanized culverts.

-He re-graded two miles of road with a road grader.

-He hauled in 142 tons of road base stone and used a vibrator to pound it in.

-There were 10 plowable snow storms with bitter cold after the plowing. This required quite a bit of stone to prevent slipping on road.

-Cut back overgrowth near the Dynes home.

-Sprayed the roads with weed killer.

-During the winter several trees fell onto the road particularly the Thatcher’s property.

-Starting in April we had road surface stone placed on the roads. It helps to keep the rain from running off and damaging the road. It’s a lot of work but it’s needed.

-We replaced the batteries in the gate.

-For the coming year, we plan to keep a high priority for road maintenance. Culverts, stone and road maintenance is the highest priority.

-We opened the road committee for new members. Dennie Earling requested to be on the committee but didn’t want to sign the hold harmless form. He will be allowed to be on the committee but will not be allowed to help without signing the form.

-Short discussion about pot holes and best material to fill the holes.

-Wanda asked about dust spraying – Agreed to do a small test area.

-PotomacEdison – Tree trimming. Fire in front of neighborhood from falling tree. Fortunately it was caught early. We believe that caused the trees to be trimmed. We feel they have been doing a good job.

  1. Gate Committee Report

-Changed the batteries on Gate.

  1. Old Business
  2. Speed Bumps. We have not been able to come up with a solution. We are trying to find a way to enforce the speed limit. Mrs Carver (107 MM Lane) is very upset with the speeding. We are very much open to ideas. This has been an issue for years. There is a speed limit posted but there is no enforcement mechanism.The board is reviewing covenants and bylaws to see what updates need to be made to provide the board some authority to uphold the speed limit.
  1. Election of Officers
  2. President: Diana Shally - Grolimund was nominated by Wanda, Robin 2nd and Diana accepted for President and approved unanimously (44) for a two year term (June 1, 2014- May 31, 2016)
  3. Treasurer: Robin Reid was nominated by Nantz and 2nd by Caroline Painter for Treasurer and approved unanimously (44) for a two year term (June 1, 2014- May 31, 2016).
  4. Tom: highlighted the terms left for current board.
  5. New Business – Homeowners Forum
  6. Diana explained the opportunity for homeowners to express their concerns. They should limit it to 3 minutes per person.
  7. Ron Pelton expressed how Misty Meadows was a nice place to live. Wanda McCauley announced that she was now living in Misty Meadows full time.
  8. Dennis Earling went first on a concern. He expressed his concern about being removed in 2012 as chairman of the road committee and how and why he was removed.

-Diana explained that Dennie was not removed. She said that in 2012 she explained that no chair or member of the board can be paid for their services. It is a conflict of interest for the chairman to determine the requirements for repair, perform the repairs and then get reimbursed for the work. The board wanted a check and balance in place to prevent a conflict of interest.

-Hefelt strongly that we tried to remove him. Diana assured him that we did not remove him and there was no attempt to deny him any information. Diana apologized if that was the impression.

-Due to the extent of the proceeding discussion,Wandaasked for the sense of the group for the discussion to be taken offline to a regular board meeting.It was 2nd by Diana and approved by all members. The group agreedto take this discussion offline. Diana will contact Dennis when the next board meeting will be held.

  1. Adjournment
  2. Robin moved to hold next year’s meeting as suggested on 13 June 2015. Brian seconded, approved unanimously (44).
  3. Diana announced that next year’s annual meeting would be held on Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 3pm followed by a community picnic at the Common Area.
  • Nantz Rickard moved to adjourn, Kevin 2nd the motion. Approved unanimously (44).
  • The meeting was adjourned at 4:48 PM.