Missouri Valley
Soccer Club
Table of Contents
Missouri Valley Soccer Club Mission3
Current Missouri Valley Teams4
Required Registration & Documentation5
Uploading Players’ Pictures to GotSoccer Website6
Travel Permits7
Financial Information (Record-Keeping)8
Volunteer Opportunities9
League/Tournament Websites9
League Information10
Popular Tournaments10
Uniform Information11
Sample Roster Information12
MYSA Emergency Medical Release & Liability Waiver13
Player Coach Parent Participation Agreement…………………………………………………………………………………………….14-17
Registration Form……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18
Tryout Evaluation Form……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19
Missouri Valley Soccer Club
The Missouri Valley Soccer Club is passionately dedicated to enhancing the lives of our local children through the joy of competitive soccer. The committed team of volunteers that makes up our organization has remained true to two basic principles: to educate our youth and to nurture passion in all that they do. We use the tools of competitive soccer to build these young players into strong, excited, productive members of society.
What started in 2005 as a couple of dads sharing their love for a game with their bright-eyed daughters has developed into an opportunity to build up the corner stone of our community. This once small desire to coach and play now provides for more than 140 members, their families, and the growing fleet of supporters who see the chance to make a difference. It all began with one solid kick of a soccer ball, and currently represents nine full rosters of players both boys and girls, aged 7 to 18. The players are showing up and working hard. The fans are excited and the fields are full!
We will continue to work hard so the kids can play. From a game, we will show them the values that support a healthy life. Hard work, dedication, team work and the courage to recognize the joy in taking care of others is our goal for them and for YOUR child!
Join us in our mission. Take the time to investigate our club. We have the full support of the SJYSA, and they have played an essential part in integrating our competitive club in the Saint Joseph community. Thank you SJYSA!
Current Missouri Valley Teams:(2015/2016 season)
Team / Head Coach / Assistant Coach / Team ManagerU0 Shy Ninjas (Boys) / Chad Thompson / (Open) / Dee Jungbluth
U10 Shock (Girls) / Mitchell Colwell / (Open) / Tonya Colwell
U10 Blaze (Boys) / Kasey Waterman / (Open) / (Open)
U11 Revolution (Boys) / Liam Catherall / Steve Bowie& Josh Hewitt / Holly Bowie & Danielle Hewitt
U11 (Un-named – Girls) / Scottie Burnham / (Open) / (Open)
U12 Fury (Girls) / Christi Shaffer / Nate Anderson / Dana Anderson
U12 Cyclones (Boys) / Mitchell Colwell / Jim Cera / Tonya Colwell
U13 Dynamite (Girls) / Ashley Grunder / Jerrad Elliott / Becky Lower
U14 Crush (Girls) / Steve Bowie / Dennis RosonkeKaitlyn Houp / Holly Bowie & Dennis Rosonke
U14 United (Boys) / Perrin Jungbluth / Mike McAvoy / Dee Jungbluth
U15 Titans (Girls) / Rick Williams / Steve Bowie & Sarah Degarmo / Michaelene Bardo
U18 Storm (Boys) / Joe Janner / Michael Hindhaugh / Joe Janner
U19 Fire (Girls) / Malcolm Vaughn / (Open) / Melanie Schneller
- All teams are REQUIRED to have a tryout in order to add players to their team.
- Tryouts are held in June each year.
- All tryout participants must complete a Missouri Valley Soccer Club Registration Form
- As soon as tryouts are over, you need to finalize your roster – MUST be turned in to the Club Registrar (Diane Slawson) no later than July 1st.
- Winter tryouts will be allowed – however, any player you wish to add MUST NOT BE associated with any SJYSA rec team.
- Teams choose their own practice times.
- Teams can practice at the SJYSA rec fields at Riverside.
- Feel free to contact any of the other MVSC teams to scrimmage at any time!
Required Registration & Documentation
- SJYSA Registration - All competitive players MUST also be registered through SJYSA (even if they’re not playing on a rec team). This fee covers your players’ insurance for practicing at the rec facility at Riverside.
- This MUST be completed BEFORE your competitive roster can be created and finalized by the Club Registrar. [MUST be done prior to August 1st each year – please have your players registered as soon as possible once they receive their email notification that registration is open. ‘The sooner the better!’].
- Roster & Cards - Once all players are registered through SJYSA, contact Diane Slawson at SJYSA – turn your roster information in; she can then create, finalize and print your competitive roster. [Diane can begin this process no earlier than August 1st]. *Rosters are locked after August 1st.
- At this time she’ll also print your player cards.
- Player cards will be laminated. You should place them on a ring and have them available at all times when you’re playing – they’re checked by the directors and refs at all competitive games.
- Roster and player cards no longer require players’ signatures. However, you can have them sign both if you’d prefer.
- Rosters and player cards are replaced each season.
- Medical Waivers – each competitive player MUST have a medical waiver signed each season. A copy of the medical waiver is attached to this document. (This document no longer needs to be notarized).
- You’ll need to have copies of medical waivers with you at each event as well.
Uploading Players’ Pictures to GotSoccer
- User Login (at top of screen)
- Log in to your Team Account
- Home – then Roster (this is what you’ll see):
- Click on the players’ name & this will open their profile:
- Click on ‘change’. This will allow you to choose the new picture which was saved on your computer. Browse your computer and find the correct photo then hit ‘upload image’:
- Once you hit ‘upload image’ it will take you back to the players’ profile – check to assure photo has been uploaded correctly. Then move to the next player, continuing until all of your players’ photos are visible on your roster.
Travel Permits
Anytime a team travels out of state for an event (league or tournament), you MUST register for a “travel permit”. [You need to do this at least 1 week in advance & have a copy printed out and with you when you attend the event].
- User Login (at top of screen)
- Under team account, “Create your account”
- Events
- Permission to Travel
- ‘E-Travel Search’ for your event OR choose ‘e-Travel Other Event’ if not found
- Complete your information
Travel permit costs $15 for each event (League counts as “1” event for each season).
Financial Information (Record-Keeping):
- Each team is responsible for keeping their own checking accounts.
- Debit Cards – much easier for registering for tournaments, etc…
- Financial information must be available anytime a Board Member asks for it – please keep your records up-to-date.
- The SJYSA Board of Directors requires copies of each team’s bank statements twice per year – in January and in July.
- We turn this in to Becky Lower, the MVSC Treasurer and she’ll turn the entire Club’s information into the SJYSA Board.
- Heartland League Fees – we like to send registration fees for league in KC together as a Club. Send your team’s registration fee to Becky Lower prior to the expected deadline & she’ll send one check in for everyone.
- All teams can register and pay for their own tournaments out of their team accounts.
- Teams are allowed to do their own fundraising and keep their earnings in their team account.
Volunteer Opportunities:
- We, as a club, like to be actively involved in volunteering with the SJYSA rec.
- Some opportunities:
- Bingo – portion of the proceeds is donated back to the MVSC if there’s Club volunteers
- Setting up Fields – moving goals, replacing nets, painting lines on fields, etc… - done before each season. It’s so much easier & gets done so much quicker with more volunteers!
- Move Fields – periodically through the season, they move the fields to help salvage the grass. We volunteer to help with this process – again, it’s easier with more volunteers!
- Any other opportunity that arises!
- We also like to support one another & build comradery with the club. Anytime you have the opportunity, please watch another MVSC team’s game!
- We also have begun holding MVSC events – some examples: tailgate at a Missouri Western soccer game; winter indoor practice at the Missouri Western Indoor Facility.
League/Tournament Websites:
League – Heartland Soccer Association in Overland Park, KS
Some Popular Tournaments to be looking for:
Challenger Tournaments:
Heartland Soccer Association Tournaments:
Other Tournaments:
Uniform Information:
- Uniforms for the MV Soccer Club are Orange and White.
- The entire club will wear matching uniforms.
- Socks can be chosen by each team but should be orange and/or white.
- Anytime there will be a change in uniform, a committee is formed – each team will be asked for a representative for the committee. If teams choose to not send a representative, they will not be included on the committee.
- Once a uniform is decided upon by the committee, it’s taken to the Board for final approval.
- Uniforms are ordered as a Club – each team’s uniform representative will be responsible for getting their order to the Club uniform representative for ordering. Payments for uniforms must be received prior to ordering.
- Several teams have ordered warm-up jackets and other items. This can be ordered individually or can be ordered with the Club order in order to use the Club order discount.
- Fan Gear – each team’s fans can design and order ‘fan gear’ on their own. Several teams in the past have used Dreamweaver Graphics & 1st Street Graphics as their vendors.
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Revised 04.22.14
Player Name / Date of Birth / Parents Name / Email / Phone Numbers / Jersey # / Shorts Size / Jersey Size / Sock SizeYouth or Adult S/M/L / Youth or Adult S/M/L
Head Coach:
Assistant Coach:
Team Manager:
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Revised 04.22.14
Player’s Name: ______Date of Birth: ______Gender: ______
Father’s Name: ______Home Phone:______Work Phone:______
Mother’s Name: ______Home Phone:______Work Phone:______
In an emergency, when parents cannot be reached, please contact:
Name: ______Home Phone: ______Work Phone:______
Name: ______Home Phone:______Work Phone:______
Other Medical Conditions:______
Player’s Physician: ______Home Phone: ______Work Phone:______
Medical and/or Hospital Insurance Company: ______Phone:______
Policy Holder: ______Policy #: ______Group #:______
Recognizing the possibility of injury or illness, and in consideration for US Youth Soccer and members of US Youth Soccer accepting my son/daughter as a player in the soccer programs and activities of US Youth Soccer and its members (the "Programs"), I consent to my son/daughter participating in the Programs. Further, I hereby release, discharge, and otherwise indemnify US Youth Soccer, its member organizations and sponsors, their employees, associated personnel, and volunteers, including the owner of fields and facilities utilized for the Programs, against any claim by or on behalf of my player son/daughter as a result of my son's/daughter’s participation in the Programs and/or being transported to or from the Programs. I hereby authorize the transportation of my son/daughter to or from the Programs.
My player son/daughter has received a physical examination by a licensed medical doctor and has been found physically capable of participating in the sport of soccer. I have provided written notice, which is submitted in conjunction with this release and attached hereto, setting forth any specific issue, condition, or ailment, in addition to what is specified above, that my child has or that may impact my child's participation in the Programs. I give my consent to have an athletic trainer and/or licensed medical doctor or dentist provide my son/daughter with medical assistance and/or treatment and agree to be financially responsible for the reasonable cost of any such assistance and/or treatment.
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date
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Revised 04.22.14
It is the intention of Missouri Valley Soccer Club to present this information only as a guideline. The following commitments and expectations are not intended to account for every conceivable example of unacceptable behavior. Missouri Valley Soccer Club will consider the spirit as well as the documentation of the incident when addressing any transgression.
As a Missouri Valley Soccer Club Player, I:
understand that my actions, good and bad, reflect directly not only on myself but also on the team, and Missouri Valley Soccer Club. A team and club’s reputation is built on behavior, courtesy, sportsmanship and playing ability
will exhibit proper behavior, fair play, respect and sportsmanship towards all parties at every practice, game, tournament or at any related events. I will also encourage this behavior from my teammates, coaches, officials, parents and supporters.
will make a personal commitment to achieve academic success in the classroom to the best of my abilities.
will not engage in physical or verbal confrontations with players, coaches, officials or fans before, during or after practices and games.
will not "guest play" for another Club’s soccer team. Missouri Valley Soccer Club players are not allowed to guest play on teams outside of the Missouri Valley Soccer Club program.
will be humble, generous and gracious in victory; courteous and dignified in defeat
be on time and attend all practices and games
will wear my uniform in a proper and complete fashion; socks will be pulled up and jerseys tucked in
will participate with focus and commitment at all practices and games
will inform the coach or team administrator if I will be late for, or unable to attend a practice or game
will inform my coach or team administrator immediately of any injury
will never leave a practice or game without the permission of my coach
will practice on my own
will abide by the “FIFA Rules of the Game” and the rules, policies and procedures of Missouri Valley Soccer Club, Heartland Soccer Association and any corresponding tournament
understand that the amount of playing time I receive in games will be based on my skills, punctuality, attitude and practice/game performance. I know that I may receive more or less playing time than my teammates and playing time is not guaranteed.
will never use a controlled substance (drugs), tobacco products or drink alcoholic beverages for recreational purposes. Proven substance use and/or possession are cause for immediate dismissal from Missouri Valley Soccer Club
will approach the coach first (with parent in attendance if necessary) regarding any soccer related concerns or questions
I have read and fully understand the Missouri Valley Soccer Club PLAYER COMMITMENTS AND EXPECTATIONS as it pertains to my participation in Missouri Valley Soccer Club.
First offense:
A meeting will take place with all involved parties (Player, Parent, Coach, Team Manager) to discuss the issue and ultimate resolution
Second offense:
A two-week suspension from all team activities will be enforced for the involved party
Third offense:
The person(s) in violation will be suspended from any team involvement for the remainder of the current season. Any future return to play/involvement will not be guaranteed but will be granted if reconciliation can be reached. Involvement will then be granted on a probationary basis. Any violation during that time may result in dismissal from Missouri valley Soccer Club.
If an offense is severe in nature, Missouri Valley Soccer Club reserves the right to move directly to the consequences of the second or third offense after which a meeting may take place.
As a Missouri Valley Soccer Club Coach, I:
understand that I am a role model and must lead by example. I set the standard for acceptable behavior by exhibiting exemplary behavior at all times
will dress appropriately
Hats should be worn properly.
will exhibit proper behavior, fair play, respect and sportsmanship towards all parties at every practice, game, tournament or at any related events
understand that my actions, good and bad, reflect directly not only on myself but also on the team, and Missouri Valley Soccer Club. A team and club’s reputation is built on behavior, courtesy, sportsmanship and playing ability
understand that my first priority is the safety of the players assigned to my team. I will be on time for practices and games and will not leave an event, game or practice site until all of my team’s players are with their responsible guardian or parent
will maintain a clean well-kept appearance at all times while representing my team and club
will be enthusiastic with all players, motivating and encouraging them through positive reinforcement
will abide by the “FIFA Rules of the Game” and the rules, policies and procedures of Missouri Valley Soccer Club, Heartland Soccer Association and any corresponding tournament
understand that I am responsible for the proper behavior and conduct of my assistant coaches as well as my players, parents and supporters
understand that all interactions with referees must be courteous and I am expected to display the proper respect when communicating with any official
understand that the use of profanity or vulgar language is unacceptable
will be humble, generous and gracious in victory; courteous and dignified in defeat
will provide a well-organized, fun, safe and disciplined practice environment
will inform the team manager if I will be late for, or unable to attend, a practice or game. If this occurs I will secure a substitute if I am unable to attend
will ensure that all players wear their uniforms in a proper and complete fashion; socks should be pulled up and jerseys tucked into their shorts
will be responsible for cleaning up the field or bench area after practices and games
will provide cooperation to coaches within my team’s age group and Missouri Valley Soccer Club
will never encourage or tolerate the use of controlled substances (drugs); or the abuse of tobacco and alcohol
I have read and fully understand the Missouri Valley Soccer Club COACHES COMMITMENTS and EXPECTATIONS as it pertains to my participation in Missouri Valley Soccer Club.
First offense:
A meeting will take place with all involved parties (Player, Parent, Coach, Director and Team Manager) to discuss the issue and ultimate resolution
Second offense:
A two-week suspension from all team activities will be enforced for the involved party.
Third offense:
The person(s) in violation will be suspended from any team involvement for the remainder of the current season. Any future return to play/involvement will not be guaranteed but will be granted if reconciliation can be reached. Involvement will then be granted on a probationary basis. Any violation during that time may result in dismissal from Missouri Valley Soccer Club.
If an offense is severe in nature, Missouri Valley Soccer Club reserves the right to move directly to the consequences of the second or third offense after which a meeting may take place.