Missouri Geographic Information Systems Advisory Committee

Annual Report Draft

July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008







4.1 MGISAC Administration 6

Meetings held in Jefferson City at the Conservation Department: 6

Membership and Attendance: 6

Executive Activity: 6

State GIO Report: 6

By-laws Changes: 8

Nominations: 8

Treasurer's Report: 8

Subcommittee Purpose, Goals, and Objectives: 8

4.2 MGISAC Full Committee Projects 8

Data Sharing: 8

Rural GIS Summit: 8

Phone Bridge: 9

NHD Grant Report: 9

FLAIR Act Support: 9

4.3 MGISAC Subcommittee Reports 9

Data Development: 9

Funding and Grants: 9

Homeland Security/Emergency Management: 9

Local Government: 10

Outreach & Education: 10

Strategic Planning: 11

4.4 MGISAC Liaison Reports 11

GIT Architecture (MAEA): 11

Policy & Legislation: 11

MSDIS Activities: 12

Missouri GIS Conference: 12

MAGIC Consortium: 13

4.5 Cooperating Agency/Organizations 13

Federal/NRCS: 13

Federal/USGS: 14

Missouri Association of Councils of Governments (MACOG): 14

Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership (MoRAP): 14

Missouri Mappers Association (MMA): 14

Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors (MSPS): 15

National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC): 15

4.6 Round Table Discussion 15


Since there was no documented Annual Work Plan or Annual Agenda, this Executive Summary will summarize the workings and actions of the Missouri GIS Advisory Committee (MGISAC) based on the meeting minutes. The detailed report items are documented in the Theme Area section below.

The Missouri GIS Advisory Committee meets monthly and includes representation from Missouri State Agencies, Local and County Agencies, Federal Agencies, academia, and other interested parties. A typical meeting consists of a standing agenda of reporting by the Missouri State Geographic Information Officer (GIO), MGISAC Subcommittees, Liaisons to the MGISAC, and Cooperating Agencies and Organizations. This report covers the period of July 2007- June 2008 as documented in Meeting Minutes. Below is a general summary of action and discussion during the report period:

State GIO action:

·  Development of the GIO position as relates to being a paid position.

·  Focus on Strategic Plan (Mapping Missouri’s Future)

·  Focus on Contracts relating to Imagery for the State

·  Focus on State Contracts regarding geospatial software and hardware. (GIS and Global Positioning Systems (GPS))

By-laws Changes:

·  Mostly regarding position of Treasurer and duties involved.

Membership Nominations:

·  There were 5 nominations to the MGISAC, new or replacements for open seats.

Treasurer’s Report/Financial Action:

·  Creation of the Treasurer position

·  Creation of the Finance Subcommittee

·  Appropriation of funds for the period for various MGISAC functions

·  Beginning balance of $14,252.45, Ending balance of $13,058.52

MGISAC Full Committee Projects:

·  Data Sharing Position Statement (discussions and development of an official position)

·  Imagery for the State (development of aerial photo program and projects for Missouri)

·  Rural GIS Summit

·  MGISAC Treasurer position and Finance Subcommittee (creation and bylaws changes)

·  Federal Lands Asset Inventory Reform (FLAIR) Act support

MGISAC Subcommittees:

·  Data Development

o  Imagery for the State

·  Funding and Grants

o  Fifty States Grant for Strategic Planning

o  CAP Grant for data collection in Southeast Missouri

·  Homeland Security/Emergency Response

o  Project Homeland

o  Missouri Emergency Resource Information System (MERIS)

·  Local Government

o  Working with Local Governments in conjunction with Outreach &Education

·  Outreach & Education

o  Local and Regional Workshops

o  GIS Day

o  Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Workshop

·  Strategic Planning

o  Development of Mapping Missouri’s Future

o  Annual Report (2006-2007)

o  No Annual Work Plan (2007-2008)

·  Finance

o  Newly created Treasurer position

o  Bylaws developed to govern position

o  Finance Subcommittee newly forming

MGISAC Liaison Reports:

·  Geographic Information Technology (GIT) Architecture

o  Interest in Missouri Adaptive Enterprise Architecture (MAEA) diminished statewide

·  Policy and Legislation

o  FLAIR Act

o  Management Association for Private Photogrammetric Surveyors (MAPPS) lawsuit

·  Missouri Spatial Data Information service (MSDIS) Activities

o  Quarterly Reports

o  Data Backups for Statewide Data

o  Clearinghouse Activities

o  Metadata Workshops

·  Missouri GIS Conference

o  Planning Activities for 2009 conference

·  Mid-America GIS Consortium (MAGIC)

o  2008 Symposium

o  Random Access Metadata tool for Online National Assessments (RAMONA) (Now GIS Inventory) Grant from NSGIC

o  Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP) Grant for Metadata Workshops

Cooperating Agencies/Organization Reports:

·  Federal/National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

o  National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP)

o  LiDAR

o  Common Land Unit (CLU)

·  Federal/United States Geological Survey (USGS)

o  National Map

o  Funding Partnerships

·  Missouri Association of Councils of Governments (MACOG)

o  No Reports

·  Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership (MoRAP)

o  Archaeology Database

o  Statewide Land Cover

·  Missouri Mappers Association (MMA)

o  2007 Conference

·  Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors (MSPS)

o  Cadastral Standards

o  Cooperation of GIS and Surveyor communities

·  National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC)

o  Imagery for the Nation

o  National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC)

o  Council of Geospatial Organizations (COGO)

o  RAMONA (Now GIS Inventory)

Round Table Discussion (General topics of discussion at the end of each meeting):

·  Imagery for the State White Papers

·  Strategic Planning Activities

·  MAGIC Awards

·  Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) Imagery Project cooperation with Imagery for the State

·  LiDAR Interest

·  American Community Survey (US Census)


The Strategic Planning Subcommittee of the Missouri Geographic Information Systems Advisory Committee (MGISAC) is tasked with maintaining the MGISAC Strategic Plan, Annual Work Plan (July through June), and the Annual Report.

The relationship between the Strategic Plan, Work Plan, and Annual Plan has been an evolving one, but generally, the Annual Work Plan is developed from the Strategic Plan, and the Annual Report is developed by subcommittee chairs and co-chairs.

For the 2003-2004 period, MGISAC produced a task oriented Work Plan and an Annual Report. The MGISAC Strategic Plan was adopted by the MGISAC at its December 2003 meeting. For the 2004-2005 period, MGISAC produced a task oriented Work Plan and an Annual Report. For the 2005-2006 period, MGISAC produced a task oriented Work Plan whose scope was extended to the 2006-2007 period. There was also an Annual Report produced for 2005-2006 and for 2006-2007. The MGISAC Strategic Plan prescribes biennial updates which were to be completed during 2005-2006. A Draft Review of the 2003 Strategic Plan was completed in 2006, at which time grant work began for the 50 States Initiative Grant later awarded to the MGISAC to perform Strategic Planning. Work will continue at the GIO and MGISAC level to develop work plan documents for pertinent areas of Mapping Missouri’s Future. For MGISAC, there was no Work Plan for 2007-2008. Since the Annual Report should be based on the Annual Work Plan, there will be no traditional Annual Report for 2007-2008. Instead, this report will summarize the MGISAC proceedings according to the meeting minutes of the Monthly MGISAC meetings, a review of recent documentation on the MGISAC website (http://www.mgisac.org/Main/HomePage) as well as review the 2005-2007 Work Plan as if it were extended to the 2007-2008 period.

The MGISAC, although it does not have a current Work Plan, does have an active subcommittee structure. The subcommittees include Data Development, Funding and Grants, Homeland Security, Local Government, Outreach and Education, and Strategic Planning. Subcommittees have regular meetings and have standing items for reporting on all MGISAC regular meeting agendas. Statewide coordination and communication of geographic information technology has been a priority in all subcommittee activity.

The Strategic Planning Subcommittee has been in somewhat of a state of flux during 2007-2008. As of July 2008, there is a chairperson but no structured committee. For this report, the Annual Work Report was developed strictly through review of the full MGISAC committee meeting minutes.


Upon review of the MGISAC Purpose and Objectives as well as the Vision and Mission stated in the most recent MGISAC Strategic Plan and most recent Work Plan document, these items parallel that of the content of Mapping Missouri’s Future Strategic Plan recently adopted by the Missouri GIO. The terminology in the MGISAC Strategic Plan and the content contained in the Bylaws are similar but have different names. The Strategic plan refers to “Vision and Mission” while the Bylaws refers to “Purpose and Objectives”.


4.1 MGISAC Administration

Meetings held in Jefferson City at the Conservation Department:

·  2007: July 12, Aug 9, Sept 13, Oct 11, Nov 8, Dec 13

·  2008: Jan 10, Feb 14, Mar 13, Apr 10, May 7, June 12

Membership and Attendance:

·  Ex-Officio Members: Tim Haithcoat, Tony Spicci, Mark Duewell

·  State Members: Debbie Briedwell, David Finch, Bobbie Sue Koelling, Jeff Schloss, Beth Struempf, Mike Sutherland, Becky Veit, Arnold Williams, Colin Duewell, Matt Hesser, Renee Robinson

·  Cooperating Members: Elizabeth Cook, David Drum, Mike Duncan, Ray Fox, Dawn Hilderbrand, Pam Kelrick, Curtis Koons, Kevin Kuhlmann, Jim LaScala, Steve Marsh, Gary Mook, Greg Resz, Ed Siegmund, Kim Swisher, Diane True, Sarah Murray

·  Other Attendees at meetings: Mark Allen (Lafayette County), Josie Bock (Springfield), Tim Bohn (Surdex), Eric Foster (Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), Renee Robinson (Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MoDNR)), Jamie Schieber (Custom Meeting Planners), Ed Turner (Surdex, Inc.), Kay Chilton (Hickory County Assessor), Tim Donze (Surdex, Inc.), Nathan Mattox (University of Missouri -Extension), Jeff Patridge (Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MDHSS)), Dan Ross (Missouri Chief Information Officer), Aaron Addison (Washington University), Bill Bott (Missouri Deputy Chief Information Officer), Joe Clayton (Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) & Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors (MSPS)), Jason Ebersole (MoDOT), Donna Rehagen (Missouri Department of Social Services), Melissa McClain (St. Louis County), Stan Balsman (Southeast Missouri Regional Planning Commission),
Kim Burns (Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)), Matt Hesser (State Demographer), Kurt Schulz (National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA)), Melissa Johnson (Cole County GIS), Brian Parr (MARC), Lindell Bates (Sanborn, Inc.), Paul Riechart (MoDOT), Tracy Schloss (MDHSS), Curt Schultz (NGA), Joe Clayton (MSPS), Brian Baker (The Sidwell Company), Sonny Sanders (City of Jefferson), Dave Gauseroll (City of Sullivan), Leslie Chamberlin (Camden County Management Information Systems/GIS), Ken Olive (Camden County Assessor's Office), J. Michael Flowers (MoDNR Land Survey Program), Robert Ross (MoDNR Land Survey Program), Darrell D. Pratte (MoDNR Land Survey Program), Jason Warzinik (Boone County GIS), Jonathan Bode (Boone County GIS), Rick Childers (City of Richmond), Justin Fristoe (Pioneer Trails Regional Planning Commission), Jason Hinsen (Geographic Resources Center, University of Missouri), Matt Kohler (MOREnet), Christian Oros (Missouri State Highway Patrol)

Executive Activity:

The Executive action taken during this report period included:

·  Bid Western Half of Missouri State Imagery Project.

·  GIO position filled as shared position.

·  Transferred MGISAC Ex-Officio Membership position for MSDIS to Mark Duewell.

·  Created Treasurer position in MGISAC, nominations and election held, Elizabeth Cook elected.

·  Regular elections held Steve Marsh new MGISAC Chair, Pam Kelrick new Vice-Chair, David Drum re-elected Secretary.

State GIO Report:

The State GIO duties have been split during this report period between Tony Spicci and Tim Haithcoat. The GIO reports on items of interest in the near future as well as status on statewide efforts that are current or recently completed. Those items listed here are taken from meeting minutes and may be detailed further in other sections of this report where applicable to a subcommittee or other report:

·  Imagery for the State Western Half: Request for Proposal (RFP) sent, Proposals returned, Awarded Contract. Eastern MO imagery (2006) finalized.

·  Emergency Response/Homeland Security: Project Homeland (Department of Homeland Security/ESRI) envisioned to allow data to move back and forth during an event; State Emergency Operations Center was up and operational for ice storm. Community of Interest Meeting (COIN) on Emergency management & Homeland Security in Missouri.

·  Fifty States Initiative grant used for Strategic Planning sessions and report to produce Mapping Missouri’s Future. Statewide meetings held, report and plan drafted and approved in 2008. Business Plans to follow.

·  GIS Day Held at Missouri State Capital

·  National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) dues paid.

·  Missouri GIS Conference 2009: Tan-Tar-A chosen as site. Work underway to plan the conference.

·  Voting Precincts: 45 of 115 counties responded; Cadastral mapping state standard being drafted as legislation; Redistricting will not actually happen until 2010 Census. Block Boundary Suggestion Project & Voting Precincts Project with Matt Hesser.

·  State Trimble GPS purchasing contract: Lapsing Dec. 31; GIO planning to set up competitive bid process for a state contract; no other record in minutes of status.

·  State ESRI contract : Lapsing Feb. 28, negotiations in progress; no record in minutes of status.

·  LIDAR meeting scheduled to write/review sections of an RFP.

·  Cadastral standards development will be restarted and completed by March or April 2009; no other record in minutes of status.

·  Graphic design bid came in extremely high and needs to be redone; no other record in minutes of status.

·  Letter from MGISAC to NSGIC and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) sent regarding redirection concerns of funding from USDA NAIP program.

·  Governor's office, et al. want to map rural wireless internet availability. May have some input into the process.

·  Discussed Earmark Joann Emerson got an earmark from the Dep't of Justice for $1.2 million for oblique imagery, hoping to change that to LIDAR.

·  Cadastral standards White Paper out to public from Dan Ross' (CIO) office; Panel discussion at Missouri Mappers conference. Looking at State Tax mapping standards. MSPS, MGISAC, Missouri Mappers Association (MMA), State Tax Commission (STC), Assessors all need to be involved.

·  Missouri Digital Summit planning progress and geospatial component discussed.

·  GIO attended MO Society of Professional Surveyors meeting concerning digital representation of cadastral mapping – issues and opportunities.

·  Met with Terrago – makers of GeoPDF product. Worked towards a state master purchase agreement for their software; no record of status in minutes.