Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Present: Edie Wasyliszn (SBE); Kenna Bolton Holz (HBJD) Peter Cook (NS); Olawole Famule (VA); Eric Edwards (SI); Wendy Kropid (WLLC); Chad Vollrath (COMM); Jamie White-Farnham (WLS); Amanda Zbacnik (TED); Jim Geidner (HHP); Richard Robbins (MUSI); Serguei Berzoukov (MCS)
Guests: Jeff Kirschling, (Registrar), Julie Gard (WLS), Dean Yohnk (Dean), Suzanne Griffith (Assoc. Dean)
The meeting of the University Undergraduate Academic Affairs Council was called to order at 2:35 p.m. by Wendy Kropid, Chair Pro Tempore in Swenson 3004.
Motion to approve agenda. Eric/Richard. Approved.
Motion to approve November 22, 2016 minutes. Peter/Wole. Approved.
- Chair: No report.
- Secretary: No report.
- General Education Committee: Very good USP progress.
- Registrar: No report.
- Dean of Faculties and Graduate Studies. More effective scheduling practices coming up.
Items for Discussion/Information
- BUSI 430: Course Description Change
Items up for a Vote
a. HHP and WITC Nursing articulation agreement. Move to approve Eric/Sergeui. Degree completion for major in Community Public Health. Students already have their RN from WITC, and this would be their Bachelors. Approved.
b. HHP and Anoka-Ramsey articulation agreement. Move to approve Wole/Richard. Students with an Assoc. degree in Public Health into our Community Public Health degree here. Approved.
c. WRIT and Anoka-Ramsey articulation agreement. Move to approve Jamie/Eric. Students from Association in Fine Arts into our Writing major and options for the English minor. Approved.
d. New course proposal: HLTH 472. Move to approve Kenna/Eric. Has been offered as a Special Topics, but now it is part of the major, so is looking to become permanent. Approved.
e. Marketing Minor. Move to approve Jim/Edie. Focuses on less-quantitative courses, perhaps more attractive who have that focus. The marketing piece as opposed to supply-chain management. Students will have to apply for this minor. Approved.
f. T&L Change in course options and catalog copy for 2017-19. Move to approve Jim/Serguei. Approved.
g. COMM 104 for Fine Arts, Appreciation. Move to approve Kenna/Eric. Approved.
h. FREN 101 for WLCP. Move to approve Kenna/Eric. Approved.
i. GEOG 102 for Soc Sci. Move to approve. Peter/Richard. Approved.
j. GEOG 100 for Soc Sci. Move to approve. Peter/Richard. Approved.
k. WRIT 255* Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
l. SOW/FNS 386 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
m. PSYC 258 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
n. PSYC 270 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
o. PSYC 360 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
p. CJUS/GST 312 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
q. LSTU 365 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
r. HIST/GST 322 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
s. PHIL 250 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
t. PHIL 330 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
u. PHIL/GST 365 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
v. PHIL/GST 459 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
w. PHIL/GST 374 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
x. SPAN 315 Move to approve. Kenna/Eric. Approved.
y. SPAN 350 Move to approve. Kenna/Eric. Approved.
z. ENGL 228* Move to approve. Kenna/Eric. Approved.
aa. ENGL 229* Move to approve. Kenna/Eric. Approved.
bb. ENGL 328 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
cc. ANTH 320 Move to approve. Kenna/Eric. Approved.
dd. HIST 115* Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
ee. HIST 225* Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
ff. POLS 100* Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
gg. POLS 376 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
hh. SOCI 201* Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Discussion: best class ever. Approved.
ii. SPAN 303 Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
jj. ENGL 241* Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
kk. ENGL 242* Move to approve. Eric/Kenna. Approved.
ll. ECON 430 Move to approve. Kenna/Jamie. Approved.
mm. ECON 435 Move to approve. Kenna/Jamie. Approved.
nn. ECON 438 Move to approve. Kenna/Jamie. Discussion of double-dipping in Global and Diversity; planning sheet answers that question: no. Approved.
oo. ART 224 Move to approve. Wole/Eric. Approved
pp. ART 331 Move to approve. Wole/Eric. Approved.
Adjourned at 3:20pm.